LOEWE Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taichung Zhonggang Store

2.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact LOEWE Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taichung Zhonggang Store

地址 :

301, 1F, Section 3, Taiwan blvd, Situn District, Taichung city 407, Taiwan LOEWE, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407

電話 : 📞 +88977
網站 : http://www.loewe.com/
城市 : 北區 Taichung City

301, 1F, Section 3, Taiwan blvd, Situn District, Taichung city 407, Taiwan LOEWE, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407
wlanlan666 on Google

A high-quality boutique should be served by a high-quality counter sister. The service attitude is not good. Consumers don’t spend money to get angry. Originally, they had a good impression of LOEWE, because a shopping experience led to LOEWE. My impression deteriorated, and I finally chose the CELINE next door, which is very realistic. Only with a good attitude can I pay the bill willingly.
Phoebe on Google

看起來這麼多低分評論並非空穴來風 來前便已經決定好欲購買的包款,所以來靠櫃試顏色,前段介紹都還ok,猶豫顏色時先不說突然有另一位SA介入,一時決定不了顏色所以說出「考慮一下」的瞬間,SA臉色與氣氛直接垮掉 銷售尾段與前段的態度明顯落差,老實說感受滿不好的,最後決定止步,不是很願意再回訪
劉閎宇 on Google

前幾天買了個短夾服務真的很差 不介紹不說明 檢查還要自己提 拿櫃裡的展示品也不告知 只有結帳速度很快而已
I bought a short clip a few days ago. The service is really poor. I don’t introduce or explain the inspection. I have to pick it up myself.
詹子慧 on Google

服務態度真的需要加強一下,詢問短夾款式 一直強調限量 限量 限量所以沒有現貨。到最後拿一個包款說這是店內妳想找的款式最小的了。讓人感覺覺得不是很好。
The service attitude really needs to be strengthened. Asking about the style of the short clip has always emphasized the limited limit, so there is no stock. At the end, I took a bag and said it was the smallest style you were looking for in the store. It doesn't feel good.
Lj Chang on Google

I used to buy two wallets with a cabinet girl whose English name starts with R. The service is very good. The people are very good and do not reject the wallets for customers. I want to buy wallets as gifts for my family this Christmas, but I encountered a stranger with a strange attitude. Sister cabinet. Because the pattern of the wallet is different, I hope to see it, but she said that this is the same as the one you are looking at now. I don’t want to show it to me. Would you like me to specifically say that you can have a look? I just took it down for a look...The staff service really needs to be strengthened, and I was disappointed and disrespectful, so I left immediately.
MU CHI Hsiao on Google

一個手指有刺青的男店員服務態度值得拿出來跟大家討論。首先他拿皮夾產品不戴保護手套,而手套明明就拿在手上;再來,銷售模式偏重使用「要漲價了」、「現在不買之後就買不到啦」這類讓你很緊張的手法。當天在這種既害怕又猶豫的氛圍下,跟該店員確認完除了架上,店內還有全新品後,就掙扎的離開了。不過因為之前有在西班牙生活過的緣故,一直都很喜歡這個牌子,所以經過一個晚上思考後,還是決定隔天要回去下手。 到了購買當天,值得討論的事情發生了,這也是為什麼評論只想給一星評價的原因。 情形是這樣的,該男店員一確定我們要買之後,在沒有任何告知下,就拿著架上品進去倉庫,同時要我們直接先跟另一位店員結帳。 而在我們開開心心準備要掏出信用卡的時候…揪兜馬爹!那現在買到的是架上的還是全新品?!我們一發覺不對勁,就趕緊詢問該男拿那個架上商品進去是要做什麼,他才趕緊出來,並從皮夾拿出條碼,說要確認是否有全新的。 問題來了!你知道我們想買全新品,為什麼沒有先確認是否還有貨,就要我們先結帳?打算讓我們卡刷了,不敢下車,或下不了車? 再來,更嚴重的疑慮,拿進去會不會是要重新整理,再拿出來說是全新的? 當然這都無法考證,真相只有一個,而且只在他的內心。到底這男店員心裡在盤算什麼! 真的好想知道…是第一個可能性呢?還是比較邪惡的後者? 但不管怎樣,這些所產生的疑慮都已經扎扎實實,完完全全,毫無疑問的,讓人觀感超差!差到索性就放棄不買了,雖然那個顏色真的很好看… 最後我們知道本來架上的產品都會銷售掉,但這又延伸了這家門市的另一個問題。架上產品的品質是否有 妥善? 而我們看到的是,店員沒戴手套就隨意拿取產品、金屬logo上的保護膜昨天還在,今天就不見了(花兩三萬應該會想要那個logo亮金金的吧?而不是有刮痕..)、同意客人試插卡片跟試放零錢。 整合以上狀況,架上產品是否能維持良好的品質,這也蠻值得討論的。
The service attitude of a male clerk with tattooed fingers is worth discussing with everyone. First of all, he does not wear protective gloves when he takes the wallet product, and the gloves are obviously in his hands; secondly, the sales model focuses on the use of "the price will increase", "you can't buy it if you don't buy it now", which makes you very nervous method. In this atmosphere of fear and hesitation that day, after confirming with the clerk that in addition to the shelves, there are new products in the store, and then left struggling to leave. However, because I have lived in Spain before, I have always liked this brand, so after thinking about it for a night, I decided to go back and start the next day. When it came to the day of purchase, something worth discussing happened, which is why the reviews only gave one star. The situation is like this, as soon as the male clerk confirms that we want to buy it, he goes into the warehouse with the product on the shelf without any notice, and at the same time asks us to check out with another clerk directly. And when we're all happy and ready to pull out our credit cards... So is the one you bought now on the shelf or brand new? ! As soon as we noticed something was wrong, we quickly asked the man what he was doing with the item on the shelf, and he came out quickly and took out the barcode from the wallet, saying to check if it was brand new. Here comes the problem! You know we want to buy brand new, why do we have to check out without first confirming whether it is still in stock? Are you planning to let us swipe the card and dare not get out of the car, or can't get out of the car? Then, a more serious doubt, will it be reorganized when it is put in, and it is brand new when it is taken out? Of course, none of this can be verified, there is only one truth, and it is only in his heart. What the hell is this guy thinking about! I really want to know...is that the first possibility? Or the more evil latter? But in any case, these doubts have been solid, completely, no doubt, make people look bad! It was so bad that I gave up and didn't buy it, although the color was really nice... In the end we knew that whatever was on the shelf would sell out, but that extended another problem for the store. Is the quality of the products on the shelf proper? What we have seen is that the clerk took the product at will without wearing gloves, the protective film on the metal logo was there yesterday, but it is gone today (you should spend 20,000 to 30,000 yuan to want that logo shiny gold, right? Instead of There are scratches..), agree to the guests to try to insert the card and try to put the change. Combining the above conditions, it is also worth discussing whether the products on the shelf can maintain a good quality.
劉珍妮 on Google

Joyce 1879 on Google

Patronize from hold of besimus.

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