響嚮音樂 KAYE'S IMAGINE MUSIC - Section 1

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地址 :

302, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Section 1, Shengli 7th St, 356號響嚮音樂 KAYE'S IMAGINE MUSIC

電話 : 📞 +889898
Postal code : 7
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/KayesImagineMusic/
城市 : th St

302, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Section 1, Shengli 7th St, 356號響嚮音樂 KAYE'S IMAGINE MUSIC
笑笑鄭 on Google

David on Google

環境舒服高雅 老闆娘親切
The environment is comfortable and elegant, and the boss is kind
游錫義 on Google

Optimal teaching of teachers, serious study environment, great recommendation
張維倫 on Google

Beautiful venue, teaching profession!
Ping Echo on Google

A good place to learn Guzheng. The teacher is kind and guides meticulously.
游凱婷 Kaye Yu on Google

High-quality classroom environment ~ the best choice for learning music in Zhubei!
王薇瑄 on Google

我是古箏愛好者,關注「松柏古箏」這個品牌有很長的一段時間了,也發現許多同好者或表演者、老師也都會投資「大清格格」或「經典125小箏款」,輾轉搜尋下,發現4/18新竹的「響嚮音樂教室」有在舉辦?響嚮音樂 X 松柏古箏專題講座?,報了名卻臨時有事不能前往,但每每看到社群網站使用經典款125小箏的演奏時,箏體沈穩的木頭紋路,圓潤的音色和質感度,讓我更加堅定想要收藏(終於找到理想中的標物?),FB上與張老師聯繫後,謝謝您不厭其煩精闢的介紹、客觀分析、不會讓買方覺得有被推銷、不舒服的壓力,了解後我才知道原來新竹的響嚮音樂就有代理松柏古箏!(整個撒花?)而且現在還有在辦活動,當中提了一些疑問,也都獲得耐心和細心的解答,這才是讓人有信心、有保障的音樂教室,松柏在台灣有四個據點,為何選擇新竹響嚮音樂,我想有一句話打動了我,「但凡是在我們響嚮音樂購買出去的商品、售後服務及保固一定都做到好,這是該給的保障」,後來到教室購箏遇到凱婷老師,言談中我知道您是一位很優秀的表演者和專業級老師,過程中的專業表現、活潑的個性我可以感受到當您的學生一定很棒,也不吝嗇的分享了很多資訊和活動,整體購買過程和互動是讓人很舒服、很放心,環境也很舒適、看到您們對品質的堅持與承諾,果然如當初所說一樣,有什麼狀況服務到滿意??,如果,未來要再選購大箏,我想,我仍舊會選擇響嚮音樂,因為您們的服務理念,會讓人第一時間說出:「就想跟您們買啊!」總之,整體的購箏過程,給了100分!!也謝謝廠商的加碼禮喔!(我是琬津喔) ??? #松柏古箏桃竹苗代理商-新竹響嚮音樂 #趕快私訊預約鑑賞和尋找好聲音 #就是要找游凱婷老師!?
I am a guzheng lover, and I have been following the brand "Songbai Guzheng" for a long time. I also found that many fans, performers, and teachers would also invest in "Daqing Gege" or "Classic 125 Xiaozheng". Next, I found that the "Xianxiang Music Classroom" in Hsinchu on 4/18 is holding a special lecture on Xiangxiang Music X Songbai Guzheng ?, but I can’t go there for a while, but I always see the classic 125 Xiaozheng on the social network. When playing, the calm wood texture of the Zheng body, the mellow tone and texture made me more determined to want to collect (finally found the ideal target ?), after contacting Teacher Zhang on FB, thank you for your incisive introduction , Objective analysis, and will not make the buyer feel the pressure of being promoted or uncomfortable. After understanding, I realized that Hsinchu’s Xiangxiang Music has the agent Songbai Guzheng! (The whole Sahua?) And there are still activities being held. Some questions were raised, and they were answered patiently and attentively. This is a music classroom with confidence and security. Songbai has four locations in Taiwan Why did you choose Hsinchu Xiangxiang Music? I think there is one sentence that touched me, "As long as we purchase products, after-sales service and warranty, this is the guarantee that should be given." When I went to the classroom to buy zithers and met Teacher Kai Ting, I knew that you are a very good performer and professional teacher. I can feel that your professional performance and lively personality in the process must be great when you are a student. I shared a lot of information and activities without hesitation. The overall purchase process and interaction are very comfortable and reassuring, and the environment is also very comfortable. Seeing your persistence and commitment to quality, it is true that what is the situation? Satisfaction with the service ??, if you want to buy Dazheng again in the future, I think I will still choose Xiangxiang Music, because your service concept will let people say the first time: "I just want to buy it from you Ah!" In short, 100 points were awarded for the overall purchase process! ! Thank you also for the extra gift! (I’m Wanjin) ??? #松柏古筝Peach and Bamboo Seedling Agent-Hsinchu Xiangxiang Music #Hurry up, private message, make an appointment to appreciate and find good voice # Is looking for Teacher You Kaiting! ?
Miffy on Google

因為女兒的二胡有換弦保養的需求,結識了響嚮音樂。音樂教室環境優美,老師很有耐心地仔細聆聽需求,也熱心提供建議。 很棒!?
Because her daughter's erhu needs to be changed and maintained, she got acquainted with Xiangxiang Music. The music classroom has a beautiful environment, and the teacher listens carefully to the needs patiently and is also enthusiastic to provide suggestions. Great! ?

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