Miaoli Martyrs' Shrine

3.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Miaoli Martyrs' Shrine

地址 :

Miaoli City, Miaoli County,Taiwan

電話 : 📞 +887
城市 : Miaoli County

Miaoli City, Miaoli County,Taiwan
劉孟賢 on Google

建築很美 是舊時的日本神社 很可惜不開放參觀
Beautiful building Is an old Japanese shrine It ’s a pity that it is closed
ZICK WANG on Google

苗栗忠烈祠坐落於貓裏山公園內 林木茂盛,為一座都會森林公園
Miaoli Martyrs' Shrine is located in Maolishan Park Lush forest, a metropolis forest park
襯衫工房 on Google

Historical steles are stacked here.
Kenny Shen on Google

The Miaoli Shrine was demolished by the National Government. Only the shrines are preserved, and other remains are hardly found. The Martyr's Shrine is not open to the public during the holidays. Otherwise, the overall building is quite elegant, imitating a palace-like building in northern China. You can go and see the beauty of the building.
蔡大緯 on Google

忠烈祠就是昔日苗栗神社,明顯的日本神社格局,從山腳下的廣場步石階路,上爬三層平台,才能抵達。 寬闊石階路,就是昔日神社的參道,抵達第一層廣場,廣場中央有羅福星烈士銅像,供後人憑弔追思,羅福星是知名的抗日志士,國高中時讀過的歷史課本, 有提到他的事蹟,是大眾所熟悉的台灣歷史人物。 這附近還有一顆形狀怪異想當吸引人的老樹,另外這附近還可以算是不錯的公園綠地,還有一些小孩的遊樂設施,很多父母都會帶小孩來這裏踏青活動筋骨,因此還算是貓狸山公園內蠻熱鬧的區域。
Martyr's Shrine is the former Miaoli Shrine, the obvious pattern of the Japanese shrine. From the footsteps of the footsteps of the footsteps of the mountain, you can climb the three-story platform to arrive. The wide stone road is the pilgrimage of the former shrine. It arrives at the first floor square. There is a bronze statue of Luo Fuxing martyrs in the center of the square for future generations to mourn. Luo Fuxing is a well-known anti-logger. The history textbooks read in the National High School have Mentioning his deeds is a historical figure in Taiwan that is familiar to the public. There is also an old tree with a strange shape to be attractive. In addition, it can be regarded as a nice park green area nearby, as well as some children's rides. Many parents will bring children to come here to work on the bones, so it is still a cat raccoon. A very lively area in the mountain park.
pers pective on Google

The main structure of the Miaoli Shrine site remains the stone wall, the pedestal of the god horse, the pedestal of the night lamp, and the ruins of the road, and the monument from the Japanese era. The following photos are all the remains of the Miaoli Shrine.
森林 on Google

昨日旅遊苗栗貓里山忠烈祠,感覺有些疑慮: (1)羅福星先生雕像石刻座後註記他逝世時為31歲,但是一旁的說明牌上寫的是29歲(維基百科:1886~1914)。不知何者正確? (2)〈丘滄海紀念碑〉一旁的說明牌,竟是日據時期的「將軍註馬之碑」,是否應該將其移至殘址旁,另外放置一塊丘逢甲先生(很多遊客可能不之誰是丘滄海)的生平以及他和苗栗的地緣關係的說明?
Yesterday, I traveled to the Martyrs' Shrine in Maoli Mountain, Miaoli, and I felt some doubts: (1) Mr. Luo Fuxing's statue is marked on the back of the stone engraving seat as 31 years old when he died, but the note on the side says 29 years old (Wikipedia: 1886~1914). I don't know which is correct? (2) The explanatory sign next to the "Qiu Canghai Monument" is actually the "Monument of General's Note to Horses" during the Japanese occupation period. Should it be moved to the ruins, and another piece of Mr. Qiu Fengjia (many tourists may not know who is?) Qiu Canghai’s life and an explanation of his geographic relationship with Miaoli?
Kerdia K' on Google

苗栗神社 新竹州苗栗郡苗栗街 苗栗神社為台灣日治時期位於苗栗街的神社,社格為縣社,為戰前在苗栗地區神格最高之神社。神社所在的將軍山(今貓裏山公園)為北白川宮能久親王的御遺跡地,而神社於1938年(昭和13年)11月4日時「鎮座」(落成啟用),祭神為能久親王、明治天皇與開拓三神(大國魂命、大己貴命與少彥名命)。 苗栗神社現址部分為苗栗縣忠烈祠,部分為淨覺院,至今仍留存部分殘構遺址。(維基百科)
Miaoli Shrine Miaoli Street, Miaoli County, Hsinchu State The Miaoli Shrine was a shrine located on Miaoli Street during the Japanese Occupation of Taiwan. The shrine was a county shrine, and it was the highest shrine in Miaoli before the war. Shogunyama (present-day Nekozaiyama Park) where the shrine is located is the imperial relic site of Prince Nokyu of Kitashirakawa Palace, and the shrine was "Jinza" (opened) on November 4, 1938 (Showa 13). The gods are worshipped by Prince Nokyu and Emperor Meiji. With the development of the three gods (the soul of the great country, the precious life of the great self and the fate of Shaoyan). The current site of the Miaoli Shrine is part of the Martyrs’ Shrine in Miaoli County and part of the Jingjue Temple. There are still some ruins of remnants. (Wikipedia)

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