LANO食堂x健康蔬肥餐盒(沙拉x藜麥飯x義大利麵)-北投健康餐盒I手作便當I推薦美食l外帶美食l會議餐盒|防疫餐盒|夏威夷波奇碗|輕食餐盒 - Beitou District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact LANO食堂x健康蔬肥餐盒(沙拉x藜麥飯x義大利麵)-北投健康餐盒I手作便當I推薦美食l外帶美食l會議餐盒|防疫餐盒|夏威夷波奇碗|輕食餐盒

地址 :

112, Taiwan, Taipei City, Beitou District, Zhenhua St, 14號LANO食堂x健康蔬肥餐盒(沙拉x藜麥飯x義大利麵)-北投健康餐盒I手作便當I推薦美食l外帶美食l會議餐盒|防疫餐盒|夏威夷波奇碗|輕食餐盒

電話 : 📞 +8898779
網站 :
Opening hours :
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
城市 : Zhenhua St

112, Taiwan, Taipei City, Beitou District, Zhenhua St, 14號LANO食堂x健康蔬肥餐盒(沙拉x藜麥飯x義大利麵)-北投健康餐盒I手作便當I推薦美食l外帶美食l會議餐盒|防疫餐盒|夏威夷波奇碗|輕食餐盒
VERNA CHEN on Google

After eating Poke, I was directly followed by a restaurant. The owner is really kind and warm, and the salsa is invincible and delicious. Whether it is salmon meat, pineapple shrimp, paper-wrapped sea bass, or poke, it is super! Good grade! eat! The Poke of this house privately thinks that he has beaten Tianmu's ??? Big push big love???
Leslie Teng on Google

購買商品:佃煮霸王低脂牛沙拉(胡麻醬) 價格:145 內容物:牛肉片、青花椰、白花椰、綠芽菜、馬鈴薯丁、堅果碎、葡萄乾、紫高麗、玉米粒、小黃瓜切片、美生菜 心得:可用line的點餐系統輕鬆點餐並預約自取,闆娘熱情且服務態度超好,雖然沙拉內容普通,但堅果碎是意外驚喜,整體風味很棒,會很想回訪點點看其他品項
Purchased product: Tsukudai Bawang Low-fat Beef Salad (Flax Dressing) Price: 145 Contents: beef slices, green cauliflower, white cauliflower, green sprouts, diced potatoes, chopped nuts, raisins, purple korea, corn kernels, sliced ​​cucumbers, lettuce Experience: You can use the online ordering system to easily order and make an appointment for self-pickup. Baniang is warm and has a very good service attitude. Although the salad content is ordinary, the chopped nuts are a surprise. The overall flavor is great. Food items
李冠億 on Google

炙燒明太子雞胸,雞胸口感不柴,明太子醬香濃,蔬菜種類多(闆娘說有8~10種),口感跟味道都處理得不錯,像是花椰菜非常水嫩,還有少見的山藥跟紫地瓜(如果沒認錯的話?) 光看單價可能會覺得稍貴,但實際吃就知道各方面表現確實都不馬虎 再訪買了雞胸(非明太子)、雞腿,雞腿肉很少...不嫩不柴,沒有雞胸好吃
The broiled mentaiko chicken breast, the chicken breast does not have a good texture, the mentaiko sauce is fragrant, and there are many kinds of vegetables (banniang said there are 8~10 kinds), the texture and taste are well processed, such as broccoli is very tender, and rare yam and Purple sweet potato (if you admit it right ?) The unit price may be a bit more expensive, but in actual food, you know that all aspects of performance are indeed not sloppy. Revisited and bought chicken breasts (non-Mentaiko), chicken legs, chicken legs are very few...not tender and not good, no chicken breasts are delicious
曾德昕 on Google

用心的店家值得這樣的價位! 雖然菜量不是非常多,但種類絕對是同等價位中最豐富,沒有之一,而且每一種配菜都有各自調味(超用心),不會有單純水煮的菜味。(今天有毛豆、花椰、玉米筍、紫薯泥、山藥、小蘿蔔、玉米、節瓜、木耳、扁豆和中式炒青菜、半顆蛋) 主餐喜歡阪腱牛排,很嫩很好吃。 另外,因為胃口小飯少,會把蔬菜給的多一點(很甘心qq)身為小鳥胃女生超愛這種什麼都有但吃的完的健康餐盒。 老闆娘非常親切有時候會驚喜般的突然拿到免費飲料xD
Attentive store worthy of such a price! Although the amount of dishes is not very large, the variety is definitely the most abundant in the same price range, and each side dish has its own seasoning (super careful), and there will be no pure boiled dishes. (Today there are edamame, cauliflower, bamboo shoots, purple sweet potato puree, yam, radish, corn, zucchini, fungus, lentils, Chinese-style fried vegetables, half an egg) The main meal liked the sakazuki steak, very tender and delicious. In addition, because I have a small appetite, I will give a little more vegetables (very willing to qq). As a girl with a small bird stomach, I love this kind of healthy lunch box that has everything but can eat it all. The proprietress is very kind and sometimes she gets free drinks suddenly like a surprise xD
Chloe Huang on Google

The chicken breast is very tender, and the side dishes are also very salty. The restaurant is very warm and has a feeling of eating at home. The proprietress is very kind and gave fruits ❤️
顏秀紋 on Google

(Translated by Google) Ordered the popular JUICE chicken breast lunch box (rice change) There are many kinds of side dishes. They are not boiled, they are all seasoned~ One of my favorites should be sweet potatoes XD But I don’t think there is a lot of food, so I hope it can be more>< 雞胸肉也很好吃~ 老闆娘人也很親切 服務很好~
Shan zhang on Google

老闆娘很親切也很用心介紹餐點~虱目魚肚超級好吃(有少數幾根硬刺 吃的時候要小心)蔬菜也都鮮甜美味,不會過度調味,保有食物原本的風味(私心希望蔬菜能多一點 真的太好吃了XD 大愛紫薯!) 健康美味,下次會再回訪~
The proprietress is very kind and introduces the meals very carefully~mild maw is super delicious (be careful when eating with a few hard spines) and the vegetables are also sweet and delicious, without over-seasoning, and retain the original flavor of the food (selfishly hope the vegetables It's so delicious to be a little bit more XD loves purple sweet potato!) Healthy and delicious, I will visit again next time~
Wen-hsuan Liao on Google


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