Lukang Christian Hopsital

3.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Lukang Christian Hopsital

地址 :

No. 480號, Jhongjheng Rd, Lukang Township, Changhua County, Taiwan 505

電話 : 📞 +8877799
網站 :
城市 : Changhua County

No. 480號, Jhongjheng Rd, Lukang Township, Changhua County, Taiwan 505
陳志坤 on Google

Waiting for half an hour to see a doctor, and no one is there to see the doctor, what is the use of a doctor like you, the dignity of medical care is self-required, not guaranteed by law.
Claire 1203 on Google

I have been a student volunteer here, and I really admire the kindness, patience and attentiveness of the medical staff to the patients.
李柏 on Google

Some medical staff have a good attitude. They are chatting and not listening to the patient's description. If they are busy, forget it, they are not busy at all... I hope they can think more about the patient.
利昕玲 on Google

該院還是有好醫生其專業值得肯定?? 雖然了解醫護人員很辛苦 面對民眾來往的大小問題 可能非常疲憊 但只是問問題 不需要那麼凶 氣到評1星是給大家知道 態度差的人員是真的很糟糕 希望大家都有良好的就診經驗 而不是讓人想放棄生命治療???
The hospital still has good doctors whose professionalism is worthy of recognition ?? Although I understand that medical staff is very hard Faced with the size of the problem of people's communication can be very tired But just asking questions, it doesn't need to be so fierce Angry to comment 1 star is for everyone to know Bad attitude staff is really bad Hope you all have a good experience Instead of making people want to give up life healing ? ? ?
果果 on Google

6/1晚上掛耳鼻喉科 感謝郭醫生的幫忙 跟關心跟解說 讓老人家安心看診 88歲的老人家屬 謝謝你 跟當天的跟診護士謝謝你 你們辛苦了感恩
6/1 night hanging ENT Thank you Dr. Guo for your help with care and explanation Make the elderly feel at ease Family of an 88-year-old man Thank you Thank you to the nurse on the day Thank you for your hard work
陳建銓 on Google

2004年8月鹿基醫院創立,原本缺乏急診照護資源的鹿港及鄰近鄉鎮居民,終於擁有更完善的照護服務。2006年9月,鹿基醫院變更為財團法人彰化基督教醫院鹿基分院。2013年3月,更名為彰化基督教醫療財團法人鹿港基督教醫院。鹿港基督教醫院已在2018年1月1日合併鹿東基督教醫院為鹿基長青院區;2020年7月3日,新建路加醫療大樓落成啟用剪綵。2021年1月14日,新建門診大樓舉辦落成啟用感恩禮拜暨剪綵儀式。作為彰基健康照護醫療體系的一員,一貫秉持愛上帝、愛土地、愛人民、愛自己的彰基精神,將醫學中心的醫療服務品質,延伸至鹿港地區,共同為社區居民促進健康、維護健康、恢復健康而繼續努力。 內科部門診:內分泌新陳代謝科、骨質疏鬆特別門診、家庭醫學科、胸腔內科、血液腫瘤科、心臟血管內科、腎臟內科、戒菸門診、減重門診、過敏免疫風濕科、胃腸肝膽科、胃鏡.超音波檢查、感染科、三高整合照護門診。 ◎外科部門診:神經外科、一般外科、甲狀腺外科特診、乳房外科、骨科、大腸直腸外科、大腸鏡檢查、泌尿科、神經外科、心臟外科、胸腔外科、小兒外科、脊椎特診。 ◎其它專科部門診:放射腫瘤科、中醫科、耳鼻喉科、婦產科、眼科、神經內科、身心科、皮膚科、復健醫學科、小兒科(健兒門診)、家庭牙科、口腔外科、牙周病科、齒顎矯正科、體檢中心(健康檢查)、醫學美容特診、記憶門診、身心障礙者牙科特診、兒童牙科。 2. 各項檢查 放射科:MRI(磁振造影儀GE 1.5T Signa HDxt )、全數位型一般X光檢查、128切CT(電腦斷層掃瞄)、IVP(尿路攝影)、乳房攝影、雙能量骨質密度測量儀(DEXA);腦波、神經傳導、誘發電位、一般及運動心電圖、 24小時心電圖、周邊血管、肺功能;超音波:胎兒4D立體、乳房、心臟、腎臟、關節、肝膽、頸部血管、甲狀腺;內視鏡:胃鏡、大腸鏡、支氣管鏡;聽力檢查及視野檢查。 3. 客製化治療 癌症或其它良性疾病之放射線治療、洗腎中心、健檢中心、醫學美容中心、物理治療、職能治療、語言治療、減重治療、健康促進中心、門診衛教中心、婦女健康中心。
黃奇崑 on Google

Samsung fan Anonymous on Google

The environment is good, but the staff service is under average. Some of the nurses there are quite rude & not very friendly in helping patients, including the receptionist. They have a very arrogant bone specialist doctor, Dr. Wang who keep on delaying patient's time & his work seems unprofessional.

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