MOOYU 睦寓傢飾 - 訂製傢俱 ‧ 軟裝規劃 ( 採預約制 )

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact MOOYU 睦寓傢飾 - 訂製傢俱 ‧ 軟裝規劃 ( 採預約制 )

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302, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Chenggong 8th Rd, 255號MOOYU 睦寓傢飾 - 訂製傢俱 ‧ 軟裝規劃 ( 採預約制 )1樓

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302, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Chenggong 8th Rd, 255號MOOYU 睦寓傢飾 - 訂製傢俱 ‧ 軟裝規劃 ( 採預約制 )1樓
moo moo on Google

沙發質感很棒 還可以客製化布料以及不同的軟硬度 選擇很多非常多又好看?
Sofa texture is great You can also customize the fabric and different hardness There are many choices and they are beautiful ?
Yueh-Yun Li on Google

餐椅材質很舒服,沙發客製化程度很高? Vic的介紹很詳細,推薦這家店的服務和材質。
The material of the dining chair is very comfortable, and the sofa is highly customized ? Vic's introduction is very detailed and recommends the service and materials of this store.
Maggie Chen on Google

在網路看到設計師案場中的沙發,覺得超美,所以來門市看看(需預約) 沙發的舒適度很好,造型也跟一般外面平常看到的不同,服務人員很親切,介紹仔細。 尺寸,布料,扶手都可以客製。
I saw the sofa in the designer's case on the Internet and thought it was super beautiful, so I came to the store to see it (reservation required) The comfort of the sofa is very good, and the shape is different from what you usually see outside. The service staff is very kind and introduces you carefully. Size, fabric, armrests can be customized.
洪淑菁 on Google

The spacious and comfortable atmosphere... makes people feel at home as soon as they enter the door. The super high-quality sofa and dining table. Recommend everyone to come and buy, to create a high-quality home environment
sihsiang hu on Google

Gloria Huang on Google

服務很親切,對於沙發有詳細的介紹,需要事先線上或是預約,大門口有1-2個停車位。 室內空間舒適,有一樓跟二樓的空間,有沙發、餐桌、跟床墊,還有一些家飾,現場可實際試坐與體驗,有些款式較爲不同可供挑選。 在討論需求時能夠依照客人需求提供搭配相關的搭配建議。 根據業務說明沙發有提供結構保固五年,泡綿一年保固,會派師傅到現場確認狀態~ 現場有蠻多不同布料可以搭配,有國產與進口布料,規格上也有防潑水、耐髒或是貓抓布,以及皮質等,沙發規格都可以討論客制。
The service is very kind. There is a detailed introduction to the sofa. You need to make an appointment online or make an appointment in advance. There are 1-2 parking spaces at the gate. The interior space is comfortable. There are sofas, dining tables, mattresses, and some home decorations on the first and second floors. You can actually try and experience them on site. Some styles are more different for you to choose from. When discussing needs, we can provide matching suggestions according to customer needs. According to the business description, the sofa has a five-year structural warranty and a one-year foam warranty. The master will be sent to the scene to confirm the status~ There are quite a few different fabrics on site that can be matched, including domestic and imported fabrics. The specifications also include water-repellent, dirt-resistant or cat scratching cloth, as well as leather, etc. The sofa specifications can be discussed and customized.
Yun Yu on Google

過去從來沒有接觸過訂製傢俱 一踏進睦寓的感覺就非常不同 好像踏進理想的家、未來努力的目標的那種感覺 每個軟裝品項從大型的床架沙發到小型的餐桌椅邊几都非常有質感、品質也相當不錯 這裡除了選購現有單品、訂製傢俱的尺寸、顏色、材質之外 如果真的非常躊躇或是不知道該如何選配傢俱的話,這裡還有還有傢配師可以幫助客戶搭配家中的裝潢選擇適合的軟裝 完成心目中理想中的家 特別謝謝Vic帶給我們非常好體驗、非常棒的服務 不知道家裡該怎麼配置的非常推薦來睦寓一趟喔:)
Never been exposed to custom furniture in the past As soon as you step into the apartment, the feeling is very different. It's like stepping into an ideal home, a goal to strive for in the future Every upholstered item, from a large bed frame sofa to a small dining table and chair side table, is very textured and of good quality In addition to purchasing existing items, the size, color, and material of customized furniture If you are really hesitant or don’t know how to choose furniture, there are also home decorators who can help customers choose suitable soft furnishings with the decoration of their homes. Complete your dream home Special thanks to Vic for giving us a very good experience and great service I don't know how to configure the home. I highly recommend coming to Muyu :)
廖翊君 on Google

走訪新竹地區十幾間傢俱店,遲遲沒有找到中意的茶几,偶然路過睦寓,抱著姑且一試的想法,詢問未預約當下可否參觀。一踏進店內就能察覺店家佈置的用心,整體的擺設跟巧思會讓人忍不住想像「我的家」的模樣,或者更貼切的說是「如果我家像這樣會很棒」!有種相見恨晚的感覺。 Vic細心了解客戶偏好跟已購的沙發樣式,抓到我們喜歡的風格推薦了Zoey,更建議搭配另一張實木桌面的高個兒(參觀時這張尚未命名),這樣突出的異材質組合我們沒想過也非常驚艷。 另外,原先覺得梳妝椅算次要傢俱,日後再網購也行,但在睦寓看到餐椅Todd覺得圓潤的椅背和梣木椅腳太可愛了,布面可以選色,價格也漂亮,就決定是它了! 最後值得一提的是,睦寓的售後服務十分優質,超越5顆?,特別感謝Vic百忙之中提供的協助。
I visited more than a dozen furniture stores in Hsinchu area, but I couldn't find the coffee table I liked. I happened to pass by Muyu. With the idea of ​​giving it a try, I asked if I could visit now without making an appointment. As soon as you step into the store, you can feel the intention of the store's layout. The overall decoration and ingenuity will make people imagine what "my home" looks like, or more appropriately, "if my home looks like this, it will be great"! There is a feeling of seeing each other late. Vic carefully understood customer preferences and purchased sofa styles, caught the style we liked and recommended Zoey, and even suggested a taller with another solid wood table top (this one was not named at the time of the visit). We do not have such a prominent combination of different materials. It was amazing to think about. In addition, I originally thought that the dressing chair is a secondary piece of furniture, and I can buy it online in the future, but when I saw the dining chair Todd in Muyu, I thought the rounded back and ash wood legs were too cute. It is decided that it is! Finally, it is worth mentioning that the after-sales service of Muyu is very high-quality, more than 5 pieces ?, special thanks to Vic for his assistance during his busy schedule.

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