LÄCHELN 雷訊 - South District

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

LÄCHELN 雷訊 真機能服飾 - Elacheln.com

在1979年公司成立初期,我們是一間開發高品質羽絨衣、休閒旅遊服飾的代工廠,我們專研質量控管和科技研發等功能面料。 LÄCHELN 雷訊 夏天給你 最好的透氣涼感快乾 防曬外套, 上衣, 褲子和冬天的保暖系列如 羽絨外套,羽絨被,保暖上衣,保暖褲,發熱衣,保暖內衣和 需多你上班一日所需的用品. 再滿足你的日常需求中LÄCHELN 雷訊同時結合工藝,技術人體工學來符合 舒適與時尚潮流,讓穿著能同時滿足都會生活 與戶外運動的並也能兼具時尚造型。滿足你一日的需求

LÄCHELN 雷訊 真機能服飾 - Elacheln.com

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  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

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Contact LÄCHELN 雷訊

地址 :

LÄCHELN 雷訊 樹義路10號 B棟1樓, South District, Taichung City, Taiwan 402

電話 : 📞 +8888
網站 : https://www.elacheln.com/
城市 : Taichung City

LÄCHELN 雷訊 樹義路10號 B棟1樓, South District, Taichung City, Taiwan 402
梁安妮 on Google

Convenient parking and many styles ~ excellent service.
方安華 on Google

There are many items, the service is enthusiastic, and the backpack is very easy to carry.
黃小條 on Google

The service lady has a good service attitude and the clothes are very comfortable to wear!
豬豬愛抱抱 on Google

The service is in place, the product quality is guaranteed, and the Internet has good health activities from time to time.
廖文乾 on Google

產品好,服務佳 ,價格公道,值得採購!
Good product, good service, fair price, worth purchasing!
王莞淑 on Google

The counter lady has a friendly service attitude, the environment is spacious and comfortable, and there is no pressure to shop.
鄭蓉蓉 on Google

There are many styles, and the lady's service attitude is very good
Ching-Tien Chang on Google

之前都是在百貨櫃位買, 今天第一次到旗艦店。 商品質優、尺寸齊全,服務周到~
I used to buy them at department store counters. Went to the flagship store for the first time today. Good quality, complete size, good service

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