Light Rail Kanding Station

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Light Rail Kanding Station

地址 :

Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 251

城市 : New Taipei City

Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 251
林貞靜 on Google

ℹ️終點站,工作人員廣播著,所有旅客陸續下車。 ?陽光柔和許多,小女孩拿著澆花水壺,靜靜的澆著、默默灌溉著。 ?長成的樹,似乎也默默的感謝著,一切都如此平靜。 ?我們的「慢活輕軌一日遊」也即將告一段落? ?我們拍下這一張張的相片,留在我們心中的,是滿滿的感激、平靜、趣味。 ?在這樣一個沒好的假期裡,渡過豐富、多彩、充滿童趣的一天。真是太棒了❗
The i️ terminal, the staff broadcasted, all passengers got off the train. The sun is soft and the little girl is holding a watering kettle, pouring it quietly and irrigating it. The tree that grows up, seems to be silently thanking, everything is so calm. ?Our "Slow Live Light Rail Day Tour" is about to come to an end ? He took pictures of this one and left it in our hearts. It was full of gratitude, calmness and fun. In such a bad holiday, you will spend a rich, colorful and childlike day. It’s great.❗
A-Kwon Fang on Google

從紅樹林坐到崁頂的總體時間比起宣稱的二十五分鐘還多了頗多時間,扣除每站二到三分鐘不等的開門上下車時間外(熱門站如淡水行政中心更久),中間還遇上門關上後莫名其妙等了五分鐘以上車還不開的情形,再加上行進時車速並不快且遇上幾個轉彎處就會和捷運文湖線一樣車速更慢的情況,造成其實通勤要搭輕軌一事也變得時間過於不可預測。 崁頂站附近雖然能夠看到遠處的美麗華和一些住家大廈,但周邊實在是荒涼的可以。
The total time from the mangrove ride to the top of the mangrove is much longer than the claimed 25 minutes, except for the opening and getting off time of the door, which ranges from two to three minutes per station (popular stations such as Tamsui Administration Center take longer) In the middle, there was a situation where the car was inexplicably waiting for more than five minutes after the door was closed, coupled with the fact that the speed was not fast when traveling, and it would be slower than the MRT Wenhu Line when encountering several turns, The fact that commuting to the light rail has become too unpredictable. Although you can see the Miramar in the distance and some residential buildings near Yingding Station, the surrounding area is really desolate.
Deng Sophia on Google

淡水輕軌初體驗。排隊人龍很長。 據說一次搭乘人數200人,15分鐘一班車,因此消耗得還算快。 車廂上滿滿都是人,因此覺得空氣有點不太流通。 沿路上經過看得到的幾乎都是新市鎮,似乎還沒有什麼人居住。每站停下來也幾乎沒什麼人上下車。 上下車比較特別的是要乘客手動按按鈕,車門才會打開。 可能大家都只是來體驗試乘,一路開到崁頂站都還是滿滿的人, 下車拍了一張吉米的裝置藝術..背光的娃娃看起來有點幽鬱。 附近似乎也沒有其他景點,乘客幾乎都原車再搭回去。
First experience of Tamsui Light Rail. The queue is very long. It is said that there are 200 people on board at a time, every 15 minutes, so the consumption is fairly fast. The carriage is full of people, so I feel that the air is a little bit awkward. Almost all the new towns that can be seen along the road are new towns, and there seems to be no one inhabited yet. There were almost no people getting on and off at every stop. The special thing about getting on and off the car is that the passenger needs to manually press the button before the car door opens. Maybe everyone just came to experience the test ride, all the way to the Kanding station is still full of people. Get out of the car and take a picture of Jimmy's installation art... The backlit doll looks a little gloomy. There seems to be no other scenic spots nearby, and almost all passengers take the same car back.
Christine Wang on Google

The terminal station of Tamsui Light Rail, a desolate and remote place.
John Lin on Google

Currently in the light rail, the scenery outside the station is still wide and beautiful.
Noah Kuo on Google

There are no attractions to play, just to accompany the children to take a slow ride in the car to blow air-conditioning, very comfortable cars and large windows.
呂連枝 on Google

From the mangrove station to the Danhai Light Rail to the terminal station, the high-rise buildings along the way, the scenery is beautiful, each station has a few meters of sculpture, very special works of art, the shape of the carriage streamline is beautiful, very good to shoot!
wack wu on Google

The northernmost station of the light rail is surrounded by redistribution zones. High-rise buildings are rushing to work. They are very close to the sea and the environment is quite elegant.

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