Mituo Fishing Harbor - Mituo District

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Mituo Fishing Harbor

地址 :

彌陀漁港海岸光廊No. 96號, Nanliao Rd, Mituo District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 827

電話 : 📞 +88797
網站 :
城市 : Kaohsiung City

彌陀漁港海岸光廊No. 96號, Nanliao Rd, Mituo District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 827
Camel Tsai on Google

The annual autumn and winter seasons are when milkfish are abundant, and around October is also the day when milkfish festivals are held at Mi Tuo Fishing Port (Nanliao). Mi Tuo (Nanliao) fishing port is a small fishing port with a small area, and the most famous agricultural and fishery specialty in Mi Tuo District is milkfish. When entering Miduo City from the north to the south of the Taiwan 17th Line, there is a pedestal marked "Lice Recalling" in front of the traffic lights on the side of the road, and milkfish are on the top of the pedestal. Every milkfish festival always attracts many tourists to buy and taste milkfish dishes on the spot, but there are not many milkfish cooking stalls at the event site. They are some vendors that we often see. Products related to Milkfish Festival are not included in fish balls. Many of Taiwan's current activities are just mere formalities and have nothing to do with the content of the activities held, and they have also caused many tourists to fail.
Leo Lee on Google

一個讓人放鬆心情的好地方 看看海 吹吹海風 藍藍天 白白的雲 重新調整心情 再出發 人生很長 不要一時想不開 造成終身的遺憾
A nice place to relax Look at the sea, blow the sea breeze blue sky white clouds Re-adjust your mood and start again life is long Don't get lost cause lifelong regret
摩尼咖 on Google

放生活動 放風活動的好地方 也適合遛狗
Good place for a release event Good place for a dog walk
周聖仁 on Google

Currently under development! Looking forward to a better place in the future!
鄭玲玲 on Google

再次淨灘行 每年一次的淨灘,揪團邀約朋友們。 一早的好天氣 熱情的大家 一起來淨灘、保護海岸、一起來愛護地球,還給地球一片乾淨的海岸
Clean the beach again Once a year to clean the beach, the group invites friends. good morning weather enthusiastic everyone Let's clean up the beach, protect the coast, protect the earth, and give the earth a clean coast
型男主廚 on Google

這邊可以餵魚 還可以帶小朋友來挖沙 還有一個很大的溜滑梯 旁邊還有公園可以玩吹泡泡 又是免費的超級推薦
Here you can feed the fish You can also bring children to dig sand There is also a big slide There is also a park next to you to play with bubbles Another free super recommendation
楊品潔 CECILIA on Google

慕名前來朝聖,因為到達的時間有點晚,所以沒有追到2021的最後的日落,有點可惜!前陣子很多網紅搶拍的海岸光廊,有很多象徵愛情的邱比特, 堤防牆壁也有很多特色的彩繪,整個充滿粉紅泡泡❤️❤️❤️。 橫跨海面的步道因為天色昏暗,海風強勁,所以這次沒有親自體驗。 值得推薦的是園區旁的廟口前有一攤章魚燒。 真的是用整隻小?喔! 章魚燒老板說因為自己很愛吃章魚燒,所以選擇賣章魚燒。 用料實在!價格超佛心的! 有機會一定要去嚐嚐喔???
I came here for a pilgrimage, because the arrival time was a bit late, so it was a pity that I did not catch up to the last sunset of 2021! A while ago, many Internet celebrities rushed to shoot the Coastal Light Gallery, there are many cupids symbolizing love, and the embankment walls also have many distinctive paintings, and the whole is full of pink bubbles ❤️❤️❤️. The trail across the sea was dim and the sea breeze was strong, so I didn't personally experience it this time. It is worth recommending that there is a stall of takoyaki in front of the temple entrance next to the park. Really use a whole little ?! The takoyaki boss said that because he loves takoyaki, he chooses to sell takoyaki. The materials used are real! The price is beyond Buddha's heart! You must try it if you have the chance.???
seven Chen on Google

傍晚到這裡可以看見夕陽,附近可愛的小公園,沙灘上面還有溜滑梯適合親子活動, 壁畫也非常漂亮很好拍,帶土司在在木造碼頭上餵魚非常的有趣。
In the evening, you can see the sunset here. There is a lovely small park nearby, and there are slides on the beach for parent-child activities. The murals are also very beautiful and easy to photograph. It is very interesting to bring a toast to feed the fish on the wooden pier.

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