Light Rail Binhai Shalun Station

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Contact Light Rail Binhai Shalun Station

地址 :

Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 251

城市 : New Taipei City

Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 251
fong on Google

There are several works. It is also the confluence station of Kanding Line and Fisherman's Wharf Line.
卓德力 on Google

Binhai Road Sharon Station is located in the middle of Tamsui New Town. The community scale of the new town is quite broad, and the architectural design is also quite distinctive. It is worth walking in it and savoring it carefully. .
懶舌頭 on Google

漁人碼頭終站線與淡海新市鎮 崁頂終站線兩路線之轉車匯合點 有幾米-松鼠與小女孩 裝置藝術 對面十字路口有人拍攝列車轉彎照片
The junction of the two routes of the Fisherman’s Wharf Terminal Line and the Kanding Terminal Line of Danhai New Town Jimmy-Squirrel and Little Girl Installation Art Someone took a photo of the train turning at the opposite intersection
德洛玩遊戲 on Google

平地型輕軌開放式車站 車站位置剛好是轉彎的十字路口前 可以看到輕軌轉彎時的畫面 車站內也有繪家【幾米】畫作中的實際雕像
Flat-land light rail open station The station is just in front of the turning intersection You can see the screen when the light rail is turning There are also actual statues in the paintings of the painter [Jimi] in the station
pipi Ciao on Google

濱海沙崙站這裡可以看到輕軌在地面轉九十度大彎,運氣不錯的話,還可以看到兩輛往不同方向的輕軌列車,在轉彎時交會的場景。路口非常壯闊,景色宜人,常有攝影師、網美、遊客在此攝影拍照。 但發現遊客下車後常不知道周遭還有那邊可走走,就直接搭公車到漁人碼頭很可惜。 建議 1. 徒步走到程氏古厝,非常近,環境很棒,還有服務人員導引。古厝旁還有很大的福德廟宇,可以順道參拜祈福。 2. 輕軌站旁就有Ubike, 強烈建議前往雲門。用google map定位雲門,騎Ubike路程1.6公里,一下子就到了(中途會經過滬尾砲台公園,建議順道進去一遊,裡面的巨大草坪很讚)。 雲門的美不用多說,可細細品味。一旁還有最美之一的玻璃屋星巴克可供休憩,在這邊可以待上一整個下午。 3.一樣騎Ubike, 從輕軌往西經過海洋科技大學到達水管公園。公園本身還不錯,有小型廁所,但重點在經過公園往裡面走,進去就會遇到堤岸,可以上去眺望整個沙崙海岸,非常美。 4. 輕軌站旁邊就是公司田溪,沿溪步道非常值得一遊,是這邊居民最喜歡放鬆散步的地方。建議從沙崙路126巷進來,直走左手邊社區是宏盛新世界2,126巷第一個左轉彎會沿著新世界建築邊緣走,直走就可以到沿溪步道。順著步道走可以走到淡水運動中心,那邊有輕軌淡水行政中心站。路程約20分,很適合散步,沿途風景優,四季風情不同,可拍出許多美照。 5.美食的話,雲門出來,回到沙崙路上,有很多好吃的店家,便利商店也很多。大爺愛炒飯,留飯香,忠師傅餃子王等等,吃飯時間總是高棚滿座,當地人也愛。
At the Sharon Station in Binhai, you can see that the light rail turns 90 degrees on the ground. If you are lucky, you can also see two scenes of light rail trains going in different directions and meeting at the turn. The intersection is very magnificent and the scenery is pleasant. Photographs are often taken by photographers, net beauty and tourists. However, it is a pity that the tourists often find that there is still a place to walk around when they get off the bus. It is a pity to take the bus directly to the Fisherman's Wharf. Suggestions 1. Walk to Cheng's ancient raft, very close, the environment is great, and the service staff guides. There is also a large Ford Temple next to the ancient Shu, you can go to the blessings. 2. There is Ubike next to the light rail station, and it is highly recommended to go to Cloud Gate. Use Google map to locate Cloud Gate, ride Ubike 1.6 kilometers, and all of a sudden (the middle will pass through Huwei Fortress Park, it is recommended to go in for a tour, the huge lawn inside is very good). The beauty of Cloud Gate does not need to be said, it can be tasted. There is also one of the most beautiful glass houses in Starbucks for rest, and you can stay here for an entire afternoon. 3. Take the same Ubike, go from the light rail to the west through the Ocean University of Technology to reach the water pipe park. The park itself is not bad, there are small toilets, but the focus is on going through the park. When you enter, you will encounter the embankment. You can go up and look at the entire Sharon coast, which is very beautiful. 4. Next to the light rail station is the company Tianxi. The trail along the river is very worthwhile. It is the place where residents like to relax and walk. It is recommended to come in from Lane 126 of Shalun Road. Go straight to the left-hand community. The first left turn of Hongsheng New World 2,126 Lane will follow the edge of the New World Architecture. You can go straight along the Creek Trail. Follow the trail and walk to the Freshwater Sports Center, where there is a light rail freshwater administrative center station. The journey is about 20 minutes, which is very suitable for walking. The scenery along the way is excellent, the seasons are different, and many beautiful photos can be taken. 5. If you are culinary, Cloud Gate will come out and return to Sharon Road. There are many delicious shops and convenience stores. Grandpa loves fried rice, stays fragrant, loyal Master Dumpling King, etc., eating time is always full of sheds, locals also love.
Jasmine (JS米) on Google

You can change trains at this station when you go to Fisherman’s Wharf. There are fewer shifts, and the waiting time is a little longer. The environment is kept clean and tidy. The electronic signage will also provide information on the number of nearby buses, which is very convenient and intimate.
Tsung Yen Lee on Google

松鼠兒,這站有分兩條路,看是前往漁人碼頭還是崁頂。 附近景點的話有公司田溪程氏古厝,距離大概10分鐘,是當年清法戰爭古戰場地標,這次沒有去就是。
Squirrel, there are two routes to this station, depending on whether it is going to Fisherman's Wharf or Kanding. If there are nearby attractions, there is the company Tianxi Cheng's ancient house, which is about 10 minutes away. It is the landmark of the ancient battlefield of the Qing-French War. I didn't go this time.
jolinnickmei on Google

Tamsui Light Rail is very comfortable~novel~convenient! I like it very much~?

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