Luxuriant Pâtisserie 奕芃手作甜點店

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Luxuriant Pâtisserie 奕芃手作甜點店

地址 :

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Minquan Rd, 256號Luxuriant Pâtisserie 奕芃手作甜點店 號 1樓

電話 : 📞 +88989
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城市 : Minquan Rd

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Minquan Rd, 256號Luxuriant Pâtisserie 奕芃手作甜點店 號 1樓
Hong Lin on Google

The newly opened French dessert shop in Banqiao, the average price of small desserts is about 200 yuan, with a variety of layers, it is very good to match with sugar-free tea (drinks are also very cheap, iced wheat tea is only 50 yuan), I ordered 3 flavors out of control ?, the service attitude is very good .
G race on Google

無意間走在板橋的路上經過的甜點店 每一款蛋糕真的都非常非常漂亮 芭樂蛋糕真的非常驚艷 每一口味道結合在一起很平衡很好吃當下真的好吃到很激動!老闆人也很好?希望生意越來越好❤️
The dessert shop I passed by on the road of Banqiao by accident. Every cake is really very beautiful. The guava cake is really amazing. The taste of each bite is very balanced and delicious. Now it is really delicious and I am very excited! The boss is also very good ? Hope the business gets better and better ❤️
莊敦傑 on Google

一家令人驚艷的法式甜點店! 情人節那天遍尋不著安太座的蛋糕 想起住家附近有這家新開的甜點店 抱著孤注一擲的心情進到店裡 老闆表示可以現場製作「草莓園」 對於水果類製品不太感興趣的我 吃下去驚為天人 草莓跟杏仁塔內餡竟能如此和諧 塔皮酥脆的讓人停不下來 很久沒有吃到這麼令人驚奇的甜點了 坦白說… 板橋幾家有名的甜點店都沒讓我有這種感覺XD 太座生日立馬決定要再訂這家的蛋糕 這次選擇了七吋的「玫瑰」 取貨當下發現老闆使用塑膠片加上紙盒 讓這個細緻的作品更加有格調 看得出老闆對美的追求 重點是整個蛋糕有四個層次 最上面是鐵觀音慕斯 中間是香草海綿蛋糕夾著覆盆子內餡 最底層是像餅乾的榛果脆片 蛋糕外面包著白巧克力片 上層有著手工巧克力製作的玫瑰花 可以是主角也可以是點綴 建議不要分層吃 而是要將蛋糕的整體送入口中 可以感受到酸甜之間的平衡 讓整體的口感提升到另一個境界 這蛋糕確實不便宜 但絕對值得讓你感受法式甜點的美好
An amazing French dessert shop! Can't find An Taiza's cake on Valentine's Day Reminds me of this new dessert shop near my home Entering the store in a desperate mood The boss said that "Strawberry Garden" can be made on the spot I am not very interested in fruit products Eat it and be amazed The filling of strawberry and almond tower can be so harmonious The crispy tarts are irresistible Haven't had such an amazing dessert in a long time honestly… Several famous dessert shops in Banqiao didn't make me feel this way XD Taizu's birthday immediately decided to order this cake again This time I chose a seven-inch "rose" When I picked up the goods, I found that the boss used a plastic sheet and a carton Make this meticulous work more stylish I can see the boss's pursuit of beauty The point is that the whole cake has four layers The top is Tieguanyin mousse In the middle is a vanilla sponge cake with a raspberry filling The bottom layer is a cookie-like hazelnut chip Cake with white chocolate chips The upper layer has roses made of handmade chocolate Can be the protagonist or the embellishment It is recommended not to eat in layers Instead, send the whole cake into your mouth You can feel the balance between sweet and sour Take the overall taste to another level This cake is not cheap But definitely worth making you feel the goodness of French desserts
Avery Tsou on Google

板橋有那麼好的法式甜點真的很意外,完全不輸台北的甜點名店。口感跟味道設計都極好。外型也很漂亮。茶飲料才一杯50,超級佛。 感覺甜點師對巧克力特別在行,巧克力味道很細膩,連裝飾的玫瑰巧克力花味道口感都好。 唯一小建議,如果玫瑰外面鏡面能夠做的更平滑就更好了,也希望平日也可以有多一些甜點跟巧克力的選擇。 這家甜點店紅起來指日可待。
It's really surprising that Banqiao has such good French desserts, and it's not inferior to the famous dessert shops in Taipei. Taste and taste design are excellent. The appearance is also very beautiful. Tea drinks are only 50 per cup, super Buddha. I feel that the pastry chef is very good at chocolate. The chocolate taste is very delicate, and even the decorated rose chocolate flower tastes good. The only small suggestion, it would be better if the mirror surface of the rose can be made smoother, and I hope that there will be more choices of desserts and chocolates on weekdays. This dessert shop is just around the corner.
JC016林原陞 on Google

甜點非常漂亮,而且還非常好吃,用72%生巧克力做的黑騎士(205),口味上不會太苦或太甜,脆裂的口感,搭配綿密的糕體,橙果再提供一點酸和果香,一咬下去直接驚艷。 本來以為甜點就是本體,結果飲料也很好喝,麥茶(50)是用軟木塞管沖泡的,很少看到,沒有特別加糖,有原始的清香和舒服;熱可可(80)不甜口感很綿密,冬天喝下去很幸福。 裝水的杯子底部是不平衡的錐體,店內裝潢看得出師傅的用心和堅持,師傅人也溫和親切,很有風格的店,價格很對得起品質,已納入口袋名單。
The dessert is very beautiful and delicious. The black knight (205) made with 72% raw chocolate is not too bitter or too sweet in taste. It has a crispy texture and is matched with a dense cake body. The orange fruit provides a little acidity. It has a fruity aroma and is immediately amazing when you bite into it. I thought the dessert was the body, but the drink turned out to be delicious. The barley tea (50) is brewed with a cork tube, which is rarely seen. There is no special sugar added, and it has the original fragrance and comfort; the hot cocoa (80) is not sweet. The taste is very dense, and it is very happy to drink in winter. The bottom of the cup filled with water is an unbalanced cone. The interior decoration of the store shows the dedication and persistence of the master. The master is also gentle and friendly. The store is very stylish, and the price is very worthy of the quality. It has been included in the pocket list.
美食餐廳必吃懶人包 on Google

這間甜點是吃完披薩後要吃個甜點收尾,在 google map 上看到,因為其他間都營業 到20:00就休息。位於民權路上的運動場對面算是蠻好找 店面不大,內用座位不多,主要是透明窗可以看到很大的工作室 菜單,賣的甜點不算多,價格約200。飲料約50 。不收服務費。點了一個熱帶水果跟一杯 紅茶(可回沖) 以芭樂為基底的甜點搭配上牛奶巧克力,送上來真的是漂亮跟精緻,味道也很不錯, 芭樂餡不會跟其他甜味造成衝突,一起吃的口感好吃,容易一口接一口吃下去,雖然 要200但是吃完會覺得可以 紅茶,可以回沖,是用類似試管瓶裝著茶葉,味道香會回甘 最後就是挖到好吃的甜點店,雖然價格較高,但吃起來是會讓人滿足的
This dessert is finished with a dessert after the pizza, and you can see it on the google map, because the other rooms are open Rest until 20:00. It is quite easy to find across from the sports field on Minquan Road The store is not big, and there are not many seats for interior use, mainly because of the transparent windows, you can see the large studio On the menu, there are not many desserts sold, and the price is about 200. Drinks are about 50. No service charge. Ordered a tropical fruit and a glass Black tea (refillable) The guava-based dessert is paired with milk chocolate. It is really beautiful and delicate, and the taste is also very good. Guava filling will not conflict with other sweet tastes, it tastes delicious when eaten together, and it is easy to eat one bite after another, although It's 200, but it's okay after eating Black tea, which can be backwashed, is filled with tea leaves in a similar test tube bottle, and the taste will return to sweetness. The last thing is to dig into a delicious dessert shop. Although the price is higher, it will make people satisfied.
Pingchuan Hsu on Google

Chill and nice place , delicate pâtisserie Chef was working in Australia , has own creation, high recommend
Ori on Google

Wow so good! Went there yesterday to get me a little sweet treat and was not disappointed. Came in and a very friendly owner showed me the different options. Ended up getting the Hazelnut lover and boy oh boy was good! One of the best desserts I’ve had . Worth a visit for sure. I’ll be back soon for more and try different treats

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