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Contact 菁埔埤溼地步道

地址 :

Liujia District, Tainan City,Taiwan

城市 : Tainan City

Liujia District, Tainan City,Taiwan
Sonia Shih on Google

I came to a secret place because I went the wrong way. It is very suitable for walking and taking pictures. It is very comfortable.
蔡崑田 on Google

上午騎機車前往台南六甲 落羽松森林,非假日前往人潮不多,我騎到後方鐵路平交道處往回逛,今天沒有藍天白雲襯底,不過有水中倒影,也還不錯。2019/1/18(星期五)
In the morning, I rode a scooter to Tainan Liujia Tayu Pine Forest. There were not many people going there on non-holidays. I rode to the rear railway level crossing and walked back. There is no blue sky and white cloud underlay today, but there are reflections in the water, which is not bad. 2019/1/18 (Friday)
ch H on Google

下雨天,不想走;大熱天,不想走,只有傍晚來走走最合適。 最好不要開車,騎機車來,因在縱貫路邊,停車場不算大,還是機車較方便。 風景普普,心情好就值得,心情不好,看什麼都失望。
It’s raining, I don’t want to go; on a hot day, I don’t want to go, but it’s best to walk around in the evening. It is best not to drive and ride a motorcycle, because the parking lot is not too big on the side of the road, and it is more convenient to use a motorcycle. The scenery is popular, and it is worthwhile if you are in a good mood. If you are in a bad mood, you are disappointed to see everything.
Stephen 夫子 Chen on Google

菁埔埤位於台南市六甲區林鳳營牧場旁,為嘉南農田水利會管轄的灌溉埤塘,靜謐的埤塘邊一大片落羽松,當秋風蕭蕭第一道寒流報到,落羽松美麗換裝,嫣紅羽葉映襯藍天白雲,幻畫絢麗多彩的絕美畫面,頓時成為 IG 網美必拍聖地。在不是落羽松羽葉轉紅的季節,春天的嫩綠初芽,夏季的靜謐郁綠及深冬的枝椏線條都各領一份絕美,值得來探索收集。
Jingpu Pi is located next to the Linfengying Ranch in Liujia District, Tainan City. It is an irrigation pond under the jurisdiction of the Jianan Farmland Water Conservancy Association. A large area of ​​bark pine beside the quiet pond, when the first cold current of the autumn wind is reported, the bark pine is beautifully dressed and bright red. The feathers and leaves against the blue sky and white clouds, the gorgeous and colorful illusion pictures, suddenly became a must-see for IG.com. In the season that is not the red pine leaves, the green buds in spring, the quiet green of summer and the branches and lines of deep winter are all beautiful. It is worth exploring and collecting.
Figo Yang on Google

A place suitable for walking. There are also historical buildings of early irrigation systems. Walk around Pitang. Pink is comfortable. You can also visit it with Tayu Pine Forest.
YA Sunday on Google

The larch season is beautiful
曹宇寬 on Google

Y'all isn't
Samuel Tsai on Google


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