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Taiwan, 高雄市美濃區 Lingshan
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#靈山 #登山 #美景 #縱走 #旗靈山縱走 #美濃 看部落客從第一登山口到雷音寺要6個小時(含休息),一開始比較簡單往上爬行,約1小時就到旗尾山的三角點休息吃個點心,但之後的路程就比較險峻,可以看到一座一座的小山丘,沿著山緣爬行,有岩石組成的山路、陡峭的岩壁,只能拉著繩子攀岩,每當爬到一座山頭的三角點就會又出現另一座更高的山頭,又要再往下接著往上爬行,第一登山口到靈山約花3個小時,此次爬山領悟到⋯如何找到「最高」的山頭?就是環顧四週看起來最高的山,現爬上去攻頂,再換個四周看到相對較高的山頭(也是你眼界所能看到),再下山往下一個山頭爬,一座接著一座攻頂,最後也能找到心中的山頭,即使腳軟顫抖,無論好走歹走,也要堅持地爬完,就好比人生,你無法知道什麼是最好的路程,但我們必須做出選擇,選一個當下覺得最好的,然後行動出發,然後找到心中適合的山頭,因為這就是人生嘛! 「何止於米、相期於茶」,在下山的終點看到這麼一段話,用來對老友的期許,希望朋友之間到了老的時候,不只要豐衣足食,還要相約達到更高的精神境界,能和朋友一起走過一座又一座的山頭,經歷上山下谷也是一種不錯的體驗! 備註: 1、建議戴帽防曬,沿路沒什麼遮蔽,因為一路都爬岩石山緣,除非冬天但濃霧較多看不到下方的美景。 2、穿紋路較深的鞋子,搭配厚襪子,因為要一直爬上爬下,腳趾頭會戳得很痛,襪子可以保護。 3、水建議帶1500~2000毫升,整段爬完超累超渴,補給很重要。 4、下雨天別爬,會摔死,過程中都岩石泥土,下雨過後應該就滑得跟泥鰍一樣吧。 ———作者資訊——— IG:ikigai_seed
#灵山 #Mountaining #Beauty View #Vertical Walking #旗灵山立走 #美浓 It takes 6 hours for bloggers to reach Leiyin Temple from the first mountain pass (including rest). At first, it is relatively simple to crawl up, and about 1 hour to have a rest at the triangle point of Qiwei Mountain for a snack, but the journey will be longer afterwards. It’s steep, you can see one by one small hills crawling along the edge of the mountain. There are rocky mountain roads and steep rock walls. You can only climb with ropes. Whenever you climb to the triangle point of a mountain, another will appear. The higher the top of the mountain, you have to go down and then up again. The first mountain pass to Lingshan takes about 3 hours. This time I climbed the mountain and realized how to find the "highest" mountain? Just look around the highest mountain that seems to be the highest, and now climb up to the top, and then change to see a relatively high mountain (you can see it), and then go down and climb the next mountain, one after another, and finally You can also find the mountain in your heart. Even if your feet are soft and trembling, no matter how you walk or go, you must persist in climbing. It's like life. You can't know the best path, but we must make a choice and choose one that feels right now. The best, then act and find the right mountain in your heart, because this is life! "It is more than rice, and phase is in tea." I saw this passage at the end of the descent, which is used to expect old friends. I hope that when friends are old, they not only need to have enough food and clothing, but also meet to achieve a higher spirit. Realm, it’s also a good experience to be able to walk through mountain after mountain with friends, and go up and down the valley! Remarks: 1. It is recommended to wear a hat for sun protection, and there is no shelter along the road, because you will climb the edge of the rocky mountain all the way, unless you can't see the beauty below in winter but there is more dense fog. 2. Wear shoes with deep lines and match them with thick socks. Because you have to climb up and down all the time, your toes will hurt and the socks can protect you. 3. It is recommended to bring 1500-2000 ml of water. After the entire crawl, you are very tired and thirsty. Replenishment is very important. 4. Don't climb on rainy days, you will fall to death, the process will be rocky and muddy. After the rain, it should slide like a loach. ———Author Information——— IG: ikigai_seed
邱淑娥 on Google

The triangle point of Rentou Mountain has beautiful scenery. You can have a bird's-eye view of the entire Kaohsiung Meinong Hakka area, as well as the Kaohsiung cedar forest area under the mountain on the other side. It's really beautiful??
福哥 on Google

The Flag Spirit Walk is a challenging hiking route
Linda Wu on Google

建議車放在土地公廟旁 以雷音寺為步道起點 水泥產業道路 抖升1.3M很快到達三角點
It is recommended that the car be placed next to the Di Gong Temple Take Leiyin Temple as the starting point of the trail Cement industry road Shake up 1.3M soon to reach the triangle point
W W on Google

旗靈縱走-靈山的起點 會先有很陡峭的斜坡 走到另一邊旗尾山我花了五小時(一小時休息) 視野很好很舒服 有挑戰性的爬山
Qi Ling Zong Zou-the starting point of Lingshan There will be a very steep slope first I spent five hours walking to Qiwei Mountain on the other side (one hour rest) Very good view and comfortable Challenging mountain climbing
Frank liu on Google

本次旗靈蹤走的開端,沿途上上下下,地形變化多端,遠眺美濃、旗山,景色一級棒。 第一次蹤走,走走停停,適應地形共花6;15分,下一次要從另一端走回來。 溫馨提醒戴手套比較好,若下雨不要來,危險。
The beginning of this Qiling trail walk, up and down along the way, the terrain changes a lot, overlooking Meinong and Qishan, the scenery is first-class. The first time you track, stop and go, it takes a total of 6;15 minutes to adapt to the terrain, and the next time you have to walk back from the other end. A warm reminder to wear gloves is better, if it rains, do not come, it is dangerous.
Edmund So on Google

This is a very steep mountain trail leading to a small hill top around 389 meter. The view is great on a clear day but usually the view is covered with a smoke in summer. If you are driving on your own you can park your car a little bit closer to the top beside a small temple. This trail is not suitable for old age particularly those who had knee problems.
iain letourneau on Google

You can ride a scooter right up to the top, very relaxing and amazingly beautiful the whole way.... maybe it is a little bit steep though

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