Li Ze Jian Old Street

4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Li Ze Jian Old Street

地址 :

Lize Rd, Wujie Township, Yilan County, Taiwan 268

電話 : 📞 +889
城市 : Yilan County

Lize Rd, Wujie Township, Yilan County, Taiwan 268
S. L. on Google

nice! It's a pity that on Tuesday, the store is almost closed ?
陳勁璋 JackyChen on Google

20211113 適逢利澤老街舉行偶戲藝術祭,陰雨綿綿不減逛老街看偶戲之樂趣!
20211113 Coinciding with the puppet show art festival held in Lize Old Street, the rainy and rainy days will not diminish the fun of visiting the old street and watching puppet shows!
何何皮皮 on Google

An old street with history, there are Matsu temples, hospitals, theaters, a hundred-year-old cake shop (how my mother-in-law is so cute) shooting scenes, walking on the street, there is a beauty that travels through time and space
Mickel Lee on Google

華燈初上,外頭的車水馬龍,絲毫打擾不了利澤簡老街的寧靜,即便是瘋狂的週末夜,你可以慢步緩履在這祥和的老街上 ,舒服的很.
At the beginning of the lanterns, the busy traffic outside will not disturb the tranquility of Lizejian Old Street at all. Even on a crazy weekend night, you can walk slowly on this peaceful old street, which is very comfortable.
黃瑜珊 on Google

There are not many people, but it is worth going to find a humanistic atmosphere. The Yongan Palace here has clean water toilets
林忠炫 on Google

2022.02.03 星期四早上 綿綿細雨天 大年初三上午 第一站來到宜蘭利澤簡老街 媽祖廟參拜祈福 訪視老街面貌
2022.02.03 thursday morning drizzle day The morning of the third day of the new year The first stop is Lizejian Old Street in Yilan Mazu Temple visit and pray Visit the old street
hr j on Google

20220610 稀有的"拴馬樁"的其中鼠、兔、龍、狗都失蹤了!而蛇、雞被當地人捆上鐵鍊鎖,天啊!這不是古蹟、歷史文物嗎?當地人怎麼如此看待它們?好心痛!這裏應該是不缺車位,卻在如此重要的廣場上任意停車、毀損,歷史建物前總是有停車,慕名前來觀賞可貴老街的我,連要拍張美美的照片都很困難,覺得很可惜!風塵僕僕傳統歷史風味的街道很有韻味... 另外,廟埕前廣場入口的"華表"並不常見,由於有車輛出入,而在其外圍用不銹鋼柵欄圍了一圈保護,只是不但要以破壞方式的釘子來固定,又破壞了美觀,也是相當可惜的地方... 由維基百科中科普一下:(有誤請告知,共同成長) "華表"一般由底座、蟠龍柱、承露盤和其上的蹲獸組成。華表是一種標誌性建築,已經成為中國的象徵之一。華表用於放在宮殿、陵墓外的道路兩旁,也稱為神道柱、石望柱、表、標、碣。 "拴馬樁"是中國乃至整個東亞地區的傳統建築中常見的一種碑石。多用漢白玉、花崗岩、大理石或木材等石木材料製成。置於家戶、寺廟、墓陵、宮殿等莊肅建築群的正門(即南門)左右兩側,為人們滯留時拴馬方便而置。拴馬樁外形多呈豎根狀,頂部或身部多有各類各樣的民俗浮雕,頗有藝術價值。古時稍有身份的人們多使用馬騾交通,登訪家戶時需要拴住馬匹,用麻繩拴牢,以免丟失馬匹。在府內過夜者會令府中僕人遷走馬騾帶去餵養水飼。主人或客人走時再將馬匹從拴馬樁上解開拴繩,登馬離別。
YanZhen Lin (Peggy) on Google

An interesting old street in Lizhe neighborhood. Hopefully more events can be held and restore the traditions of Kavalan

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