Luzhou Police Station

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Contact Luzhou Police Station

地址 :

No. 92號, Zhongshan 2nd Rd, Luzhou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 247

電話 : 📞 +8888
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 92號, Zhongshan 2nd Rd, Luzhou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 247
1200 Lee on Google

今天吃晚餐完要去停車場的時候,錢包不小心遺失了... 發現齁到來派出所也要一個多小時了? 櫃檯的女警察很有耐心的幫我查詢有沒有遺失物,結果撿到我錢包的好心人剛好送到這間派出所! 真的很感謝撿到我錢包的好心人? 也謝謝櫃檯的女警察! 服務很好!真的很感謝☺️
When I went to the parking lot after dinner today, my wallet was accidentally lost... I found that it will take more than an hour for Jun to arrive at the police station? The policewoman at the counter was very patient to help me check if there was any lost property, but the kind person who found my wallet happened to be sent to this police station! I really appreciate the kind people who found my wallet? Thanks also to the policewoman at the counter! The service was excellent! Thank you so much☺️
張家齊 on Google

被檢舉噪音,警察有權進到個人住家? 還不斷恐嚇要用社維法送辦? 是警員教育訓練不足還是我法律知識不足? 能否給個說法? 我可以接受被檢舉說音樂太吵被檢舉要小聲 但我無法接受警察來恐嚇我繼續吵就要社維法送辦?!
If the noise is reported, the police have the right to enter a personal home? Still constantly threatening to use social security law to send it off? Is the police officer's insufficient education and training or my legal knowledge? Can you give me an explanation? I can accept being reported that the music is too noisy and be reported to be quiet But I can't accept the police to threaten me to continue the quarrel and I will send it off? !
白刺黨(霖) on Google

It's just a case. It didn't take 15 minutes before and after. As a result, the accountability system was delayed for two weeks. No, we all made an appointment. If you breached the contract, you still have the face to ask me to cooperate with you? How many times have I cooperated with you? Are you still postponing?
Remi W. on Google

更:現在想起來2000元其實也沒什麼,讓我兩週沒早餐午餐吃而已,現在有能力賺錢了,更覺得可惡!!當時於公車掉落紅包(春節想說把生活費放紅包討吉利)被一位紅色羽絨外套的阿姨撿走,調閱總站行車監視器看到,被告知不能錄影或翻拍,要報案請警察蒐證,於事來到相對人下車的蘆洲派出所,先被志工洗臉後,警察先生反問我說要怎麼證明錢是我的?!弄不好會變成誣告?!紅包從我包包掉出來,被撿走侵佔,都有監視器錄影證明,反變成我要舉證。講完後說先留下身分證號碼跟電話,找到那位阿姨後通知我,然後就沒消息,直到我妹po文驚動上級,才又打給我,我媽怕事堅持要我不准過去報案,好像2000塊沒什麼的幹嘛大驚小怪勞師動眾,爽到侵佔他人錢財的人。所以撿到錢趕快收好,反正掉的人也不能證明是他的啊?很棒的警政教育 這邊的志工會說報案人不懂事,東西掉落被撿走按幹應該要自己默默吞下,奇葩
陳培志 on Google

The voice search was incorrect, but the Jixian police station was searched, but it pointed to this.
山豬 on Google

晚上每天的一堆汽車改管在集賢路上吵死人都不管 摩托車倒是很敢攔是怎麼樣汽車抓不到乾脆都不抓了嗎
Every day at night, a bunch of car diversions are noisy on Jixian Road, no one cares Motorcycles are so daring to stop them
蛤啦 on Google

完全是個擾民的單位 只在乎自己的業績 吃相難看 不舉發路邊違規的車舉發閃車的民眾 人民賺錢幸苦 上下班也不懂體諒只會擾民 讓我們不禁懷疑 是不是有跟檢舉達人有不法勾當之行為
It's a completely disturbing unit. It only cares about its own performance. It looks ugly. It doesn't report illegal cars on the roadside. People who report flashing cars make money. behavior
維仁 on Google

萬分感謝蘆洲派出所的全體警員 同仁的協助、幫忙 才能使我祖母遭搶的包包一案得以順利破案 因為有你們的援助 此事才能在兩天內圓滿落幕 警察們在短時間內一點一滴的尋找蛛絲馬跡 直到該事得以獲得解決 本人於此萬分感謝 感激警察們的處理 不僅效率快 親切且富有仁愛 筆者於此向全體警員敬禮 謝謝你們成為人民與百姓最有力的後盾!
I am very grateful to all the police officers and colleagues of Luzhou Police Station for their assistance and help, so that the case of my grandmother's bag that was robbed can be successfully solved. Because of your assistance, this matter can be successfully concluded in two days The cops were looking for clues in a short period of time until the matter was resolved. I am very grateful and grateful to the police for their handling Not only efficient but also kind and benevolent I hereby salute all the police officers Thank you for being the most powerful backing for the people and the people!

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