Moxa Ltd.

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

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No. 3, Section 4, New Taipei Blvd, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 242
cc.manau Lin on Google

在裡面要會參加各類活動來投其中高層所好,5點多起床上山幫公司做公益賺名聲,養蝴蝶,尾牙要會跳舞會演戲,要會主持節目,要像老員工一樣軟爛感性玻璃心愛哭愛告狀, 這樣才會容易升官,如此工作再怎麼擺爛專業再怎麼差也不會被離職,工作努力專業好都不如賣力參加公司活動,和認同此類怪誕文化並要經常歌功頌德此文化,這樣才是Moxa Style的好員工,否則政治不正確,不參加活動,不會跳舞做活動,不主持節目, 會被說能見度不高,說人格特質不好, 無法投高層所好,E股沒得領升官沒你份,還會經常被約談, 這裡HR很大,養了30~50個HR, 高層會經常發動HR去清算非 Moxa style的員工,HR約談時會有白色恐怖且讓你夜晚做惡夢驚醒, 會造成你永生難忘的可怕夢靨和痛苦…………
In it, you must be able to participate in various activities to vote for the high-level interests, get up at 5 o'clock and help the company to do public welfare to earn fame, raise butterflies, tail teeth must be able to dance, act, host shows, and be as soft as an old employee. Emotional glass loves to cry and complain, so it will be easy to get promoted, so no matter how bad the work is, no matter how bad the profession is, no matter how bad the profession is, it will not be resigned. It is better to work hard and professionally than to participate in company activities, and to identify with this kind of weird culture and often sing praises. This culture, this is a good employee of Moxa Style, otherwise it is politically incorrect, if you don't participate in activities, you can't dance or do activities, if you don't host shows, you will be said to have low visibility, bad personality, and you will not be able to vote for high-level favors. E-shares do not have to be promoted without your share, and they will often be interviewed. The HR here is very large, with 30 to 50 HRs, and the top management will often mobilize HR to liquidate non-Moxa-style employees. During HR interviews, there will be white people. Horrifying and waking you up at night from nightmares, causing horrific dreams and pain you will never forget...  
Luo An on Google

池水很深的一家公司,想要有所作為的人別進來,看到混吃等死坐領高薪的老員工和高層這些既得利益共生集團, 你會吐血............
In a company with deep pools of water, people who want to make a difference should not come in, and you will vomit blood when you see old employees who are sitting on high salaries and high-level symbiotic groups. ..
lunguo you on Google

進這家公要三思 文化陰柔古怪的公司,號稱實事求是實際一點都不實事求是,表面正直私底下狗屁倒灶, 風花雪月,工作文化糟糕,沼澤很深............ 最近走了一大批的人 荒唐的薪酬體制,只照顧老員工, 老員工怎麼混怎麼不做事都不會被處理,同職等的老員工是同職等資淺員工年薪的至少兩倍以上,甚至比自己的直屬主管都還要高............
Think twice before entering this house A company with a quirky and quirky culture, claiming to seek truth from facts, is not at all realistic, upright on the surface, crap in private, romantic, bad work culture, deep swamp...... A lot of people have left recently The absurd salary system only takes care of the old employees. The old employees will not be dealt with no matter how they mess up or do nothing. The old employees of the same level are at least twice the annual salary of the junior employees of the same level, even more than their immediate supervisors. even higher............
Job Pie on Google

羞辱式面試 連基本禮貌都沒有 用部門鬥爭批評人的態度對面試者 那進去不用想也知道裡面如何 還會嘲諷面試者之前的大公司也不怎麼樣 足以看到其自卑的心態 本來是正面的評價 現在就覺得 呵呵
Humiliating interviews don’t even have basic politeness. The attitude of fighting and criticizing people in the department is not good enough to see that their inferiority mentality is positive. The evaluation feels right now
CF Lin on Google

給MOXA與相關人(包括所有評論者)四顆星,第五顆星是保留給大家學習成長的。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022/5/17 上個禮拜五(2022/5/13)下午,我抱著玩興參加了股東會,很高興地能夠與同事打聲招呼、交換近況,主要目的還是聽聽經營團隊與股東們兩造的觀點。 會議樣貌:【報告數字】>【我的數字】>【你的數字】>【股掌同意】!的確是平凡地好玩。 當然,人總是有感而發。首先,對我而言,數字是既定事實,某種程度而言它是落後指標,兩造花大量的時間來質疑/辯護它是不容易讓雙方都滿意的,甚且當一方搬出內心訴求來解釋簡單事實時,只是徒增對方的猜忌罷了(實際一點,不要自找麻煩)。看待既定事實,大家應該在意的是背後的洞見,數字之間總是有故事的,公司應該將之轉化為素材,拿來與市場對話,藉以增進公司的觸角與利益。 其次,如此規模的公司是值得大家敬佩!可以理解的是,公司初期時,夢想與個人使命必然是公司獲取重大成就的兩大驅動力。公司規模變大之後,不同層次的夢想繼續推動公司的成長,營運斬獲也漸漸地擴展到各面向去。然而,無論個人使命是否清晰如昔,公司此時是否應該思考將它退位到第二線去,讓公司使命突出到第一線來面對機會與挑戰、來引導大家,畢竟是"公"司。 最後,溝通永遠是最難的功課。人總是迷思會議、佈達是溝通,理所當然認為你要懂我的用心與努力,你應該要感謝我,但事實是這樣的嗎?為什麼溝通到位如此地困難,因為它的要素太多太多了:公開、透明是重要的,對象、時間點、布局等等等也很重要,我們實在很難面面俱到。即使如此,我們是否應該出發於無私、少偏見,善用同理心與窮盡智慧邏輯來化解溝通過程中的困難。 註:「知人者智,自知者明。」勉勵大家。舉例,口條很好的人通常邏輯不好,不易溝通,有時還會誤人偏聽而不自覺。用人者知道這個嗎?喜歡拿麥克風的人自知嗎? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022/4/x 朋友提及MOXA的負面評論,我看了之後,感慨兩極的評論竟然轉變如此地快速。 我嘗試堆疊多個層次的理解來同理這些評論,在此僅簡略公司本質與公司文化兩個層次,並且連結兩者與管理之間的關係等等。 MOXA所服務的產業多元,基礎建設偏多,產品需求量穩定,售後服務複雜,競爭衝擊有限,因此公司營收有穩固的基本盤(估六到七成來自現場汰舊)。基於此,公司的運營應”穩盤併近”(”近”沒有寫錯),偏離此本質將不得其利反受其害。舉人事為例子,2012年以前,前志願學校畢業的工程師可遇不可求。公司深入校園經營,招募就好了許多。兩年之後,公司在營收成長放緩時過度樂觀,莫名地加速招聘,人才進來的太好太快。高名氣加高人氣固然好,但KPI迅速增多,會議室不夠用,議後的方案就更多,招募就被動增加,於是乎人事進入循環風暴,無從制止。值此,剝奪感漸漸湧上,離職率增高,人事又被捲入另一個大漩渦裡。 負面評論沒有提公司偏離了營運本質,但我認為它就是問題的根源。在共業下,一個嚴重的副作用於焉產生,總產值沒有等比增加,個人競爭力漸漸被稀釋,恐懼感油然而生,員工在沒得到補償,不滿就溢於言表。 其實,公司文化是MOXA的強項。創辦人的分享是核心文化,同仁財務普遍受益,點滴在心頭。真誠文化是台灣公司少見的,在可控的狀況下,容忍極少數政治正確的投機份子。需要改善的文化是勇氣,勇氣是個人開闊視野也是培養領導能力的要素。少了勇氣,決策圈怯於選擇,共識決走入不當操作,少了領導的管理走向細節,導致同仁糾結,會議多卻拙於精準溝通,代價是營運的高不確定性與成本增加。 我同理評論者對公司文化的不愉快感受,但我認為那是少數人的行為所造成的。你們應直接找人資大主管,指名道姓的要求處理,如果因此受到處份,那公司就不值得待。 公司本質是運營的方向,公司管理應遵循它來讓公司具體化。領導人理解本質之後,必須發展出公司所重視的事項,將他們列成三到五條指引,交由管理人來演繹與執行。譬如說將勇氣與分享列成指引,就會被管理演繹成為公司文化。也就是說,文化是管理促成的產物,它並不是一群人自然形成的,也不是行為準則塑造的(有點把大家當小孩看)。 對於工作不愉快的人,我陳述一個事實,希望你們能接受。沒有人理所當然要善待我們,競爭有時候是殘酷的(分配也是一種競爭),我們能做的是選擇。公平是形式主義,不是數字,不能從某一個時間點算起的。公司也是形式主義,是西方人類在兩個世紀前設計出來的,台灣公司輕領導重”管”理,更增運營的複雜度。員工要是糾結在用實質去解讀形式,實質的你就會被形式牢牢困住。 另外,對於週遭的事物,我們可以進行認知、理解、與同理三構面的動作。本能上,我們容易認知事物,極可能就直接反應。當我們進一步地理解背後的動機後,我們會有不一樣的行為。最重要的是同理他人,那公司、公平就是形式,世代差異只是管理人不理解公司本質所促成的,不是你我的問題。只要邏輯行事、回歸同理心,歧異是可被極小化的。 最後,鼓勵大家要善待(投資)自己,同理他人才能影響他人、回饋自己。年輕是財富,勇氣必須成為你的利器,【你想要做,就去做】,如此你才能壯膽識、擴視野。 1:領導/管理/同仁架構成點/線/面的關係,理解與同理才能把它們串在一起。 2:台灣教育上較少引導學子去理解並同理周遭,甚至認識自己,導致普遍服從性高。一旦風吹草動,順民轉變極化,容易受0與1的左右。 3:【你想要做,就去做】是我跟同事、學生和孩子的對話,目前他們表現得極好。
Give MOXA and related people (including all commenters) four stars, and the fifth star is reserved for everyone to learn and grow. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- 2022/5/17 Last Friday (2022/5/13) afternoon, I participated in the shareholders' meeting with fun, and I was very happy to say hello and exchange current situation with my colleagues. The main purpose was to listen to the views of the management team and shareholders. . Appearance of the meeting: [Report numbers] > [My numbers] > [Your numbers] > [Share palms agree]! It's really ordinary fun. Of course, people always have feelings. First of all, to me, numbers are a given, and to a certain extent it is a lagging indicator, and it is not easy for both parties to spend a lot of time questioning/defending it, even when one party moves out of his heart to explain When it's a simple fact, it just increases the suspicion of the other party (practically, don't ask for trouble). When looking at established facts, what everyone should care about is the insights behind them. There is always a story between numbers. The company should turn it into material and use it to communicate with the market, so as to enhance the company’s reach and interests. Secondly, a company of this size is worthy of admiration! It is understandable that in the early days of a company, dreams and personal mission must be the two major driving forces for the company's major achievements. After the company's scale became larger, dreams at different levels continued to drive the company's growth, and operational gains gradually expanded to all aspects. However, no matter whether the personal mission is as clear as before, should the company think about abdicating it to the second line at this time, and let the company mission stand out on the front line to face opportunities and challenges and guide everyone, after all, it is a "company" company . In the end, communication is always the hardest homework. People always misunderstand meetings and Buda is communication. It is a matter of course that you need to understand my intentions and efforts, and you should thank me, but is this the case? Why it is so difficult to communicate in place is because there are too many elements: openness and transparency are important, as are objects, timing, layout, etc. It is really difficult for us to cover everything. Even so, should we start with selflessness, less prejudice, and make good use of empathy and exhausting wisdom and logic to resolve the difficulties in the communication process. Note: "Those who know others are wise, and those who know themselves are clear." Encourage everyone. For example, people with good speech usually have poor logic, difficult to communicate, and sometimes misunderstand people without realizing it. Does the user know this? Does anyone who likes to hold a microphone know it? -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- 2022/4/x A friend mentioned the negative reviews of MOXA. After reading it, I felt that the bipolar reviews had changed so quickly. I try to stack multiple levels of understanding to empathize with these comments. Here I only briefly summarize the two levels of company nature and company culture, and connect the relationship between the two and management, etc. The industries served by MOXA are diverse, the infrastructure is too much, the demand for products is stable, the after-sales service is complex, and the impact of competition is limited, so the company's revenue has a solid basic base (it is estimated that 60 to 70% comes from on-site elimination). Based on this, the company's operations should be "stable and close" ("near" is not wrong), and deviating from this essence will not benefit but suffer. Taking personnel as an example, before 2012, engineers who graduated from the former voluntary school were hard to come by. The company goes deep into the campus operation, and the recruitment is much better. Two years later, the company was overly optimistic when revenue growth slowed, inexplicably accelerated recruitment, and talent came in too quickly. It is good to have a high reputation and increase popularity, but the KPIs are rapidly increasing, the meeting room is not enough, there will be more plans after the meeting, and the recruitment will increase passively, so the personnel will enter a circular storm and there is no way to stop it. On this occasion, the sense of deprivation gradually surged, the turnover rate increased, and personnel were involved in another maelstrom. The negative comments did not mention that the company strayed from the essence of its operations, but I think it was the source of the problem. Under the common industry, a serious side effect occurs, the total output value does not increase proportionally, the personal competitiveness is gradually diluted, the sense of fear arises spontaneously, and the employees are not compensated, and their dissatisfaction is palpable. In fact, company culture is MOXA's strength. The founder's sharing is the core culture, and the finance of the colleagues generally benefits, and every bit is in my heart. A culture of sincerity is rare in Taiwanese companies. Under controllable conditions, very few politically correct speculators are tolerated. The culture that needs to be improved is courage, and courage is an element of personal vision and leadership. Without courage, the decision-making circle is afraid to make choices, the consensus decision goes into improper operation, and the leadership’s management direction details are lacking, which leads to entanglement among colleagues, and there are many meetings but poor communication with precision, at the cost of high operational uncertainty and increased costs. I empathize with commenters' unpleasant feelings about the company's culture, but I think that's caused by the actions of a few. You should go directly to the human resources supervisor and ask for it by name. If you are punished for this, then the company is not worth waiting for. The essence of the company is the direction of operation, and the management of the company should follow it to make the company concrete. After leaders understand the essence, they must develop the matters that the company values, list them into three to five guidelines, and hand them over to managers to interpret and implement. For example, if courage and sharing are listed as guidelines, management will interpret them as company culture. That is to say, culture is a product of management, it is not formed by a group of people, nor is it shaped by a code of conduct (a bit of treating everyone as a child). For those who are unhappy at work, I state a fact that I hope you will accept. No one takes us for granted, competition is brutal at times (allocation is also a competition), and all we can do is choose. Fairness is a formalism, not a number, and cannot be counted from a certain point in time. Companies are also formalistic, designed by Western humans two centuries ago. Taiwanese companies focus on leadership and management, which increases the complexity of operations. If employees are obsessed with interpreting form with substance, you will be trapped in form by substance. In addition, for the things around us, we can perform actions in three aspects: cognition, understanding, and empathy. Instinctively, we recognize things easily, and are most likely to react directly. When we further understand the motivation behind it, we will behave differently. The most important thing is to empathize with others, then the company and fairness are the form, and the generational difference is only caused by the manager's failure to understand the essence of the company, not you or me. Differences can be minimized as long as one acts logically and returns to empathy. Finally, I encourage everyone to be kind to (invest in) themselves, and empathize with others to influence others and give back to themselves. Youth is wealth, and courage must be your weapon. [If you want to do it, just do it], so that you can be bold and expand your horizons. 1: Leaders/management/colleagues are structured into a point/line/surface relationship. Only by understanding and empathizing can they be linked together. 2: Taiwan's education seldom guides students to understand and empathize with their surroundings, and even to know themselves, resulting in high general obedience. Once there is a nuisance, Shunmin changes polarization and is easily influenced by 0 and 1. 3: [Do it if you want to do it] is a conversation I have with colleagues, students and children, and they are doing extremely well so far.
Bakir DAOUD on Google

The best in industrial Network equipement.
Mark Chen on Google

Good environment to work at.
hsu val on Google

An industrial land. Lack of F&B.

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