Linkou Precinct, New Taipei City Police Department

2.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Linkou Precinct, New Taipei City Police Department

地址 :

No. 57號, Zhongxiao 2nd Rd, Linkou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 244

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 :
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 57號, Zhongxiao 2nd Rd, Linkou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 244
on Google

不會開車就不要出來當三寶 撞了車就好好賠錢啦
Johnny_mhlee on Google

執勤還會恍神? 賠錢還不好好賠? 現在警察素質都這樣嗎?
賴安雅 on Google

前前後後來這邊申辦過良民證兩次 他們的服務都很好而且很快速 滿意?
Before and after, I have applied for a good citizen certificate twice. Their service is good and fast Satisfied ?
龍捲風 on Google

出車禍被撞 做筆錄警員一直翻白眼 紙筆用甩的 回答用罵的 很不耐煩還一直罵人
hit by car accident Taking notes, the police officer keeps rolling his eyes pen and paper answer with scolding I'm very impatient and keep scolding people
Jill Huang on Google

一顆星都多餘 5/23 17:00 林口分局良民證小姐態度極差! 6/1 12:00 忠孝派出所值班小姐也是劣等公務員,需要再教育! 結論是,小姐不適合當警察⋯
one star is redundant 5/23 17:00 Miss Liangminzheng from Linkou Branch has a very bad attitude! 6/1 12:00 The lady on duty at Zhongxiao Police Station is also an inferior civil servant and needs further education! The conclusion is that the lady is not suitable to be a policeman...
coral5漾 on Google

Yesterday, February 27th at about 11 am, I was attracted as soon as I entered the market~ Picking slippers, thousands of choices and finally ready to pay, the money in the wallet disappeared, but the bag was still there. The five-fold roll and the Carrefour gift roll in my name, what a world this is. Should this be reported to the police?
娜娜 on Google

希望已經當警察的話,能當的公平公正。 該分局女警察因分心晃神,撞到路邊停車格的汽車,就應該負起全責,也請不要用職位來壓老百姓,個人行為不應該由全民買單來進行國賠。底層的人民過的很辛苦,請有良心來處理賠償。
Jamie Kuo on Google

1/18晚間掉了錢包,有好心人士撿到送往貴派出所,當天致電過去只說兩天內要去拿。 於1/19 晚上9點左右過去詢問,服務台值班員警態度差的要死,先是不聽清楚需求亂指路,讓我誤入偵查隊被請出來,再來是教訓我資訊不足,用極差的態度說教,說沒我錢包的資料請我改天再來。在我堅持下才願意幫我問昨晚的值班員警,最後才順利找到錢包。 Hello, 大家都人生父母養,能不能專業一點不要把個人情緒帶到你的工作範圍,大老遠跑一趟不是為了看你臉色順便聽你說教,沒要求你態度很好,但能不能保持基本的禮貌?公家機關又配槍很跩?在自己的崗位好好工作很難嗎?拿公家的薪水就要有當公僕的心啦,不然也只是有牌流氓。 一顆星給1/18晚間執勤的那位員警,辛苦了。 這篇評論給一樣遭遇的人,這分局的態度就是瞎雞巴爛,遇到也不用太意外。
I lost my wallet on the evening of 1/18, and some kind-hearted people picked it up and sent it to your police station. I called the same day and said that I would pick it up within two days. I went to ask around 9:00 pm on 1/19. The police on duty at the service desk had a terrible attitude. First, I didn’t understand the needs clearly and gave me directions. I was invited to the investigation team by mistake, and then I was taught that I had insufficient information. Poor attitude preaching, saying that I don't have any information on my wallet, please come back another day. It was only after my insistence that I was willing to ask the policeman on duty last night for me, and finally the wallet was successfully found. Hello, everyone is raised by their parents. Can you be professional and don’t bring personal emotions into your work area? I didn’t go all the way to see your face and listen to your lectures. I didn’t ask you to have a good attitude, but can you keep it up? Basic courtesy? Is it too bad for a government agency to have a gun? Is it difficult to work well at your job? If you get the salary of the public, you must have the heart of being a public servant, otherwise you will just be a hooligan. One star for the police officer on duty on the evening of 1/18, hard work. This comment is for people who have encountered the same situation. The attitude of this bureau is that the dick is rotten, so don't be too surprised when you encounter it.

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