Keelung Islet Promenade

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

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城市 : Keelung City

Keelung City,Taiwan
Ruby Wang on Google

夏天要注意午後雷陣雨 登山步道窄 只夠一人通行 小累 島上資源都是從本島運送過去的 希望大家愛護環境節約資源 不亂丟垃圾
Watch out for afternoon thunderstorms in summer The hiking trail is narrow, only enough for one person The resources on the island are all transported from the island I hope you all take care of the environment and save resources don't litter
YH C on Google

It takes manpower and material resources to construct an artificial trail of about 150 meters with sleeper cement along the coast of Keelung Island. Frankly speaking, it has caused a certain degree of damage to the natural beauty of the coastline. What is worse is that the proximity to the sea level underestimates the power of nature. For a long time, it was damaged due to the unbearable wind and waves, but it caused potential risks to tourists' travel safety. Another case of failure of public facilities led by laymen!
愛瘋的奔騎之旅 on Google

有機會在上來這美麗小島,雖然天氣不美麗,但我的心粉美麗來這走,一上岸過了山洞就開始漂雨,走到土地公那就開始下雨,但我還是不滅我的熱情一定要走上燈塔。 買4合一行程就對了,雖然它的時間排在下午,10月下午遇到天氣不好機率很高,又東北季風,所以要有心裡準備坐船會搖搖滾滾的暈倒? 完成了基隆嶼燈塔,也看了最特別的海上象鼻岩,真的很值得。
There is a chance to come to this beautiful island, although the weather is not beautiful, but my heart is beautiful to walk here, as soon as I get ashore and pass the cave, it starts to rain, and when I reach the land, it starts to rain, but I still immortal my enthusiasm Be sure to walk up to the lighthouse. It’s the right thing to buy a 4-in-1 itinerary. Although its time is in the afternoon, there is a high chance of bad weather in October afternoon and the northeast monsoon, so you must be prepared to take the boat and you will faint ? Completed the Keelung Island Lighthouse and saw the most special Elephant Trunk Rock on the sea. It is really worth it.
楊子 on Google

第一次來基隆嶼 覺得蠻特別的 坐船過來時 看到不同海流撞擊引起的小漩渦和浪花 景色很漂亮 天氣好的時候可以看到很遠處的景緻 唯一缺點是遮蔽物太少 大太陽的時候真的會很曬 所以要做好防曬和要帶水上去 因為島上沒有甚麼商店販賣東西 島上的廁所也算維持得很乾淨
Rivendell Wu on Google

2020/7/1 下午晴轉陰 從碧砂魚港出發航程約30分鐘,登島可找船家預約申請。 基隆嶼上有兩條步道,一條可以登到基隆嶼燈塔,另一條為平面步道,但盡頭就在登基隆嶼燈塔步道附近,可順便前往。 登頂大概花20-30分左右,在走步道時不時回頭看看海面景色,視野非常好,可看到發電廠。看著平靜的海面,心也跟著靜下來了。 整條步道無遮陰,須做好防曬跟準備較多飲水。 PS. 夏天時是壁虎繁殖季節,山洞隧道內會有些壁虎蛋黏在石壁上,須多加小心。
2020/7/1 in the afternoon It is about 30 minutes from the departure of Shaishi Fish, which is available to the Shipping Application. There are two walks on Keelung, one can be connected to the Lelongyu Lighthouse, and the other is a flat trail, but at the end of the Decidinal Lighthouse, it can go to the way. The top of the top is about 20-30 points. When you step, you will look back at the sea scenery, and the horizon is very good. You can see the power plant. Looking at the calm sea, the heart is still quiet. The entire trail is not shade, and it is necessary to do a good cool and ready to drink more water. PS. Summer is the genoves season, there will be some gecko eggs on the stone wall in the cave tunnel, and must be careful.
David Mitchell-Su on Google

The islet itself and hiking trail are really good but there is nothing else to do. The trail is short and you are left with 1.5 hours of just sitting around. No facilities for refreshments.
CP Su on Google

Beautiful but short! Part of the trail was damaged!
Ching Wu on Google

Better to go with a tour guide though our guide gave us some incorrect information about plants and local traditional cultures

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