L. ERICKSON 新光三越信義新天地 A11店 - Taipei City

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact L. ERICKSON 新光三越信義新天地 A11店

地址 :

110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, 松壽路11號L. ERICKSON 新光三越信義新天地 A11店B1 樓

電話 : 📞 +88798
網站 : http://lerickson.tw/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 11AM–9:30PM
Thursday 11AM–9:30PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–9:30PM
Monday 11AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–9:30PM
城市 : Xinyi District

110, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, 松壽路11號L. ERICKSON 新光三越信義新天地 A11店B1 樓
Zoo U on Google

A11 B1小姐服務態度良好,很親切
Miss A11 B1 has a good service attitude and is very kind
李珊 on Google

彈力髮圈真的不容易彈性疲乏,一條可以用好久! 很常揪朋友一起團購! 這次也試了新品醋酸纖維髮箍,真的是長時間戴不會痛,彈性很好,完全不壓迫、不覺得有東西戴在頭上!
Elastic hair band is really not easy to be elastic and tired, one can be used for a long time! Very often friends buy together! This time I also tried the new acetate headband. It is really a long time to wear, it will not hurt, the elasticity is very good, it is not oppressed at all, and I don’t think there is something to wear on my head!
蔡沄蓁 on Google

看到網路評論非常好,因此決定到實體店看看,店員很有耐心也非常熱情的幫忙介紹,就算是第一次只買一條試看看也不會強迫推銷!(也會衝浪的美店員實在難得?完全知道下海綁髮的需求!!) 心得: 今天綁了六個小時,粗硬髮卸下來也沒有綁髮痕跡(平常只要運動兩小時用普通黑髮圈都會)非常驚艷!遇到粗硬髮的救星,一條85雖然價位稍高,但非常值得?下次會選擇買八條580的,才有最喜歡的海軍配色???
I saw that the online review was very good, so I decided to go to the store to see, the clerk was very patient and very enthusiastic to help introduce, even if I only buy one test for the first time, I will not force sales! (The clerk who is also surfing is really rare, I know the needs of the sea tying!!) Experience: Today I tied for six hours, and the rough hair is unloaded and there is no trace of hairpins (usually as long as I exercise for two hours with ordinary black hair circles) very amazing! In the face of a hard savior, a 85 is slightly higher in price, but it is worthy of the next time you will choose to buy eight 580, only to have the favorite navy color ???
ruby on Google

The lady at the counter has a very good service attitude and is also very kind
Joyce Tsao on Google

本來要從美國買回, 但運費一加上讓我打退堂鼓! 還好今天散步去A11, 櫃上小姐很有耐心介紹, 並且還試綁了法瑯髮圈, 一試驚為天人!! 於是買了15pcs與法瑯髮圈, 真心推!
I was going to buy it back from the U.S., but the shipping fee added to the price. Fortunately, I went to A11 for a walk today. The lady on the cabinet was very patient to introduce her, and she also tried to tie a hair band, which was shocking!! So I bought 15pcs and Falang hair circle, I really recommend it!
Pony Huang on Google

The lady at the counter was very patient to introduce.
Sylvia on Google

新光三越A11棟 B1 櫃台小姐說沒賣單條,於是購買了8條組合$580~
Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Building A11 B1 The lady at the counter said she didn't sell a single, so she bought 8 combos for $580~
江易樺 on Google

前幾天靠櫃買給閨蜜生日禮物,包裝也太美了吧! 自己也買了一組回去使用,不買對不起自己阿!?
A few days ago, I bought it for my best friend's birthday by relying on the cabinet, and the packaging is so beautiful! I also bought a set to go back to use, I'm sorry for not buying it! ?

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