Kenting soared Sada people - Manzhou Township

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Kenting soared Sada people

地址 :

No. 27號, Haiqian Rd, Manzhou Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 947

電話 : 📞 +88988
網站 :
城市 : Pingtung County

No. 27號, Haiqian Rd, Manzhou Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 947
Blaire on Google

A great ATV 800. The environment is beautiful and there are ladders and swings. The coach will also take photos to the spots suitable for taking pictures. The coach is very patient, but unfortunately he doesn't know how to jump photos, but it is still a good experience
王慶智 on Google

台灣唯1,沙漠之美,此生必欣賞國境之南玩沙行程 九棚大沙漠,本以為是一般海灘沙洲,到過才知是沙漠 在台26線海邊看,連續多個山頭都只剩下一點點綠 在這更要感謝…墾丁飆沙達人…業者,服務一級棒,細心 因我夫妻倆人都5年級生,不飆沙,只拍照片,玩沙的美感 打電話問老闆娘,我們行程不同不像年青人騎沙灘車飆沙 老闆娘說可以,早上11點到,老闆娘馬上排1對1行程出發 讓我夫妻倆人,玩出沙的美,及拍出回憶滿滿的美照 只要會騎機車,老幼,身障,都可來玩玩沙,沙漠之美 想體驗遊客先打電話問,超推薦墾丁飆沙達人業者…1級棒
The only one in Taiwan, the beauty of the desert, you must appreciate the southern sand play in the border in this life The Nine Canopy Desert, I thought it was a normal beach sandbar, but I only found out that it was a desert. Looking at the seaside of Taiwan Route 26, there are only a little green left on many consecutive hills I would also like to thank...Kenting Biaosada people...Professionals, first-rate service, and attentive Because my husband and I are both 5th graders, they don’t play in the sand, just take photos and play with the beauty of sand. Call and ask the boss, our itinerary is different, unlike young people riding an ATV in the sand The proprietress said yes, at 11 o'clock in the morning, the proprietress will immediately arrange a one-to-one schedule to start Let my husband and wife play the beauty of sand and take beautiful photos full of memories As long as you can ride a motorcycle, you can come and play in the sand, the beauty of the desert If you want to experience the experience, please call and ask first. I recommend Kenting Bazaar people...
琪琪 on Google

場地真的非常非常大??? 陽光灑在沙地上好美~ 很多陡坡??超刺激~ 名符其實的「飆沙達人」 想要好好體驗沙灘車的快感真的要來這家! 價格也很公道(一台車$800)時間也很夠 店家外也有天空梯/鞦韆可以拍美照 都可以自己隨意拍到開心?超棒的 太喜歡了?
The venue is really, really big ??? The sun is shining on the sand so beautiful Many steep slopes?? super exciting~ A veritable "Burderer" If you want to experience the thrill of ATVs, you really have to come here! The price is also very fair ($800 for a car) and the time is enough There is also a sky ladder/swing outside the store where you can take beautiful photos You can take pictures as you like ? Awesome I like it so much ?
鄭羽榛 on Google

今天幸運,雨過天晴,天公幫忙。 此為墾丁飆沙達人店家所精心佈置的新亮點。 營業時間為:09:00-17:00 因為是私人景點,所以拍照需要收費的,$100/人。讓您自己拍,可拍無限張照片。
Fortunately today, it has rained and the sky is sunny, Tiangong will help. This is a new bright spot carefully arranged by the Biaosadaren store in Kenting. Business hours are: 09:00-17:00 Because it is a private attraction, there is a charge for taking pictures, $100/person. Let you take it yourself, you can take unlimited pictures.
何明慶 on Google

超級棒的地方 風景很美 又有刺激的沙灘車飆沙體驗 教練弟弟很會帶路線 還會幫忙拍照跟錄影 非常不錯的體驗? 很適合一群人一起來遊玩 下次有機會還會再來! 真的超級推薦! 即使不玩沙灘車 也有漂亮的景觀可以拍照! 老闆也很熱情喲! 不過體驗飆沙防曬真的要做好喲! 也要隨身攜帶水適時補充水份 不然一次40分鐘會熱死喲?
Super awesome place scenery is beautiful There is also a thrilling beach bike experience The coach brother is good at taking the route And also help with taking pictures and videos Very good experience? Very suitable for a group of people to play together Will come again next time I have a chance! Really recommended! Even if you don’t play ATV There are also beautiful landscapes to take pictures! The boss is also very enthusiastic! But you really have to do a good job of sunscreen experience! Also bring water with you to replenish moisture in a timely manner Otherwise, it will heat to death for 40 minutes at a time?
RourouCarolyn on Google

飆沙只找有專業教練且用心的墾丁飆沙達人! 刺激卻安全有保障~車輛品質很好! 大人小孩老人玩的不亦樂乎~美景美照???
Biaosha only finds Kenting Biaosha Daren who have professional coaches and attentive! Exciting but safe and secure ~ the quality of the vehicle is very good! Adults, children and the elderly have fun~ Beautiful photos of the beautiful scenery???
ren coma on Google

Very professional team and coach. It was the first time to ride a two-person car. It was very easy to control. Because there were many women in the group, the route was also very gentle.
Xuan Lin (KaSaMei) on Google

so fun! The coaches are secretly doing stunts! The beach car is super exciting... 800 yuan for two people in a car and a raincoat ?? is great! The hillside and the beach are super exciting ??? The female coach is so handsome!

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