Linluo Wetlands Park - Linluo Township

3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Linluo Wetlands Park

地址 :

Linluo Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 909

城市 : Pingtung County

Linluo Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 909
盧珮君 on Google

Open and nice park, but there are no protective facilities, children running and playing must be careful to fall into the pond
廖啟亨 on Google

公告寫說機車和腳踏車不能進入,但從單車國道附近的入口進入,卻不是停車場,有點尷尬。 公園能走的部份不多(再稍微走進去一點,路線就一目瞭然),蚊蟲略多,路不太平,不過是途中休息的好選擇。 進入園內後隨便看看,大約看到了3、4種鳥類(含麻雀),但聽到的不止?
The announcement said that locomotives and bicycles could not enter, but it was a bit embarrassing to enter from the entrance near the cycling national road, but it was not a parking lot. There are not many parts that can be walked in the park (you can walk in a little and the route will be clear at a glance). There are slightly more mosquitoes and the road is not flat, but it is a good choice for rest on the way. After entering the park, look around and see about 3 or 4 kinds of birds (including sparrows), but you hear more than that?
勝磐 on Google

Great place for a leisurely walk, but remember to bring mosquito repellant
阿娟 on Google

Very beautiful and rich in ecology. Please bring your own anti-mosquito spray when entering the park. Many small black mosquitoes are very enthusiastic
yushan Wang on Google

推動「 鄉村與社區污水自然淨化」降低河川污染為遠程目標而成立的麟洛溼地公園,108年定為地方重要溼地;園區內有四座生態池,園區入口可見景觀平臺介紹動植物、密植區、開放水池區、樹林草皮等,珍貴稀有動植物有黃鸝、蒼鷹、黒翅鳶、大冠鷲、紅尾伯勞及五色鳥;臺灣水龍及被列為國家瀕危植物的大安水蓑衣、水社柳等。在擠擠嚷嚷堆滿水芙蓉的水池,只見許多紅冠水雞踩著水芙蓉悠閒地覓食,怡然自得;園區生態池內遍植睡蓮使得景觀生色三分,緊鄰國道3號和單車國道,距內埔六堆客家文化園區僅5分鐘車程,隱藏版的地方溼地值得一探。
The Linluo Wetland Park, which was established to promote the "natural purification of rural and community sewage" to reduce river pollution, was established as a long-range goal. , open pool area, forest turf, etc., precious and rare animals and plants include oriole, goshawk, black-winged kite, great crested vulture, red-tailed shrike and five-colored bird; Taiwan water dragon and Daan water lily, which are listed as national endangered plants, Shuishe willow, etc. . In the crowded pool full of water hibiscus, I saw many red-crowned water hens stepping on the water hibiscus leisurely foraging, and they were quite content; the ecological pool in the park was planted with water lilies, making the landscape three-pointed, close to National Highway No. 3 and Bicycle National Highway. It is only a 5-minute drive from Neipu Liudui Hakka Cultural Park, and the hidden local wetlands are worth exploring.
陳雷 on Google

屏東國家重要濕地淪落成廢墟 麟洛人工濕地貴為國家重要濕地,池底快乾枯了,水面佈滿稙物,沒有水質淨化功能且發臭,魚都快死光,樹上掉下來的樹支葉還會刺傷人,明顯以無人管理,有關單位在不處理,魚臭味都飄出來了。
Pingtung National Important Wetland Reduced to Ruins Linluo Constructed Wetland is an important wetland in the country. The bottom of the pond is drying up, the water surface is covered with rubbish, it has no water purification function and it stinks. , It is obvious that no one is managing it, and the relevant units are not dealing with it, and the smell of fish is floating out.
Wayan Pintung on Google

Girish Mathad on Google

Beautiful ? place to hang out

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