Ming Der High School

2.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Ming Der High School

地址 :

No. 399, Section 2, Zhongzheng Rd, Sanxia District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 237

電話 : 📞 +887
網站 : http://www.mdhs.ntpc.edu.tw/
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 399, Section 2, Zhongzheng Rd, Sanxia District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 237
艾洛Elro on Google

As just graduated a year of "New Taipei City in the Three Gorges area Matilda concentration camp" Central State student I urge every parent, do not stay then sent to your dear children! In the "New Taipei City in the Three Gorges area Matilda concentration camp" to accept "reform through labor", not to mention the accommodations! We boarders to use public property simply waste! ! ! Simply can not watch TV! Invincible toilet and bathroom dirty! Bedroom Biai very serious! Mop or broom to us with a broken off! Half of the corridor lights are bad! To hide dark with air strikes, except downright bad accommodation, teaching area environment is also exaggerated terrible! Middle and high school environment more countries are different levels! A heaven and an underground! The high school classroom windows, doors, door frames are new, and then we came to look at the middle of the country with all of damage! There ㄍ ㄍ ㄧ ㄧ door shut windows Shihai sound card, and the corridor lights are all "bad" can not open all the open! The most exaggerated to the toilet ............ teaching areas are 3/2 are dirty! Is not generally dirty, cobwebs bunch tap is bad, there should be much, variety, variety, everything, nothing strange! Yahoo Kimo auction! You told me that this is the school? No! This is the concentration camps, labor camps, prisons, juvenile custody by!
許恩綺 on Google

Our school environment is great! Not only mice accompany the class, but also all kinds of snakes! Our dormitory environment is also very good! Whether the Internet is the same or not, the winter is as cold as the North Pole, there are so many mosquitoes in the summer that you will be bitten as soon as you close your eyes, and the auntie in the dormitory is super nice! She will always try her best to fill up the paper on your wall and make you feel very fulfilled! I will try my best to get you out of there after collecting all the points! Is it a great school
myg.309 ARMY on Google

我現在再改一次 我就問你段考為什麼不延期啦 你不顧學生性命死不停課就TMD算了 現在一堆人隔離不能段考 你補考給我排在段考隔天會不會太搞笑 學生權益是什麼 你有關心過嗎 我就問你陳棟遠做事心不心虛啦 陳棟遠到底要不要出來道歉啦 就在等你啦 政府不會做事你也不不會嗎 段考關乎繁星問題 被你這樣搞 明德遲早倒
I'll change it again now, and I'll ask you why the Duan Exam is not postponed. You don't care about the lives of the students and you don't stop classes, so forget it What is the rights and interests, have you ever cared about it? I will ask you if Chen Dongyuan has a guilty conscience in doing things Germany will fall sooner or later
啊啊啊 on Google

明德真的超爛教官跟老師都很偏心、超嚴重超雙標還口口聲聲說什麼把大家都看成自己的小孩,然後做出來的行為真的不予置評,教官也是搞不懂在幹嘛偏心偏的超嚴重明明就是該處分的事情但就因為那個學生跟教官比較好教官就不處分說好的公私分明呢好好笑 真心建議不要讀這間學校
蕭小希 on Google

很棒的學校,給六顆,其他在前面:) 如果學校覺得住宿生是自己的招牌,是不是該把住宿生給顧好,但並沒有,許多學校政策第一衝擊的就是宿舍生活,但學校卻認為是學生適應不良 強制夜讀讓人非常反感並想逆其道而行,並且規定住宿生5:35才能上餐廳,但實際上人要排隊打餐時都擠在一起,速度奇慢,都趕得上瀝青滴落實驗了 希望改善
Great school, give six, others ahead :) If the school thinks that the dormitory students are its own brand, should it take good care of the dormitory students, but no, many school policies first impact the dormitory life, but the school thinks that the students are maladjusted Mandatory night reading makes people very disgusted and wants to go against the road, and it is stipulated that boarding students can only go to the restaurant at 5:35, but in fact people are crowded together when they have to queue for meals, the speed is extremely slow, and it can catch up with the asphalt dripping experiment. span hope to improve
我的天啊 on Google

什麼都是學生的錯就好啦,住宿生都是自己沒有自制力才退宿的,四年級住宿班退到剩兩個是因為其他人都沒有想讀書的心,其他人都不上進,我是真的不懂為什麼放學還要穿校服,教官都可以穿私服了為什麼住宿生不行?請問明德中學的全稱是「明德中等監獄學院」嗎?請問政策是要不要一起討論,高層各說各話真的有比較好嗎?還是學生長得像白老鼠,校服的灰是我們未來的灰嗎? 還要逼學生吃晚餐吃早餐,不吃就扣點,知不知道上次中毒事件有多嚴重,還不只一次,請問我們是要怎麼信任學校? 之前說至少喝湯,現在又說只喝湯會被扣點,我講出來你又要跟我否認,話都你在說就好,我們都閉閉:)
110250326楊宸汶 on Google

我們學校超棒的^_^宿舍也是非常溫馨唷,就算有掃地有處理環境衛生,宿輔老師依然送你兩點扣點的大禮包:) 還有一堆只會推卸責任的老師主任們~希望我們學校的各位長大出社會後不要變成這樣子的大人,共勉之~~
Our school's excellent ^_^ dormitory is also very warm, even if there is cleaning and environmental hygiene, the dormitory teacher will still give you a two-point discount :) There are also a bunch of teachers and directors who can only shirk their responsibilities~ I hope that everyone in our school will not become such adults when they grow up in society, let’s encourage each other~~
T lil on Google

嗯 所有舉辦會考的學校都停課了 啊你在幹嘛 讓學生確診?讓學生上明德破鏡頭畫質爛到爆的線上課?讓老師用筆電還交的比較好 疫情就是明德傳開的 你在不停課沒關係 真的沒用 之前當住宿生 吃個晚餐 凌晨爬起來烙賽 廁所還都是人 你真的很猛 我就看你下間學校去哪害人 有種不要刪留言 喔還有 語資班跟日本的那個交流可以不用辦了 設備爛到靠北 沒錢就不要硬辦 喔不是 錢都被校長拿去買新聞了 呵呵 當初叫我來這個學校就算了 還這麼爛 語資班一大堆智障 整天打小報告
Well, all the schools that hold the exams are closed. What are you doing to make students diagnosed? Let students take online classes where Mingde’s broken camera and picture quality are so bad? It is better to ask the teacher to pay it back with a laptop See where you go to your next school. Don't delete the message. There is also the communication between the language class and Japan. If the equipment is so bad that the north has no money, don't force it. If the money is not used by the principal to buy news Haha, even if I was asked to come to this school, there are so many mentally retarded classes in such a bad language class, making small reports all day long

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