MRT Beitun Terminal Station

4.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact MRT Beitun Terminal Station

地址 :

Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 406

城市 : 北區 Taichung City

Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 406
Dimdim Chen on Google

The MRT has only two sections, a short one. Hitchhiking Ji し today.
曾裕維 on Google

The first experience of the MRT trial operation terminal was full of people. Congratulations to Taichung for the MRT too.
Che-Ming Liu (Lao Liu) on Google

台中捷運綠線機廠位置 周邊有最新開幕的好市多北台中店以及好市多加油站
Location of Taichung MRT Green Line Machine Factory There are the newly opened Costco North Taichung store and Costco gas station nearby
林美華 on Google

110、4、12. 在衆人殷殷期盼下,捷運以嶄新的面貌呈現在國人面前,而好市多剛好在總站旁邊,採購方便,周遭環境清幽,車廂內色彩鮮豔明亮,軌道設計真不錯?,一路滑行好順暢,威風十足
110, 4, 12. With the eager anticipation of everyone, the MRT is presented to the Chinese people with a brand new look, and Costco is just next to the terminal, it is convenient to purchase, the surrounding environment is quiet, the carriages are bright and bright, and the track design is really good. ?, glide smoothly all the way, full of prestige
Hsu Jackie on Google

趁著來到台中時順道體驗一下試營運中的捷運,整體上站與站都不遠,所以列車速度不快,搭起來還滿舒服。 進出幾個車站的觀察,由於這條線的車站都在市中心,所以採用高架軌道,整體上是北捷與高捷綜合體的感覺,簡單明瞭又乾淨。 車頭車尾都沒有駕駛室,所以大面窗式的玻璃可以直接看到運行的景象,不過全程大多有隔音設備蓋著,所以看不到什麼市區的風景,希望未來的路線可以減少一些這種設施。另外下午搭往高鐵方向,從大慶站開始還有機會看到夕陽。 出站後用悠遊卡轉騎iBike去幾個景點逛逛,幾次借車還車回來之後也是免費的,不知道是不是試營運期間的關係? 不過這次市區小旅行的體驗很不錯,市區的景點很多,不用騎太久就可以還車逛一下再借車繼續玩,以後來台中旅遊更方便了。 IG: t.p.f.v_1798 FB: 旅。拍。食。攝。1798
When I came to Taichung, I took the opportunity to experience the trial operation of the MRT. On the whole, the station is not far from the station, so the train speed is not fast, and it is quite comfortable to set up. Observation of entering and exiting several stations, because the stations of this line are all in the city center, the elevated track is adopted, and the overall feeling is the complex of Beijie and Gaojie, simple, clear and clean. There is no cab in the front and rear of the car, so the large window glass can directly see the scene of operation, but most of the whole process is covered by soundproof equipment, so there is no urban scenery. I hope that the future route can reduce this. Kind of facilities. In the afternoon, take the direction of the high-speed rail, starting from Daqing Station, there is a chance to see the sunset. After leaving the station, you can use your travel card to ride an iBike to visit several scenic spots. After several times of borrowing and returning the car, it is also free. I wonder if it was related to the trial operation period? However, the experience of this small trip in the city is very good. There are many scenic spots in the city. You can return the car to stroll around and then borrow the car to continue playing. It will be more convenient to travel to Taichung in the future. IG: t.p.f.v_1798 FB: Brigade. Shoot. food. Photo. 1798
紀祥傑(RJ) on Google

This is the terminus of the Taichung MRT. Out of the MRT, Costco is a good place for shopping and shopping. It is bound to be full of people in the future. There are also plans to build houses nearby. The prospects are just around the corner.
Min on Google

趁著最後一天去做免費的台中捷運到總站,整體的感覺是不錯的。只是覺得車廂裡面的顏色配色跟台北或高雄不一樣需要一點時間去適應,車廂很短 擔心未來如果使用人數增加的話會不會都擠不下去。祝福正式營運一切順利,台中加油。
Taking advantage of the last day to do the free Taichung MRT to the terminal, the overall feeling is good. I just feel that the color scheme in the car is different from that of Taipei or Kaohsiung. It takes a little time to adapt. The car is very short. I am worried that if the number of users increases in the future, it will be impossible to squeeze. I wish the official operation all the best, and come on Taichung.
guest on Google

自從台中捷運 - 綠線正式通車以來,中捷綠線就成為外縣市旅客往來台鐵新烏日火車站、高鐡台中站的優先選擇。除了在 中捷 - 台中高鐵站 轉乘台鐵、高鐡之外,假日期間,更是可見外縣市一家三代,老、中、青外加國小小朋友或是學齡前坐著娃娃車的小小孩,在高鐵台中站、台鐵新烏日站轉乘無人駕駛、安全性高的台中獨步全國的雙節無人駕駛電力車。車上服務人員親切、有禮貌,各站體內動線規劃良善,指示牌字體清?、設置位置明顯。各站體內,時常可見辛勞的清潔人員打掃環境,尤其是活潑好動、又充滿好奇心的小朋友容易這邊摸摸、那邉碰碰的地方,都特別用藥用酒精或者由漂白水稀釋的清潔劑擦拭過。各站體外,大眾運輸功能發達,而且時常可見辛苦的警務人員和義交兄、姊頂著大太陽、冒著雷陣雨在道路巡邏、指揮交通。不止深受本地市民喜愛,沿線各站體以及高架軌道建築更是台中市的著名地標。

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