森手木工 MORiii

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 森手木工 MORiii

地址 :

412, Taiwan, Taichung City, Dali District, Section 2, Guoguang Rd, 557號森手木工 MORiii

電話 : 📞 +887
網站 : http://moriii.com.tw/
城市 : Guóguāng Rd

412, Taiwan, Taichung City, Dali District, Section 2, Guoguang Rd, 557號森手木工 MORiii
Debbie Hsu on Google

I saw the bed frame on the official website and found it beautiful. After I went to the store to see the entity, I liked it better, and I ordered it on the spot. Before delivery, the staff will also take the initiative to remind people to feel that the service is good and at ease. After the bed frame fell asleep, I felt a little noise. After telling them, I sent someone to check the problem the next day and re-locked the screws, which solved our problem. I really feel that shopping here is reassuring, and the after-sales service and quality are very good.
Jessie Chen on Google

喜歡原木的質感,在網路推薦之下訂了2床森手木工的新馬可床架。客服人員親切有禮,特別是在交貨日前2週我才發現自己沒注意到床架與衣櫃間預留的尺寸而焦急不已 ,幸好森手願意幫我跟工廠交涉改成縮小版,解決了我的大問題。過年前那麼忙真的給森手添麻煩了。非常感謝。送貨當天,師傅小心運送,而且在裝設時幾乎沒什麼噪音跟木屑,細心專業。如果有購床需求,不妨去森手走一趟,相信不會後悔的。
Like the texture of the log, I ordered a 2-bed Mori Te Woodworking new Marco bed frame under the recommendation of the Internet. The customer service staff are kind and polite, especially two weeks before the delivery date, I found out that I hadn’t noticed the size reserved between the bed frame and the wardrobe and was anxious. Fortunately, Mori was willing to help me negotiate with the factory to change it to a smaller version and solve it. My big question. Being so busy before the New Year really caused Morrison's trouble. thank you very much. On the day of delivery, the master transported carefully, and there was almost no noise or sawdust during installation, and was careful and professional. If you need to buy a bed, you might as well go to Senshou, I believe you will not regret it.
王怡人 on Google

一張床每天陪伴我們約1/3的時光,挑選上不可不慎重,於是花了一些時間尋覓實木床,最後選擇在family35購買森手木工的新馬可床架。 記得造訪實體店時,店員親切又專業的介紹讓我很快的了解每張床架的特色,離開時心中其實已經有底哪張最合適。隔幾天又問了一些問題,店員也都回覆得很詳細,於是決定就是它啦: ) 等到接近約定送貨的那天有先提醒,送貨時間也抓得很精準,整個流程安排的很順。來組裝床架的師傅人很客氣,拆裝床動作快又穩,裝完讓我踩到床上驗收,嗯非常穩固(拇指) 。 順帶一提,原本我有先到IKEA買了墊片,預計在組裝時貼一貼,避免未來移動時傷到家具或地板。結果發現自備的墊片沒出場機會,因為出貨前廠商都已經處理好了,連同加購的床頭櫃一共八隻腳都貼得好好的。連小地方也處理得仔細,讓人覺得十分貼心。 也許它不是市場最低價格的實木家具,但一分錢一分貨,我覺得花的每塊錢有確實反應在商品及服務品質上,對這次購買經驗覺得十分滿意。希望台灣在地品牌能走出自己的路,在未來繼續成長,持續出產好品質的家具,加油:)
A bed accompanies us for about 1/3 of our time every day. We must not be careful when choosing a bed. So I spent some time searching for a solid wood bed. Finally, I chose to buy a new Marco bed frame from Mori Te Woodworking at family35. I remember that when I visited the physical store, the staff’s kind and professional introduction made me quickly understand the characteristics of each bed frame. When I left, I actually knew which one was most suitable. I asked some more questions every few days, and the clerk responded in great detail, so I decided that it was it :) When it was close to the scheduled delivery day, there was a reminder, the delivery time was also very precise, and the whole process was arranged smoothly. The master who came to assemble the bed frame was very polite. The action of disassembling and assembling the bed was fast and steady. After the assembly, I stepped on the bed for acceptance, ah, very stable (thumb). By the way, I originally went to IKEA to buy a gasket first, and I expected to stick a sticker during assembly to avoid damaging the furniture or the floor when moving in the future. It turns out that the self-provided gasket has no chance to appear on the market, because the manufacturer has already handled it before shipment, and the eight feet of the bedside table purchased are all properly attached. Even small areas are handled carefully, which makes people feel very considerate. Maybe it is not the lowest price solid wood furniture in the market, but you get what you pay for. I feel that every dollar spent is indeed reflected in the quality of goods and services, and I am very satisfied with this purchase experience. I hope that the local brands in Taiwan can go out of their own way, continue to grow in the future, and continue to produce high-quality furniture. Come on :)
Cheng Hsiao Lin on Google

剛收到的床架與床頭櫃, 師傅們在運送與組裝時都很用心, 商品也處理的很乾淨,沒有殘留木屑。 真的很滿意~~
The bed frame and bedside table just received, The masters are very attentive when transporting and assembling, The products are also processed very cleanly, with no wood chips left. Really satisfied~~
Da Phne on Google

Determined to customize the bed frame for the small home space, we searched and found Morihand woodwork, which is really a blessing. Originally, I was worried that only one bed frame might not be in good condition in terms of customization. But what is unexpected is that from countless Internet, telephone and store consultations, I continue to feel everyone’s warmth and consideration, patiently listen to all kinds of considerations, and take the initiative to imagine for us, like a family to invest in furniture. Discussion on space and usage. The master's finished product is even more perfect, solid and warm, every detail is polished carefully, and there is no dead corner at all. If you feel it, you can't leave this warm touch; looking at it, you will appreciate the beautiful wood grain. Thank you for not only the furniture itself, but also many good memories in the process of creation. The bed frame will also accompany the rest and growth of each day in the future. Thank you Mori Te Woodworking~
熊熊 on Google

For this new furniture purchase, we first searched on the Internet to do our homework, and then visited several furniture stores, and finally chose Senshou with a good evaluation! When shopping at the store, the lady at the store introduced very cordially and gave us a good discount. The most important thing is that the furniture has been used for more than four months. Only more and more satisfied with the original choice ?Wooden furniture is most afraid of corners There is no sawdust, the whole is smooth and round; the bed frame is also very strong and no noise! Thank you Mori Shou for giving us such a great furniture shopping experience. If you need to purchase more in the future, I will definitely choose Mori Shou again.
chi on Google

Chun-Chieh Chen on Google

Great design and very good owner.

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