Melody美樂蒂時尚美學丨台中西屯丨Spa精油按摩丨台中按摩推薦丨頭部舒壓丨刮痧丨全身經絡按摩丨雕塑瘦身丨全身撥筋丨腿部排酸丨淋巴排毒丨胸部疏通護理丨暖宮護理|耳燭丨孕婦spa丨排毒消水腫丨專業無痛丨粉刺丨痘痘丨斑點丨拉提保濕丨臉部撥筋丨spa個人工作室丨一對一... - Taichung City

5/5 基於 8 評論

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Contact Melody美樂蒂時尚美學丨台中西屯丨Spa精油按摩丨台中按摩推薦丨頭部舒壓丨刮痧丨全身經絡按摩丨雕塑瘦身丨全身撥筋丨腿部排酸丨淋巴排毒丨胸部疏通護理丨暖宮護理|耳燭丨孕婦spa丨排毒消水腫丨專業無痛丨粉刺丨痘痘丨斑點丨拉提保濕丨臉部撥筋丨spa個人工作室丨一對一...

地址 :

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Fuke 2nd Rd

電話 : 📞 +889878
網站 :
城市 : Xitun District

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Fuke 2nd Rd
詹惠茵 on Google

對按摩很要求的我~給予真心推薦 美容師很親切,服務也很專業又到位 整體環境也能讓人感到舒服及放鬆....... 我一定會再度光臨呦~~^°^
I am very demanding of massage~ I really recommend it The beautician is very kind and the service is also very professional and in place The overall environment can also make people feel comfortable and relaxed... I will definitely visit again~~^°^
詹海侖 on Google

超貼心的服務!超專業的技術! 推身體按摩..做臉.. 整個按摩過程只有舒服..舒服到睡著了! 做完臉也煥然一新!也不強迫推銷.. (老闆娘人好好呦) 工作室整體看起來舒服..乾淨 老闆娘也好親切...
Super caring service! Super professional technology! Push body massage...make face... The whole massage process is only comfortable...comfortable enough to fall asleep! The face is also completely new after finishing! Do not force sales... (The lady boss is so good) The studio overall looks comfortable...clean The boss is so kind...
蔡阿美 on Google

The service is super good and kind! The environment is very good ?, very comfortable, very relaxing, I will report every week~ full body massage, facial lift, facial tendons and maintenance! There is tea after maintenance, and snacks can be enjoyed! Very attentive. Really recommend! The beautician service is really respectful and professional.
許世界 on Google

The beautician is very professional ?The acupuncture points are pressed very accurately, and the oil push is very relaxing. Experience it through a friend's introduction. I really don't think it is in vain! The price is reasonable and realistic, and it will not force sales, which makes people very relaxed! Decided to come for maintenance every week! Your body is yours, and regular massage is really good for your body! ?‍♀️
shuchuan chen on Google

這位美容師很親切,我被他服務過很多次不管是臉部的保養,清痘痘或者是耳燭或身體按摩 都做得非常到位 而且還會不時的詢問有那兒要加強服務?非常認真。曾經閒聊家庭狀況,竟然都記在心裡,在往後的服務中特別關心,真的是很體貼。建議有需要的,想要的人來嘗試做看看,一定會讓你滿意。
This beautician is very kind. I have been serviced many times by him, whether it is facial maintenance, acne removal, ear candles or body massage. They are all very well done. And I will ask from time to time where I need to strengthen the service? very serious. I used to talk about the family situation, but I remembered it all in my heart, and I was very caring about it in my future services. I was really considerate. It is recommended that those in need and want try to do it, and it will definitely satisfy you.
洪翊雯 on Google

透過網路知道,以試試看的心情去按摩,過程中覺得很放鬆,環境也很棒,重點是老師的手法我很喜歡,因為我本身淺眠,按完後真的好睡很多,按完後還有點心可以吃,總之就是很棒很喜歡❤️❤️ 還有這是我體驗最好的一次, 希望之後預約的到~~~~^^
I learned through the Internet that I went to massage in the mood to try it out. I felt very relaxed during the process and the environment was great. The main point is that the teacher's technique I like very much, because I myself sleep lightly, and I really sleep a lot after the massage. Afterwards, there are snacks to eat, in short, it's great and I like it very much ❤️❤️ And this is the best experience I've ever had, Hope to make an appointment in the future~~~~^^
Corrine Hsieh on Google

首先,我要說,難怪前面有顧客留言說「不想寫評論,怕以後約不到」,今天第一次來感受Elva的服務,技術非常好??????全身和頭部舒壓非常到位,把我的疲勞全部趕跑了^_^在台中跑過那麼多家按摩Spa,這裡真的是PRO級的! 真的很推薦親切美麗的老闆娘,服務貼心又周到,環境也很好,懇請美麗的老闆娘把我升為VVIP,這樣我就不會有約不到的風險~ 哈哈!
First of all, I would like to say that it is no wonder that a customer left a message before saying "I don't want to write a review, I'm afraid I won't be able to make an appointment in the future". Today, I came to experience Elva's service for the first time. The technology is very good?????? The body and head are very relaxing In place, all my fatigue is driven away ^_^ I have run so many massage spas in Taichung, this is really a PRO! I really recommend the kind and beautiful proprietress. The service is considerate and thoughtful, and the environment is also very good. I implore the beautiful proprietress to upgrade me to VVIP, so that I will not have the risk of missing an appointment~ haha!
Andy on Google

首先,我原本實在是不太寫此評論。 以後客滿我約不到該怎麼辦?! 因為這是我這輩子遇到精油按摩的整體表現 給到滿分也不為過!!! 無論是按摩環境、技術、服務態度、流程 簡直無可挑剔。 從按摩手法來說,可以給的力道範圍很大 每一次出手的過程都可以感受到按到點了 有提供衛浴區供客人使用 以防有客人不喜歡身上黏黏的 按摩環境舒適就跟外面Spa館一樣精緻 最讓我意外,就是服務結束後 老闆娘都會提供手作甜湯 不吃還好一吃驚為天人⋯⋯ 這輩子如果還吃不到我可能會哭 停車如果社區前方有兩個車位 沒有人停的話,可以直接停 周圍路邊停車格也很多,不用煩惱停車問題。 老闆娘目前不接受男客,除非有女生朋友引薦。 衷心希望老闆娘看到我落落長的誠懇評論 真心希望以後客滿的話 不要讓我約不到,不然我可能會⋯哭屎
First of all, I really didn't really write this review in the first place. What should I do if I can't make an appointment in the future? ! Because this is the overall performance of oil massage I have encountered in my life It's not an exaggeration to give full marks! ! ! Whether it is massage environment, technology, service attitude, process Simply impeccable. In terms of massage techniques, the range of strength that can be given is very large Every time you shoot, you can feel the click There is a bathroom area for guests to use Just in case there are guests who don't like sticky skin The massage environment is as comfortable as the outside spa What surprised me the most was when the service ended The lady boss will provide hand-made sweet soup If you don't eat it, you will be surprised if you are a god... If I can't eat in my life, I might cry Parking if there are two spaces in front of the community If no one stops, just stop There are also many parking spaces around the street, so don't worry about parking problems. The proprietress currently does not accept male guests unless a female friend recommends it. I sincerely hope that the lady boss will see my sincere comments. I really hope it will be full in the future Don't let me miss an appointment, or I might... cry shit

Write some of your reviews for the company Melody美樂蒂時尚美學丨台中西屯丨Spa精油按摩丨台中按摩推薦丨頭部舒壓丨刮痧丨全身經絡按摩丨雕塑瘦身丨全身撥筋丨腿部排酸丨淋巴排毒丨胸部疏通護理丨暖宮護理|耳燭丨孕婦spa丨排毒消水腫丨專業無痛丨粉刺丨痘痘丨斑點丨拉提保濕丨臉部撥筋丨spa個人工作室丨一對一...


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