
3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 蝙蝠叔叔就愛玩秘境

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Lvdao Township, Taitung County,Taiwan

電話 : 📞 +8897
網站 : https://green-island-bat.cms.webnode.tw/
城市 : Taitung County

Lvdao Township, Taitung County,Taiwan
陳普通 on Google

第一次去綠島遊玩 民宿的行程套餐是跟「蝙蝠叔叔」合作 當天8:45要我們集合後 穿好救生衣潛水鏡 騎車騎了20分鐘,到他們所謂的「秘境藍洞」 到達後先帶我們去拍照 心裡想說,可能這裡真的蠻漂亮的,可能只是拍個幾張留念,殊不知一拍就拍了2過多小時⋯ 民宿老闆明明是跟我們說行程 是「跳水」跟「玩水」結果去之後變成都在拍照....... 讓我更錯愕的是 一個教練竟然帶了36個人 救生圈也只有6個⋯⋯⋯ 只能說來綠島要找蝙蝠叔叔,真的要三思 如果你覺得你很耐曬時間又夠充裕的話⋯⋯ PS收了500元拍照拍了2個半小時 去跳水才跳半小時 感覺有點差⋯
Visiting Green Island for the first time The homestay’s itinerary package is in cooperation with "Uncle Bat" After asking us to gather at 8:45 that day Wear a life jacket and goggles Cycling for 20 minutes to the so-called "Blue Hole" Take us to take pictures after arrival I want to say, maybe it’s really pretty here, maybe it’s just a few pictures, but I didn’t know that it took more than 2 hours to shoot... The owner of the hotel clearly told us about the schedule It was the ``diving'' and ``playing'' that turned out to be taking pictures after going... What made me even more shocked was that a coach took 36 people There are only 6 lifebuoys... I can only say that Green Island is looking for Uncle Bat, really have to think twice If you think you are very durable and have plenty of time... PS received 500 yuan and took pictures for 2 and a half hours It took only half an hour to dive It feels a bit bad...
賴彥錡 on Google

9/5 早上秘境之旅其中一人 很不能接受一個教練 帶一團36個對綠島環境不熟悉的旅客 參加過這麼多水上活動 沒遇過比例這麼誇張的 而且當天颱風在外圍 風浪超大 行程有什麼計畫或改變都沒行前說明 光是在彎弓洞拍照就拍了一個小時 秘境瀑布 小小一個點也塞不下36人 還有別的教練帶團進來 最後藍洞該去翠湖也是到了翠湖才說 一路上36人浩浩蕩蕩隊伍拉超長 顧得了前面顧不了後面 還有性別意識超差 男女差別對待 感受不舒服 最不能接受的是保險保到中午12點 我們卻在1150才到達翠湖 1225離開 想知道如果在在保險之外的時間發生問題誰要負責? 另外跟教練反應 態度還超差 在9/6離開綠島 才在群組嗆客人 說自己帶隊經驗多豐富 隊員也沒受傷 怪團員我行我素 PS 晚上的生態之旅 發現也是同一個教練帶團 整個大傻眼!兩個人帶一團200多個人.....然後中間還跟其中一個團員吵架 機車騎著跑去追 把一大群人丟在原地 情緒控管超差
9/5 One of the people on the morning secret tour It is very unacceptable for a coach to bring a group of 36 travelers who are not familiar with the environment of Green Island. They have participated in so many water activities, and have never encountered such an exaggerated proportion. Moreover, the typhoon was on the periphery of the day and the wind and waves were very heavy, and there were no plans or changes in the itinerary. It was an hour to take pictures in the Bow Cave. The secret waterfall is small enough to fit 36 ​​people. There are other coaches leading the team in. Finally, the Blue Hole should go to Cuihu and I said that when I went to Cuihu Along the way, a huge team of 36 people drew a long line, taking care of the front but not the back And the gender consciousness is too bad, men and women are treated differently, and they feel uncomfortable The most unacceptable thing is that the insurance is guaranteed until 12 noon, but we arrive at Cuihu at 1150 and leave at 1225. Want to know who will be responsible if something goes wrong outside of insurance? In addition, he reacted to the coach with a very bad attitude. I left Green Island on 9/6 and choked the guests in the group. He said that he has a lot of experience in leading the team and the players were not injured. PS The ecological tour at night found that the same instructor led the group, the whole dumbfounded! Two people brought a group of more than 200 people... and then quarreled with one of the group members in the middle. The motorcycle ran to chase and left a large group of people in place. Emotional control is out of tolerance
K R on Google

一個教練出一團36個人帶了六個救生圈,不知道是教練水性太好還是大海他在管的?浪根本超大一直在那評估有沒有辦法下水!活動三個小時拍照拍了兩個多小時...跳水點待了差不多30分鐘...跟教練反應浪這麼大你一個人帶36個不危險嗎..直接回答還好吧??....會不會太貪心了?民宿業者真的不該找這家合作啊...要帶這麽多人人就出多點 !評估沒辦法下水就直接跟我們說不要在那邊硬拖拍照耗時間!我們這團20個人已經跟他說不拍照了我們人太多會浪費時間。他在藍洞拍其他16個人拍了快兩個小時~去小瀑布快一個小時在上面分兩隊互相潑水???要賺錢也不是這樣賺的吧?有多少能力做多少事好嗎!
Cory Wang on Google

說好的藍洞結果是帶到一灘水池,名叫藍眼睛(? 一人收費500,2個人帶20幾人。 帶了一個山洞拍照點、一個跳水點和一個瀑布,約2.5小時。
The said blue hole ended up being brought to a pool of water, named Blue Eyes (? One person costs 500, and 2 people bring more than 20 people. I brought a cave photo spot, a diving spot and a waterfall, about 2.5 hours.
Mikey Hsu on Google

Participating in the Blue Hole Mystery Tour, other families have mentioned that it may be cancelled due to the northeast monsoon and cannot lead the group. Only Uncle Bat will open the group. I thought this was the *more professional* group mentioned by other people, but two coaches took 30 or so people to the blue-eyed (?) sea cave that was not considered a secret. It takes at least 30 minutes to take a photo. Without asking, there is no mention of things that cannot go to the Blue Hole at all. Because of the safety, it is not understandable according to the itinerary, but there is no prior communication at all, and there is a feeling of being deceived. Very uncomfortable experience.
Rosy on Google

教練很會帶氣氛,大家都玩得非常開心,也一直幫大家拍照 留下美好回憶~推推??
The coach is very good at bringing the atmosphere, everyone has a lot of fun, and has been helping everyone to take pictures and leave good memories~Tweet ??
小綿羊 on Google

How can you miss snorkeling when you come to Green Island? The instructor is very good. The explanation is detailed. The equipment and diving suit are also very new. There are also a lot of pictures. I also ask everyone to remember to take off the mask or how to know who is who! The underwater world is really beautiful. You must experience it once in your life. Although the waves are a bit seasick, it is still worth it!
中藥材 on Google

首次的綠島上活動,有一半都是在這完成,浮潛、夜探潮間帶、祕境跳海、藍眼睛等等,由於都是海上活動+穿脫裝備+時間有限,所以貴重物品留放在換裝現場皆由店家看管,或有經驗的人留存在民宿或動動腦想一下如何防失竊,海上有水的行程皆結束後,想一想幾個問題, 1.是否採購防水手機,因手機留放換裝現場,所以無法自己拍照,但風險是像我在跳海的祕境處,裝備中的呼吸管不知什麼時後遺失掉海裡,好加在教練再回程前有尋回2支,不然就可能需要負責賠償。 2.太曬了,所以,冰水+遮陽帽+擦防曬乳或防曬外套,一定要到跟人帶到各活動現場。 3.好好了解綠島上的地理人文位置分佈,海線、山線等幾大區域及全島路線,為什麼人都擠在海線,山線反而清幽,人過度集中問題多衝突也多。 4.島上的民宿業者若有聽到遊客心聲將有機會托引而出,如許多海上活動後遊客身上的泳衣或衣褲始終想要清洗乾淨,加上陸上景點游玩後衣物濕、熱、黏,衣物帶太多行李又太大,衣物換再多也要考慮回台灣其他景點的衣物替換問題。衣物清洗方法及清洗劑及衣架,遊客可自行攜帶或當地購買租借促進旅遊消費,但重點來了(曬衣場地及曬衣桿、架、繩),洗好的泳衣及衣物總要有地方晾乾,婆婆媽媽叔叔阿姨哥姊弟妹都知道這時太曬了的太陽反而是優點,衣物只需半天就晾乾了。 遊客的心聲及先機,得先機者得天下也。 5.這次綠島3天行,未能一窺綠島全貌,未能環島,未能每個點了解,遺珠之憾留在以後的綠島慢活之旅。
Half of the first activities on the Green Island were completed here. Snorkeling, night exploration of the intertidal zone, sea diving in secrets, blue eyes, etc., are all marine activities + putting on and taking off equipment + limited time, so valuables are left When you put it on the dressing site, you will be supervised by the store, or experienced people will stay in the homestay or use your brain to think about how to prevent theft. After the trip with water on the sea is over, think about a few questions. 1. Whether to purchase a waterproof mobile phone, because the mobile phone is left on the scene, so I can’t take pictures by myself, but the risk is like I was jumping into the sea in a secret place. The snorkel in the equipment will be lost to the sea after some time, so I can add it to the coach. Two pieces were found before the return trip, otherwise you may be responsible for compensation. 2. It’s too sun-dried, so ice water + sun hat + sunscreen lotion or sunscreen coat must be brought to each activity site with someone. 3. Get a good understanding of the geographical and humanistic location distribution on the Green Island, the sea line, mountain line and other major areas and the entire island route. Why are people crowded on the sea line, but the mountain line is quiet and there are many problems of excessive concentration of people and conflicts. 4. If the hotel operators on the island hear the voices of tourists, they will have the opportunity to enlighten them. For example, after many marine activities, the swimsuits or underwear of tourists always want to be cleaned, and the clothes are wet, hot and sticky after visiting the land attractions. The clothes carry too much luggage and they are too big. No matter how many clothes are changed, we must consider the problem of changing clothes when returning to other attractions in Taiwan. Clothes washing methods and detergents and hangers can be brought by tourists or purchased and rented locally to promote tourism consumption, but the focus is on (clothing venues and drying poles, racks, ropes), and there must always be a place to dry the washed swimsuits and clothes Dry, mothers-in-laws, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters and siblings all know that the sun is too strong at this time, and the clothes are dried in just half a day. The voice of the tourists and the first opportunity, the first opportunity wins the world. 5. This three-day trip to Green Island, I failed to get a glimpse of the whole view of Green Island, failed to circle the island, and failed to understand every point. The regret of staying on the green island in the future is a slow journey.

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