高雄綺色佳整形外科醫美診所【高雄隆乳推薦|Motiva魔滴隆乳│ Motiva波力媚隆乳|高雄抽脂|高雄埋線拉提|高雄隆鼻│高雄雙眼皮|高雄眼袋手術|高雄皮秒雷射|高雄音波拉提|高雄除毛雷射|高雄整形外科推薦|高雄安心醫美|高雄微整形|高雄舒顏萃|高雄長效保濕針|...

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

張高評 院長

高雄醫學大學    醫學博士
義守大學           高階管理碩士
高雄醫學大學    醫學士

2014 - 迄今  教育部頒教授 教字140207號
2014 - 2017 高雄醫學大學外科學教授
2009 - 2014 高雄醫學大學醫學院外科學副教授
2006 - 2009 高雄醫學大學醫學院外科學助理教授
2011 - 2016 高雄醫學大學附設醫院 整形外科主任
2014 - 2016 台灣整形外科醫學會常務理事
2012 - 2016 台灣整形外科醫學會理事
2008 - 2016 台灣美容外科醫學會理事
2012 - 2014 台灣美容外科醫學會秘書長/理事

2006 日本東京大學  整形外科臨床研究員
2004 - 2005 美國肯納基州路易斯維爾大學  研究員


Contact 高雄綺色佳整形外科醫美診所【高雄隆乳推薦|Motiva魔滴隆乳│ Motiva波力媚隆乳|高雄抽脂|高雄埋線拉提|高雄隆鼻│高雄雙眼皮|高雄眼袋手術|高雄皮秒雷射|高雄音波拉提|高雄除毛雷射|高雄整形外科推薦|高雄安心醫美|高雄微整形|高雄舒顏萃|高雄長效保濕針|...

地址 :

No. 112號, Yongle St, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 802

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : http://ppclinic.com.tw/
城市 : Kaohsiung City

No. 112號, Yongle St, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 802
蕭駿逸 on Google

I spent 80,000 yuan more expensive than liposuction to give my wife a double chin. At first, the doctor said that this is a genuine anti-cellulite needle that is as effective as liposuction, but after a few months, the double chin still exists and it sucks. , the appointment time for the return visit has been changed again and again, which is really an irresponsible clinic.
陳宗毅 on Google

陪家人來做魔滴,張p和護理師術後照顧詳盡,讓我們幾乎都不用擔心或特別照顧。 姐姐第二天就可以正常生活,不會像之前爬文看見像被車輾過去完全沒辦法動,年後做完現在,不到3個月看起來就自然,醫師的專業跟經驗真的差很多!
Accompanying the family to do magic drops, Zhang P and the nurses took care of them thoroughly after the operation, so that we almost didn't need to worry or take special care. My sister will be able to live a normal life the next day. It won't be like she was run over by a car and can't move like she saw before. After a year, it looks natural in less than 3 months. The doctor's professionalism and experience are really poor. a lot of!
Yu fei on Google

I have always felt dissatisfied with my legs. Even if I seriously lost weight, the thighs still exist? Although I was very scared, I still came to the medical beauty clinic. After reading the comments, I chose this place. Fortunately, the comments did not lie! When the doctor saw the doctor, he explained it very carefully, and even explained how to take care of him after the operation. Reassures me. The nurse also explained the operation precautions in detail. I feel very lucky to have chosen a professional doctor and team ?
蔣下凡 on Google

這是術後第一天以及第八天的差別~非常自然、形體也是我本人想要的感覺。 本身很怕痛,但術後的我居然沒有打止痛劑哦!麻醉醒來睜開眼睛完全不擔心沒有護理師在旁,每隔一小段時間就有人詢問你有沒有哪裡不舒服等等..!非常關心患者。這是綺色佳很棒也很貼心的服務?????? 還有一點超棒的地方就是,手術後的每天回診朔胸、擦澡換藥,完全不馬虎!而且每次回診張院長一定會在現場關心你的復原狀況!是每天都在哦!這讓患者無比的感到安心,有問題隨時都可以詢問。 還有開在巷弄裡這點也很貼心、完全是為了客戶的隱私而不是開在醒目的大馬路上,這點就更肯定我來綺色佳的決定是更正確的! 非常後悔沒有早點來綺色佳做隆乳手術? 還在觀望的女孩可以放心去綺色佳?? 張院長會給你最美的建議 而不要你想要多大就做多大! 美感真的很重要☺️ 我很開心的分享自己的想法及評論,也謝謝診所護理師的照護☺️
This is the difference between the first day and the eighth day after the operation. It is very natural, and the shape is the feeling I want. I was very afraid of pain, but I didn't take painkillers after the surgery! When you wake up from anesthesia and open your eyes, you don't have to worry about the absence of a nurse, and every once in a while, someone asks you if you feel any discomfort, etc..! Very concerned about patients. This is Chisejia's great and caring service?????? Another great thing is that every day after the operation, I will go back to see the breasts, take a bath and change the dressing, which is not sloppy at all! And every time you return to the clinic, Dean Zhang will definitely care about your recovery status on the spot! It is every day! This gives patients great peace of mind that they can ask questions at any time. It is also very considerate to drive in the alleys. It is completely for the privacy of customers, not on the eye-catching road. This point is more certain that my decision to come to Qisejia is more correct! I really regret not coming to Chisejia earlier for breast augmentation surgery ? Girls who are still watching can rest assured to go to Qisejia?? Dean Zhang will give you the most beautiful advice Don't make it as big as you want! Beauty is really important ☺️ I am very happy to share my thoughts and comments, and thank the clinic nurses for their care☺️
陳雅玲 on Google

產後已經8年多的我,試過無數種宣稱可以讓胸部恢復產前狀態的方法(精油按摩、補充膠原蛋白、玉*阿姨調整內衣?⋯⋯等等),已經認清生育後最不可逆的身體變化就是哺乳後的胸部了。 我也跟大多數的媽媽一樣會安慰自己這是愛的印記、餵過母奶本來就是會這樣,尤其還兩胎都全母奶,少女時代有大D的我,現在還有B已經算是不錯了⋯⋯就這樣吧! 但是!嘴巴說不要,身體倒是很誠實,其實走在路上看到胸型漂亮也有料的女生,不要說是男性了,連我自己都忍不住多看兩眼啊!(其實還是很在意自己哺乳後不漂亮的胸部) - 很幸運的是我有一個非常捨得也疼惜我的先生,他從兩年前一直鼓勵我可以去「隆乳」,我從他主動去爬很多文、又看了他線上諮詢了好幾家醫美的小編內容後,發現他是認真的希望我不要因為產後就失去信心(這點真的會暖暈很多人,爸爸們趕緊筆記起來) - 這2年我都遲遲沒有下決心的原因就是,這個手術讓我感覺太可怕了(什麼卡車輾過、胸部變形等出現的醫療糾紛),而且我還真的沒有看到讓我有足夠高可信度的醫師跟診所) ?可能因為本身行業是做線上電商的,所以對於網路上哪些文章是葉佩雯同學寫的、哪些是互惠的廣告,都特別敏感,所以看到有極高可能是廣告文的內容一律會不考慮,畢竟這是影響一輩子的大手術。 - 就這樣一耗過了2年,老天爺真的很照顧我(我想一定跟平常我都會常常幫助人有很大的關係,因為我身邊很多人常常跟我說,因為妳常常做善事,所以很多幸運的事情都發生在我身上),讓我在一次爬文當中發現了綺色佳診所,仔細一看之後發現越看越有意思,這些推薦的人都是有實際經驗後,發自內心的來給予評論內容,這點太重要了‼️第一關先過關了 - 接下來我就開始做第一次的諮詢,到第二次的諮詢再確認,我都百分之百肯定,我已經在對的時機遇到對的人了,(其實光是第一次的諮詢,從診所的態度、院長的醫學專業度還有經驗,就讓我決定非他莫屬了)? - 對了,還有一點一定要說一下,張院長是一個有所堅持而且非常注重安全性的人,他堅持御用資深而且有非常高度專業的麻醫手術全程參與監控顧客手術時的狀態(我會知道這點是因為除了徹底研究醫師的資歷跟過往是否有醫療糾紛以外,還翻了一遍這位連院長跟顧客都要配合他的時間動手術的「知名麻醫」,果不其然的讓我敬佩,我也發現院長跟這位麻醫有一個共通點「對專業有相當足夠的資歷而且對自身的專業領域隨時充滿熱情❤️‍?」-我認為這樣的人最謹慎也最可靠(到底賺大錢重要還是良心賺錢重要我認為這是關鍵原因,對於自身專業沒有熱情的人久了容易產生「能省則省」、「大概就可以」的心態 - 更神奇的一點是‼️來到這裡跟我以往去的醫美有完全不同的體驗-「完全沒有推銷我買其他課程」這點真的不容易啊!太令人滿意了! - 在正式下刀之前,院長重複確認了3次我的胸闊大小、適合放的大小,以及非常有耐心也詳細的說明(院內從諮詢、護理到院長,每個人都很有耐心,這點我大推,沒耐心馬上就會被感受到啊!) - 手術的過程非常順利,而且非常出乎意料(沒有卡車輾過啊)也在預期內的結果是,除了前兩天有很像剛重訓完的痠痛感以外,第三天開始整個痠痛感幾乎消失,我真的活動自如到沒有人發現我剛手術完。 ?會說是在預期內的結果是因為,術前院長說他會盡力讓在這裡手術的每一個人疼痛度降到最低,全診所每一個人只要聊到院長的技術都豎起大拇指,果然整形手術的教授出身就是不一樣 (阿怎麼跟之前爬的那麽多隆乳文的卡車輾過不一樣?算了大家都這麼說還是相信他一次好了,哈哈哈不然是要幾次) - 現在手術才剛過一週,院長堅持每天回診讓他「親自」看傷口並且確認胸型等細節,護理長佩珊也超級無敵細心的 ,每天都花很長的時間在照護關心我術後恢復狀況,這讓商科出身的我忍不住算了一下這樣的人事成本有多高(這樣的後續照顧成本還真的是阿娘喂!重點是術後的每天回診、換藥、擦澡都包含在這次手術費用內沒有額外收費) 我認為跟收費比起來更珍貴的是?院長的堅持與用心照顧每一位相信他的顧客-「?無價」 - 看到這裡,我真的必須告訴妳, 愛自己就是看見更美好的自己,並且在一個安全可靠的環境之下,如果妳真的有考慮隆乳,我拜託妳真的一定要走進綺色佳諮詢一次,因為我認為好東西就是要與人分享,所以我才會打這麼長一篇推薦文來大推這裡的每一個人(以上保證無業配,假裝的事情我做不來) - 等術後滿一個月再來分享更多照片跟心得
After more than 8 years after giving birth, I have tried countless methods that claim to restore my breasts to their prenatal state (essential oil massage, collagen supplementation, auntie Yu* adjusting underwear ?...etc), and I have already recognized the most irreversible things after giving birth. The change in the body is the breast after breastfeeding. Like most mothers, I will reassure myself that this is a mark of love. I have been breastfeeding this way, especially when I have two babies with all breast milk. I had a big D in my girlhood, and now I have a B which is not bad. Well...that's it! but! The mouth said no, but the body was very honest. In fact, when I walked on the road, I saw a girl with a beautiful breast shape and expected, let alone a man, even I couldn't help but look twice! (Actually, I am still very concerned about my breasts that are not beautiful after breastfeeding) - Fortunately, I have a husband who is very willing and cherishes me. He has been encouraging me to go for "breast augmentation" two years ago. I read a lot of articles from him, read him online and consulted several doctors. After the content of the editor of the United States, I found that he is serious and hope that I will not lose confidence because of the postpartum (this will really warm a lot of people, fathers quickly take notes) - The reason why I haven't made up my mind for the past 2 years is that this operation made me feel so terrible (what kind of medical disputes such as truck run over, chest deformation, etc.), and I really didn't see that it made me tall enough Reliable physicians and clinics) ?Maybe because my industry is an online e-commerce business, I am very sensitive to which articles on the Internet are written by Ye Peiwen and which are reciprocal advertisements, so I will ignore the content of the advertisements when I see a very high possibility , after all, this is a major operation that affects a lifetime. - After 2 years like this, God really took care of me (I think it must have a lot to do with how I usually help people, because many people around me often tell me that because you often do good deeds, so many Lucky things happened to me), let me discover Qisejia Clinic in a crawl, and after a closer look, I found that the more interesting it was, the people who recommended these are all from the heart after having practical experience. It is very important to give the content of the comments‼ ️The first level is over - Next, I started to do the first consultation. After the second consultation, I was 100% sure that I had met the right person at the right time. (Actually, it was only the first consultation. The attitude of the clinic, the medical professionalism of the director, and the experience made me decide that it was him) ? - By the way, there is one more point that must be said. President Zhang is a person who is persistent and pays great attention to safety. He insists that a senior and highly professional anesthesiologist will be involved in monitoring the state of customers during the entire operation ( I know this because, in addition to thoroughly researching the qualifications of the doctor and whether there is any medical dispute in the past, I also looked over this "well-known anesthesiologist" who even the director and the customer had to cooperate with his time to perform surgery. Admiration, I also found that the dean and the anesthesiologist have one thing in common: "Have enough qualifications for the profession and are always enthusiastic about his professional field ❤️‍?" - I think such a person is the most prudent and most reliable (what earns Big money is more important than conscience to make money. I think this is the key reason. People who are not enthusiastic about their profession are prone to have a mentality of "saving if they can save" and "probably can". - The more amazing thing is‼ ️Coming here has a completely different experience from the medical aesthetics I went to before - "I didn't sell me to buy other courses at all" It's really not easy! So satisfying! - Before the official surgery, the dean repeatedly confirmed my chest size, suitable size, and very patient and detailed explanations (everyone in the hospital, from consultation, nursing to the dean, is very patient. Big push, if you have no patience, you will feel it right away!) - The operation went very smoothly, and it was very unexpected (no truck ran over). The expected result was that, except for the soreness that was very similar to the one just after retraining for the first two days, the whole soreness from the third day was almost Disappeared, and I was so mobile that no one noticed that I had just finished surgery. ?I would say it was an expected result because, before the operation, the director said that he would try his best to minimize the pain of everyone who underwent surgery here. Everyone in the clinic gave a thumbs up whenever they talked about the director's technique, and it turned out to be a plastic surgery. The origin of the professor of surgery is different (Why is it different from the trucks with so many long and milky characters that I climbed before? Forget everyone saying that, I still believe him once, hahaha, otherwise it will take several times) - It’s only been a week since the operation, and the dean insists on returning to the clinic every day to let him “personally” see the wound and confirm the details of the chest shape. The head nurse, Peishan, is also super attentive and spends a long time every day caring for my recovery after the operation. This made me, who was born in business, couldn't help but calculate the cost of such personnel (the cost of such follow-up care is really a mother! The point is that the daily follow-up after surgery, dressing changes, and bathing are all included in this operation. There is no additional charge in the fee) I think what is more precious than the charges is ?The director's persistence and attentiveness to take care of every customer who believes in him - "?Priceless" - Seeing this, I really have to tell you, Loving yourself is seeing a better version of yourself, and in a safe and reliable environment, if you are really considering breast augmentation, I beg you to come into Qisejia for a consultation, because I think good things are Share it with others, that's why I write such a long recommendation article to promote everyone here (the above guarantees that there is no job, I can't do what I pretend to do) - I will share more photos and experiences after one month after the operation
娜娜 on Google

二月開始諮詢好多家診所,最後選擇在高雄綺色佳做魔滴。 診所環境舒適,張p從諮詢、評估、手術、術後按摩衛教都親自操刀,手術完沒有任何瘀青或皮膚拉扯的裂紋,每一個細節都照顧的很好❤️ 術後恢復良好,不到三個月已經可以自然擠乳溝了,還好當初選擇非傳銷式的醫美診所,張p的技術令人滿意又安心!
In February, I began to consult many clinics, and finally chose to do magic drops in Kaohsiung Qisejia. The clinic environment is comfortable. Zhang P personally performed the surgery from consultation, evaluation, surgery, and post-operative massage. After the surgery, there was no bruise or skin pulling cracks, and every detail was well taken care of ❤️ The postoperative recovery is good, and I can express my cleavage naturally in less than three months. Fortunately, I chose a non-pyramid-selling medical beauty clinic, Zhang P's technology is satisfactory and reassuring!
Kris Kha on Google

Professional and friendly service, relaxing environment. Would recommend to family and friends.
Wesley Wei on Google

I really enjoyed my experience here! The atmosphere was very calm and relaxing, and the staff here was welcoming and clear in explaining the procedures of what they were doing. Having not been to cosmetic clinics many times before, I found this to be a very comforting experience. 張P’s delivered solid, professional advice on how to improve my skin, explaining in layman’s terms the science behind skincare and the procedures he recommended. Would recommend!

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