MACU Xindian Dapinglin

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact MACU Xindian Dapinglin

地址 :

No. 504號, Zhongzheng Rd, Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 231

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 :
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 504號, Zhongzheng Rd, Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 231
stefanie Lin (林奕青) on Google

要不是旁邊裝修超級吵,不然多給一顆星~~?? 大坪林新開的麻古茶坊終於有機會喝到了!! 不過個人都習慣喝清茶,雖然這家的清茶價位算是便宜的,但是帶有澀味,因此不是那麼推~ 不過這個也不是他們的招牌,建議大家可以試試其他飲品? 紅白簡約的裝潢,讓人感覺乾乾淨淨的,店員服務也算有耐心 ?
If it’s not for the super noisy decoration next to it, or else give it an extra star~~?? Dapinglin’s newly opened Magu teahouse finally has a chance to drink it! ! But I am accustomed to drinking tea, although the price of this tea is cheap, but it has astringent taste, so it is not so popular~ But this is not their signature, I suggest you try other drinks? The red and white simple decoration makes people feel clean and the clerk's service is also patience ?
J W on Google

The stores where Jin Xuan can be difficult to drink are usually franchised stores. I wonder if your store is franchised?
tzu han liao on Google

前幾天消費芒果芝芝 客流量好像不多的時候 飲品比較快好 辛苦店員了 男生女生店員服務都很好 但隔著那一塊透明塑膠真的有聽不到說啥 其他都很好
A few days ago, when I consumed mango cheese and cheese I’ve worked hard for the clerk. The male and female clerk’s service is very good, but I really can’t hear anything through the transparent plastic, and everything else is good.
on Google

原本訂9點飲料,店家說9點打烊,叫我提早10分鐘,我8:50到,等到9點才拿到飲料….? 然後店家連買五送一優惠都不懂? 發票1003? 要跟客人說1190? 還要客人提醒,才扣掉價錢?
Originally ordered a drink at 9 o'clock, the store said it would close at 9 o'clock, and told me to be 10 minutes earlier, I arrived at 8:50, and I didn't get the drink until 9 o'clock...? Then the store doesn't even understand the buy-five-get-one-free discount? Invoice 1003? Want to tell the guest 1190? Do you have to remind the customer to deduct the price?
Sylvia Lin on Google

今天上午10:40致電訂了12杯飲料,外送表示要13:00過後,我表示可以自取,店員說11:30可走來自取。 我約莫11:35抵達,報訂購人的電話和姓氏,結帳人員一陣慌亂才找到記錄12杯的單子,我就在一旁等候 11:45我詢問店員,店員表示要按照剛剛結帳的號碼才能取餐 現場叫號才到45號,我手上的單據58號 請問店員為何要說11:30可以到店自取?真的很扯 可能是不差這筆單吧,當我提出要退錢,店員爽快的說好,完全沒有任何一句道歉。??? 大熱天等候還要被蚊子叮咬,沒有要任何服務,接單和應對真的是非差惡劣差勁??? 謝絕再光顧此店???
Yuhao Liu on Google

The clerk's service is friendly and fast, and the drinks are also distinctive, but it is a pity that the unit price of the drinks is high.
賴郁慈 on Google

好無言⋯喝過最難喝的一家麻古 服務態度也不是很好 楊枝甘露這家的真的超級難喝根本不甜像喝了一杯水 還要浪費我80塊 波霸都是硬的 不會煮波霸真的不要賣 有夠難吃
I'm speechless... The most unpleasant Magu I've ever had. The service attitude is not very good. Yangzhiganlu's is really unpleasant and not sweet at all. It's like drinking a glass of water and I'm wasting 80 yuan of boba. Really don't sell it bad enough
Herk S on Google

想說到底為什麼怎麼用力吸都吸不起來那個葡萄波波看了一眼 有夠傻眼耶 這麼大的螺絲釘 不知道是心理作用還是怎樣 拉肚子到整個人有夠不舒服 衛生需要加強吧 太噁心了 要是客人喝進去怎麼樣了是誰要負責? 喝了一杯三杯都倒掉不敢喝 在好喝也不可能再買 真的非常常去買這家 發生這種事真的有夠失望== 12/29已收到店家回覆 說要陪我去看醫生賠償醫藥費 我有看過醫生只是腸胃炎 我覺得不需要賠醫療費 飲料有補給我 後續處理會讓我還是想繼續消費 因為真的很好喝!
I want to say why I can’t suck it no matter how hard I suck it, Bobo took a look at the grape It's dumbfounded, such a big screw I don't know if it is a psychological effect or what The diarrhea makes the whole person uncomfortable enough Hygiene needs to be strengthened, too disgusting What if the guests drink it in, who is responsible? I drank three cups and drank it It’s not possible to buy it when it’s delicious I really buy this one very often. I'm really disappointed when this happens == 12/29 has received a reply from the store He said that he would accompany me to the doctor to pay for the medical expenses I've seen a doctor just for gastroenteritis I don't think I need to pay for medical expenses Drinks are replenished for me, the follow-up processing will make me still want to continue to consume Because it's really delicious!

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