Long Life Chinese Traditional Massage

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Long Life Chinese Traditional Massage

地址 :

No. 70號中央北路三段 Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 11257

電話 : 📞 +88898
網站 : https://hemusih.com/chang-qing-massage/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
城市 : Taipei City

No. 70號中央北路三段 Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 11257
豪豪 on Google

Teacher Wang Junjie's technique is precise and symptomatic. After an hour of treatment, the shoulders, neck, waist, and back are like reborn. During the treatment, he will explain carefully, and after the treatment, he will also teach exercises that can be done at home, and finally find a place where you can take good care of your muscles and bones.
W L H on Google

陳師父非常值得推薦,但有按摩師傅應該去跟淡水老師傅學學甚麼叫正規按摩,而不是單手一直揉半邊,又揉半天, 之後再單手揉另一邊, 另外一手不知是在做其他事情,還是????? 一小時下來真的沒甚麼放鬆紓壓感覺.
Master Chen is very recommended, but there are massage masters who should go to master Danshui to learn what is a regular massage, instead of kneading half of the side with one hand, kneading for a long time, and then kneading the other side with one hand, and the other hand is doing other things. Or ???
劉懷敬 on Google

感謝,莊師傅,很努力地在30分鐘內為我舒緩肩膀及脖子的不適~ 其實,我超討厭滑罐的..........但是 還是很感謝你,雖然脖子還會痛,但是可以轉動的角度變大了,我會再去醫院檢查看看! 謝謝你們!
Melvin HUANG on Google

Teacher Chen Yibin is very professional! The strength is also just right ~ after each session, the whole person is super comfortable, and the pain has disappeared! I highly recommend Mr. Chen Yibin! push push ??
尤麗英 on Google

Although Mrs. Xu is a girl, she is very skilled and professional. She has managed the discomfort in my shoulders, hands, and waist very well. After the treatment, the pain is gone. The person is also very nice and praised.
羊羊 on Google

許琬琤老師手法柔中帶剛,調理筋骨的技術好,很細心也很溫柔! 讓我很放心交給她處理,很少遇到女整復師,大推?
Teacher Xu Wanchen's technique is gentle and firm, and his technique of conditioning muscles and bones is good, very careful and gentle! It makes me feel at ease to let her handle it, I rarely meet a female orthopedic teacher, I recommend it ?
血密 on Google

鄭老師人很和氣,肩頸痠痛多年過去一下子就舒緩很多,值得推推! 而且店門口還有擺放許多專業執照,推薦大家過去!
Mr. Zheng is a very kind person. After many years, the pain in the shoulder and neck has been relieved a lot. It is worth pushing! In addition, there are many professional licenses placed in front of the store, I recommend everyone to go there!
Hi, wonderful life. on Google

This is my first time to recommend Master Wang to everyone. I used to have an old injury to the ligament of my right ankle. After 1 hour of massage, the pain disappeared. I was very happy. I also told me when to apply ice, when to apply heat, and Strength training teaching sharing, 1 hour NTD 1100 is very careful and worth very professional.

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