迷客夏milkshop 屏東潮州店 - Chaozhou Township

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Contact 迷客夏milkshop 屏東潮州店

地址 :

92046, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Chaozhou Township, Xinsheng Rd, 131-1號迷客夏milkshop 屏東潮州店

電話 : 📞 +888788
網站 : http://milkshoptea.com/
城市 : Xinsheng Rd

92046, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Chaozhou Township, Xinsheng Rd, 131-1號迷客夏milkshop 屏東潮州店
林聖惟 on Google

今天是我第二次在本店喝飲料 點微糖結果完全沒加糖的情況發生?
Today is the second time I have a drink in our store. I ordered a little sugar, and it happened that there was no sugar added at all ?
蔡垣 on Google

It was clearly stated that good food rolls were available, but it didn't say that credit cards were not acceptable. In addition, the customer felt very bad and felt cheated.
Gevjion on Google

May I ask why there is no brown sugar in brown sugar milk? ? ? ? I drank the bottom layer first and shook it, but this is pure fresh milk? ? ? ? ?
Sawniyaw佩宜 Cenglaw on Google

買了四杯飲料 喝第一口就傻眼 珍珠軟爛、紅茶超苦澀 這個價位這個品質真的母湯
Bought four drinks I was dumbfounded at the first sip The pearls are soft and rotten, and the black tea is super bitter This quality is really mother soup at this price
WanLing Lin on Google

第一次喝到紅茶加糖了還這麼難喝的, 又苦又澀,真的難喝到了極點!
The first time I drank black tea with sugar, it was so unpleasant to drink. Bitter and astringent, it's really hard to drink!
冬咚咚 on Google

除夕跟你們叫熊貓外送 接不了單就不要開放熊貓 一直屯單為了賺錢 給不了就不要開放行嗎? 等兩個小時 自己過去拿熱的變冰的? 打給商家電話也不接 我能體諒你們忙 但是屯單屯一堆要做什麼?
On New Year's Eve, I'll call you Panda for delivery. If you can't take orders, don't open Panda. I've been taking orders to make money. If you can’t give it, then don’t open it? Wait two hours and get it hot and turn it into ice? I don’t answer the phone call to the business. I can understand that you are busy, but what are you doing?
yurui Chen on Google

迷客夏(英語:Milkshop),又稱迷客夏綠光牧場主題飲品,公司全名為亞享實業有限公司。是一個起源於臺灣臺南市佳里區的連鎖飲料店品牌。成立於2007年,創辦人兼董事長為林建燁。目前全台超過200間門市。 迷客夏這杯飲料,獻給一路走來的每個相遇...一個平凡的清晨四點,母牛的叫聲劃破本了寂靜的天際,空氣中還留著夜雨後的青草香,這是小牛即將出生的信號,今天的牧場,將既熱鬧又忙碌,新生命的喜悅。一瓶綠光鮮奶,由調飲師輕巧的扭開瓶蓋撕開封膜,以完美比例將鮮奶佐芋泥。不假思索,一氣呵成,簡單俐落,這一幕幕精湛,每天每天,在迷客夏的門市,無數次的演出。
Mi Ke Xia (English: Milkshop), also known as Mi Ke Xia Green Light Ranch theme drink, the company's full name is Yaxiang Industrial Co., Ltd. It is a chain beverage store brand that originated in Jiali District, Tainan City, Taiwan. Founded in 2007, the founder and chairman of the board is Lin Jianye. There are currently more than 200 stores in Taiwan. The drink of Mi Ke Xia is dedicated to every encounter along the way... An ordinary four o'clock in the morning, the cry of cows cut through the quiet sky, and the air still leaves the fragrance of green grass after the night rain. This is the signal that the calf is about to be born. Today's pasture will be both lively and busy, the joy of new life. For a bottle of green light milk, the blender gently twists the bottle cap to tear off the sealing film, and mixes the milk with taro puree in perfect proportions. Without thinking, done in one go, simple and neat, this scene is superb, every day, every day, countless performances in the store of Mi Ke Xia.
NICK LEE on Google

Nice drink

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