Le Shan Elementary School

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No. 71號樂安街 Guishan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 33371
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Don't believe that Brother Gu is leading the way, please follow the indicators from Huaya 3rd Road, the back door will not work. (The stars are for the route)
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體驗實境工作室, 樂善騎士畢業營, ●前言 108年樂善國小畢業營到今日劃下尾聲, 首先得感謝學校,願意每年都替應屆畢業生舉辦這個畢業營隊,我想,為人師長、父母,都是恨不得能把孩子們將會遇到的挫折給一肩扛下。 因為,守護住他們如此燦爛純真的笑容,可說是我們最大的心願。 所以我們將這些守護的心念,化為騎士精神來傳承給孩子們, 誠如主任所說:「這些精神,不單單只是在營隊內可用,更是出社會之後,身為一個人的根本價值。」 有人願是滿山杜鵑,而我們,願是那燎原鳳凰,只為你們一次無憾的夏天。 . ●成為貴族之路 從第一天時光之旅到五世紀,成為貴族之路看大家在操場跑得不亦樂乎,換了銀子開始買小馬、買寶石、買箭,體會通貨膨脹並耐心等候價差出現。其中也因為道德卡的負分而被罰銀子。為了排隊買賣的時候,輪到自己時價格突然變動而痛心疾首,和商人爭執得面紅耳赤,但,這就是緣分啊! . ●初試射箭 練習射箭時,好多人很努力地從原本只能射到20公分遠,到了後來大家都可以輕易射出一兩公尺。我們透過了好多好多的練習,才得以慢慢地進步,最後還有人成功射中靶。射不中也別氣餒,回頭看看一開始連箭都不會搭的我們,是不是覺得怎麼忽然進步了一大截呢?這都得多虧了自己的堅持! . ●烤肉、搭帳篷、鬼抓人 而傍晚的烤肉晚會,則是吃得飽飽的,當然這也只是晚餐前的開胃菜,真正開始吃晚餐得是等到晚上十點後對吧? 帳篷得透過合作才能架得起來,在架設的過程中更重視分工合作、同心協力,才能又快又好地搭設出一頂帳篷。 在此請原諒我的夜間拍攝照片品質過差(哭哭)。 帳篷搭好之後,因為害怕蚊子跑進去,每次進出帳篷都好像如履薄冰一樣小心翼翼又迅若閃電。而既然都搭好了,那當然來好幾場「畢業生盃鬼抓人大賽」!一邊擔心著會不會跌倒受傷,一邊又覺得就連自己也被這種青春洋溢的熱情活力給感染了,霎時間覺得自己年輕了十歲! 而就在就寢之後,真心話大冒險啊、吃泡麵啊、吃零食啊等等的行為,正式昭告天下──畢業營隊之夜正式開始。 . ●五世紀早餐 在折騰一晚之後,好多人紅著眼睛睡眼惺忪地開始收拾行李、帳篷。緊接著就是吃吃五世紀的早餐──吐司夾火腿起司。從無到有的行程,都是自己加上朋友的協力來完成的。為了犒賞我們好不容易自己做了五世紀早餐,當然要來配一些騎士日常飲料──葡萄汁啊!有四位同學熱心為大家輪流倒上葡萄汁,看著大排長龍的人潮,看來真的是很渴啊。 . ●信任倒 吃飽喝足之後,就是我們的「信任倒」,為了怕同學們亂動導致在底下支撐的人員會無法負荷,所以用繩子將人與器材一起固定,以求用最安全的姿勢倒下。我們總會面對各種恐懼,有時候其實想像出來的恐懼,遠超於現實的恐懼,只有勇敢嘗試之後,才會發現其實沒那麼可怕,甚至一堆人還會有想再來多玩幾次的想法!(哥哥姐姐們的手還沒有館長那麼有力,實在無法支撐多玩幾趟) 每個人的成長環境不同,所以每個人對於同一件事物的忍耐程度也不同,在這裡,而騎士精神教會我們的是──「要同理」。這其中有位夥伴光是想到要信任倒就得很害怕,但好朋友為了他,願意先鼓起勇氣自己去嘗試看看,再來用自身的經驗鼓勵小夥伴,勇於去挑戰自我。最後當然是happy ending啊!噢你說他有倒了?並沒有喔!但我敢說,這位小夥伴已經做到了屬於他的一百分!他願意相信好朋友的建議,並努力跨出第一步,直到站上信任倒的台階,讓主任拍下勇於挑戰自我的英勇一面!三十二個好夥伴,我們不會遺漏任何一位,也謝謝你,讓我們知道甚麼叫做英勇。也謝謝其他好朋友們,願意這麼努力地去鼓舞他、給他勇氣。 . ●誠實 唐太宗說:「以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠;以古為鏡,可以知興替;以人為鏡,可以明得失。」 而誠實,則是誠實地面對自己的優缺點,虛心接受,並修正自己的人格特質,每位夥伴們都很認真地討論著,也勇於接受自己的一切。 . ●公正 人難免會生氣,但當遇到事情的時候,更要先緩個幾步,查明真相之後再做決定,以免錯傷好人。控制好自己的情緒,才能更善待自己與他人。 . ●競技場 健全的心靈遇於健全的身體之上,體驗騎士的對決,關鍵就是要有良好的體魄。看到大家不論男女都上場一較高下,心中的熱血也不禁沸騰了起來! . ●受封 經過這兩天的洗禮,大家都擁有了騎士精神,在宣讀騎士誓言之後,由騎士隊長冊封,這才成為樂善騎士的一員。這誓言,我們會謹記在心,無論到了哪裡、遇到了甚麼事情,迷惘時請回想一下吧!這些都是我們人生的指北針! . ●拍賣會 用獲得的銀子,來競標自己喜歡的拍賣物品,其中最有價值的就非騎士隊長鎖子甲一片莫屬!竟然賣出了225銀子的天價! . ●主任致詞 「這些精神,不單單只是在營隊內可用,更是出社會之後,身為一個人的根本價值。」聽到主任念茲在茲地叮嚀著,讓我不禁心頭一暖,十年樹木,百年樹人,豈不任重而道遠?能在求學時遇到好老師,真是人生一大幸運! . ●結語 這兩天很謝謝三十二位夥伴們的參與,看到大家一起努力地去完成搭帳篷、一起體驗騎士精神、一起彎弓射箭、一起夜裡狂奔鬼抓人,這一幕幕都是我們難以忘懷的回憶。 接下來要轉換到下一個人生階段,可能會有許多變動,而這些變動的過程中會有苦、有樂、也有挫折,但別忘了,我們可是樂善騎士!我們都在這兩天內做出了許多屬於自己的一百分!不僅僅是這兩天,在未來,我們也會持續做出屬於自己的一百分! 鳳凰花開,騎士初成,夥伴們! 我們 珍。重。再。見。 . #體驗實境工作室 #樂善騎士畢業營 #樂善國小
Experience Reality Studio, Leshan Knight Graduation Camp, ● Foreword The Graduation Camp of Leshan Elementary School in 108 came to an end today. First of all, I would like to thank the school and be willing to host this graduation camp for the fresh graduates every year. I think that teachers and parents ca n’t wait to shoulder the frustrations children will encounter. Because guarding them with such a bright and innocent smile is our biggest wish. So we turn these guardian thoughts into chivalry to pass on to children, As the director said, "These spirits are not only usable in the camp, but also the fundamental value of being a person after being out of society." Someone would like to be a cuckoo full of mountains, and we would be the Liaoyuan phoenix, just for you once a summer without regrets. . ● The road to becoming aristocracy From the first day of travel to the fifth century, the road to becoming a nobleman saw everyone running in the playground. They changed their silver and started to buy ponies, gems, and arrows. They experienced inflation and patiently waited for the spread to appear. It was also fined for the negative points of the moral card. In order to queue up to buy and sell, the price suddenly changed when it was your turn to grieve, and argued with the merchants to be red-eared, but this is the fate! . ● First try archery When practicing archery, a lot of people worked very hard to shoot from 20 centimeters in the past, and then everyone could easily shoot one or two meters later. It took us a lot of practice to slowly improve, and finally someone successfully hit the target. Do n’t be discouraged if you ca n’t hit it. Look back at us who would n’t even hit the arrow at first. Do you feel how you suddenly improved a lot? This is all thanks to your persistence! . ● Barbecue, tent, catching people And the evening barbecue party is full, of course, this is just an appetizer before dinner, really start to eat dinner after 10 pm, right? Tents can only be set up through cooperation. In the process of erection, more attention is paid to division of labor and cooperation to work together to build a tent quickly and well. Please forgive me for the poor quality of my night photos (crying). After the tent was set up, I was afraid that mosquitoes would run in. Every time I went in and out of the tent, I was as careful and lightning-fast as walking on thin ice. And now that it's all set up, of course there are several "Graduate Cup Ghost Catch Contests"! I was worried that I would fall and be injured, and at the same time I felt that I was infected by this youthful enthusiasm and vitality. I felt like I was ten years younger in no time! And just after going to bed, the truthful adventures, instant noodles, snacks, etc., were officially announced to the world-the graduation camp night officially began. . ● Fifth Century Breakfast After a long night of tossing, many people began to pack their luggage and tents with red eyes and sleepy eyes. It was followed by breakfast from the fifth century-toast with ham and cheese. The itinerary from nothing was completed by myself and my friends. In order to reward us for making the fifth-century breakfast by ourselves, of course, we must come with some daily knight beverages-grape juice! Four students were enthusiastically pouring grape juice for everyone in turn, watching the long crowd, it seemed really thirsty. . ● Trusted After eating and drinking, it is our "trust down". In order to prevent the students from being under load due to chaotic movements of the students, we will use a rope to fix people and equipment together in order to fall in the safest posture. We always face all kinds of fears. Sometimes the imaginary fears are far beyond the real fears. Only after you dare to try them will you find that they are not so scary. Even a group of people may want to come back and play a few more times. The idea! (The hands of brothers and sisters are not as strong as the curator, and they cannot support a few more trips.) Everyone's growth environment is different, so each person's tolerance for the same thing is different. Here, the chivalry teaches us-"Same reason." One of the partners was afraid of trusting, but for his sake, a good friend was willing to take the courage to try it for himself, and then use his own experience to encourage the small partners to challenge themselves. Finally, of course, happy ending! Oh you said he fell down? No! But I dare say that this little partner has already achieved his 100 points! He is willing to believe in the suggestions of good friends, and strives to take the first step until he stands on the step of trust, allowing the director to take a picture of the heroic side who is brave to challenge himself! Thirty-two good partners, we will not miss any one, and thank you for letting us know what is heroic. Thank you also to other good friends who are willing to work so hard to inspire him and give him courage. . ● Honest Tang Taizong said, "Take bronze as a mirror to correct the crown; use antiquity as a mirror to know how to replace one another; and use humans as a mirror to understand what is wrong." Honesty means being honest about your strengths and weaknesses, accepting with an open mind, and revising your personality traits. Each partner discusses it seriously and accepts everything. . ● fair People will inevitably get angry, but when they encounter something, they need to take a few steps first, and then make a decision after finding out the truth, so as not to hurt someone by mistake. Only by controlling your emotions can you treat yourself and others better. . ● Arena A healthy mind meets a healthy body. The key to experiencing the duel of knights is to have a good physique. Seeing everyone playing both men and women, the blood in my heart can't help boiling! . ● Blocked After two days of baptism, everyone has the chivalry spirit. After reading the vows of the knights, they were sealed by the captain of the knights, and they became members of the Leshan Knights. This vow, we will keep in mind that no matter where we go or what we encounter, please think back when you are lost! These are the compasses of our lives! . ● Auction Use the obtained silver to bid on your favorite auction items, the most valuable of which is the Knight Captain's Chain Mail! Actually sold a sky-high price of 225 silver! . ● Director's Message "These spirits are not only usable in the camp, but also the fundamental value of being a person after going out of society." Hearing the director Nianzi screamed at me, it made me feel warm, ten years tree, hundred years tree Do n’t you have a long way to go? I am so lucky to be able to meet good teachers during my studies! . ● Conclusion In the past two days, I am very grateful for the participation of thirty-two partners. I saw everyone working hard to complete the tent, experience the chivalry together, bow and archery, and run away at night to catch people. Memories. The next step to the next stage of life may have many changes, and the process of these changes will be bitter, happy, and frustrated, but don't forget, we are knights! We have made many of our own 100 points in these two days! Not only these two days, in the future, we will continue to make our own hundred points! The phoenix blossoms, the knight is young, buddies! we Jane. weight. again. see. . #Experience Reality Studio # 乐善 骑士 研究生 营 # 乐善 国 小
雨鄉蘭園邱顯寶 on Google

The campus is being reorganized, waiting for a new look
Chamber Wang on Google

新穎校舍,新校舍50 週年落成,市長親臨,足見對此區域教育重視。 學校教師用心,學生素質以及學習風氣如果加強會更好!
Innovative school building, the 50th anniversary of the completion of the new school building, the mayor's visit in person, it shows that the area's education is valued. The school teachers’ diligence, the quality of the students and the learning atmosphere will be better if they are strengthened!

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