MRT Ximen Station Tourist Service Center

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Contact MRT Ximen Station Tourist Service Center

地址 :

No. 32之1號, Baoqing Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100

電話 : 📞 +8879
城市 : Taipei City

No. 32之1號, Baoqing Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100
Greene Chen on Google

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要去拿中文簡介結果只有日文跟英文 …==無言
I want to get a Chinese introduction. The result is only Japanese and English...==No words
樂遊奇趣 on Google

Here you can find the culture and food of Ximen and the shopping mall. Not afraid that you will get lost. I am not afraid to come here to find a place to visit.
陳瑛季 on Google

Ximen Station is relatively international! Because in Ximending! There are many domestic and foreign travelers! unique design! The facade is big! Marked clearly! Convenient for foreign travelers to come to Taiwan! It is a MRT station representing Taiwan! well!
林約翰 on Google

國內外遊客旅遊熱門區,近幾年街道裝飾很美,食衣住行育樂等樣樣都有,與中華路商店連接,西門徒步區及電影街最熱鬧。 電影街 1930年代開始,西門町成為台北著名的「電影街」;1945年日本投降後,榮景也繼續維持下去,1950年代起每家戲院門庭若市,黃牛票猖獗,電影院一家接著一家開,僅武昌街二段就連開了十多家戲院,其盛況自此可見一斑。1990年代起市中心漸向東發展,西門町逐漸沒落,青少年轉向臺北東區。2000年代初期,台北市政府與西門町當地商家,重新將西門町規劃為行人徒步區,並在週末和國定假日禁止車輛通行,才留下了青少年人潮。目前在西門町,幾乎每個周末都有小型演唱會、簽唱會、唱片首賣會登場,各種電影宣傳、街頭表演等等活動也常常可見。目前西門町還有20家以上的電影院,在台北要看首輪電影,西門町幾乎都找得著。而各種大小店家則有6000間左右。 另外也有一些以西門町為背景的電影,如《超級公民》(萬仁導演,1998年)、《六號出口》(林育賢導演,2007年)、《西門町》(王瑋導演,2012年)等。 萬年商業大樓 西門新宿商場 西門町現在被稱為台北的「原宿」,除了有日文雜誌專賣店外,各種日本的書籍、唱片、服飾等,幾乎都同步流行,是所謂「哈日族」的天堂。除了獨立的街邊商店之外,這類商店也特別集中於區域內幾棟專門的集合商業建築裡面,其中較著名的包括有老字號的萬年商業大樓、獅子林廣場,西門新宿乃至於較後期的萬國百貨與誠品116等等(後期兩商場至今皆已歇業)。 但是,正因為青少年聚集密度高,所以西門町也與東區、士林夜市並列台北青少年犯罪率最高的地方。 假日市集 每逢週末與週日,在西門紅樓前的紅樓廣場,定時舉辦由臺北市政府文化局與臺北市文化基金會所策畫的西門紅樓創意市集。 電影街:位於武昌街二段,至今仍存在的戲院共有樂聲戲院、日新威秀、豪華數位影城;有時電影首映會會選在本地舉辦。 美國街:由武昌街二段120巷、昆明街74巷、昆明街96巷、漢口街二段90巷組成;開設了許多販售美式服飾、配件的潮流衣飾店;牆壁或商店鐵門上有塗鴉藝術為其特色。 紋身街:位於漢中街50巷。 川菜街:位於康定路25巷,聚集了數家老字號川菜客飯小館。 西門町也有獨特的名小吃,例如中華路上的鴨肉扁、峨嵋街的阿宗麵線、開封街的賽門鄧普拉,成都路上的上海老天祿、成都楊桃冰與蜂大咖啡、漢口街的楊記花生玉米冰、昆明街的宏益水晶餃、洛陽街的牛肉麵,加上許多日式餐廳(例如峨嵋街的美觀園)及傳承中國口味的各式外省餐廳,將老台北人及新台北人的味覺搭起了傳承的橋樑。 西門:現有的西門為2014年重建的藝術品─西門印象,原有的西門舊址位於現有西門的南方,於1905拆除 名勝古蹟 台北天后宮。 西門町媽祖廟:原日本真言宗的弘法寺。二次大戰後,入奉艋舺新興宮媽祖,後來又改名為台北天后宮,俗稱西門町媽祖廟。 西門紅樓:三級古蹟。 台北晉德宮:市定古蹟,位於康定路,木結構具對場作。 慈雲寺:市定古蹟,位於漢口街。 西本願寺:市定古蹟。 過去在西門町的建築 台北稻荷神社:西門市場旁,戰後拆除。 東本願寺:位於西寧南路上,戰後拆除。(拆除後成為今日的獅子林廣場與誠品武昌店) 中華商場:位於中華路上,因建設捷運而拆除。 儘管東區再熱鬧,永遠年輕的西門町總也不老, 如何用一句話形容西門町的特色, 西門町對於台北人而言,是跨越世代的青春記憶。回顧過往歷史,西門町是台北市早期開發的地區之一,發展超過百年之久,經歷過繁華與衰退的三次大起大落。 日治時期的第一次榮景 西門町的第一次榮景,是從清代的荒蕪沼澤地成為日治時期的娛樂商業區,以「西門紅樓」為此時代表。在清代,台北城西門(寶成門)外的這塊區域,剛好夾在台北熱鬧的「三市街」(艋舺、大稻埕與台北城內)之間,這裡地勢低窪,還有墳墓散落其間,因此人煙稀少。 捷運西門站4號出口,以大型裝置藝術重現台北城的西門意象。 日治時期,開始積極開發這塊位於傳統「三市街」之間的空白區域。為配合日本人針對台北的都市計畫,西門因此遭到拆除,成為台北城唯一消失的城門,而四面城牆拆除後闢建為寬敞的「三線路」。 「三線路」是在馬路上以兩條安全島分隔成三線道路,便於人車分流,安全島上栽種行道樹,逐漸形成壯觀的林蔭大道,在當時有「東方小巴黎」的美譽。隨著自由戀愛風氣的出現,三線路成為情侶們約會散步的好地方,現在我們站在中華路一段(原為台北城西側城牆拆除後的三線路)的人行道或天橋上,仍能遙想當年美景。 站在寬敞的中華路一段天橋上,仍能遙想日治時期的「三線路」美景。Photo Credit:曾冠傑 日本人在這個區域進行大規模的填土事業,以及土地重劃與增設公共設施,把這裡開發為可用之地。其中一個地標性建築,是1908年落成的新起街市場,專門販賣各式蔬果肉類與日常用品,以及撫慰日本人鄉愁的日本貨,這棟美麗的紅磚建築如今依然存在,也就是捷運西門站1號出口附近的西門紅樓。 有一百餘年歷史的西門紅樓。 為了服務台北城內行政中心的日本官員與軍警,此地規劃為東洋味濃厚的娛樂商業區,設立滿足日本人需求的劇場、電影院、餐館等眾多店家,尤其幾間豪華電影院的出現,成為今日西門町電影街的起源;例如當時的日式歐化劇場「榮座」,因為市場需求也開始播放電影,戰後改建為「萬國戲院」,如今則是「絕色影城」。 隨著地方行政制度的變化,1920年設立「台北市」,1922年廢除原有街庄名,改用日式町名,於是「西門町」這個地名正式出現。 假日人潮洶湧的絕色影城。Photo Credit:曾冠傑 中華商場帶來的第二次榮景 西門町的第二次榮景,是在戰後初期的暫時沒落之後,於1960至1970年代復興,以「中華商場」為此時代表。由於1949年政府撤退來台,大量無處可居的外省移民隨之而來,在中華路鐵路旁搭建臨時棚屋,大多經營小本生意,形成一大片雜亂不堪的違章建築。 為了整頓市容,政府拆除中華路上的這一大片棚屋,並興建中華商場,這八棟以「忠、孝、仁、愛、信、義、和、平」命名的三層樓建築,於1961年落成啟用,共聚集一千多戶的人家。 中華商場是當時台北最熱鬧的百貨商城,販售古董、唱片、軍用品、郵票錢幣、西服與學生制服、電器和電子零件等各種店鋪,是許多年輕人放學後或假日的休閒去處,還有大江南北的各式點心小吃,為人津津樂道。入夜後的中華商場樓頂,高聳鮮豔的各大品牌廣告霓虹燈,是那個時代台北的繁榮象徵。 如今中華商場的建築物早已不存,卻依然活在許多老台北人的腦海裡,是不滅的青春記憶。現在中華路附近,仍能找到這些中華商場老店家,包括:小吃餐館「點心世界」、軍用品店「飛飛」、電子材料行「德昌富鴻」、「佳佳唱片」以及禮品與旗幟公司「李大吉」等,繼續為客戶服務。 中華路一段福星國小旁的電梯天橋,設計為中華商場孝棟的意象。Photo Credit:曾冠傑 西門町新生的第三次榮景 西門町的第三次榮景,是本地的商業活動由於時代因素而衰退,之後再度吸引年輕人與觀光客到訪,以「行人徒步區」為此時代表。首先,中華商場隨著時間逐漸老舊,甚至成為都市之瘤,尤其北上火車進入台北車站前的第一印象,便是看到環境髒亂破敗的中華商場。為了改善市容,政府於1992年拆除中華商場。 因為捷運興建工程,中華路周邊地區進入交通黑暗期,飽受塞車之苦。另一方面,台北東區大約於同一時期崛起,年輕人的娛樂消費轉移至東區,西門町的榮景不再。此時的西門町成為台北的邊緣角落,有些電影院停業,甚至改建為大樓,巷弄內還有青少年滋事。 有趣的事情發生了,商業活動衰退的西門町,開始吸納各種城市與青少年次文化,孕育出新的生命力;譬如沒落的西門紅樓,因為周圍半封閉式的空間格局,形成同志族群的聚會地點,如今旁邊的「小熊村」,早已成為國際知名的同志酒吧。 隱身在西門紅樓旁的小熊村,後方可見飄揚的彩虹旗。 1990年代的西門町店家積極尋求轉型,與政府聯手合作設置台灣第一個行人徒步區,吸引遊客前來。對年輕人來說,西門町隨著捷運通車與路網形成,再度成為交通便捷之處,還有日韓音樂、異國美食、刺青紋身、潮牌服飾、文創雜貨等各種店家,充滿多樣性的選擇,令人目眩神迷。 近年來,更吸引香港與中國大陸、甚至國際觀光客的目光,各家旅館如雨後春筍般冒出來,成為西門町明顯的街景特色。 白先勇的短篇小說集《台北人》,其中〈永遠的尹雪艷〉開頭的第一句話「尹雪艷總也不老。」
It is a popular tourist area for domestic and foreign tourists. In recent years, the streets have been beautifully decorated, with everything from food, clothing, housing, transportation, and entertainment. It is connected to the shops of Zhonghua Road, and the West Gate Walking Area and Movie Street are the most lively. Movie street Beginning in the 1930s, Ximending became a famous "movie street" in Taipei; after the surrender of Japan in 1945, the prosperity continued. Since the 1950s, every theater has been a market, scalper tickets have been rampant, and movie theaters have opened one after another, only Wuchang Street two. Duan even opened more than a dozen theaters, and its grand occasion can be seen since then. Since the 1990s, the city center has gradually developed eastward, Ximending has gradually declined, and young people have turned to Taipei’s east district. In the early 2000s, the Taipei City Government and local businesses in Ximending re-planned Ximending as a pedestrian area, and banned vehicles from passing on weekends and national holidays, leaving behind the youth crowd. Currently in Ximending, there are small concerts, autograph sessions, and album first sales events appearing almost every weekend, and various film promotions, street performances and other activities are often seen. There are currently more than 20 movie theaters in Ximending. If you want to watch the first round of movies in Taipei, you can find almost all of them in Ximending. There are about 6000 stores of various sizes. There are also movies with Ximending as the background, such as "Super Citizen" (Director Wan Ren, 1998), "Exit Six" (Director Lin Yuxian, 2007), "Ximending" (Director Wang Wei, 2012), etc. . Wannian Commercial Building West Gate Shinjuku Mall Ximending is now known as the "Harajuku" of Taipei. In addition to the Japanese magazine store, all kinds of Japanese books, records, clothing, etc. are almost simultaneously popular. It is a paradise for the so-called "Harajuku". In addition to independent street shops, these types of shops are also concentrated in several specialized collective commercial buildings in the area. The more famous ones include the time-honored Wannian Commercial Building, Lion Grove Plaza, Ximen Shinjuku and even later ones. IWC Department Store and Eslite 116, etc. (the two stores have been closed since then). However, because of the high density of youths, Ximending is also the place with the highest rate of juvenile crime in Taipei, alongside the East District and Shilin Night Market. Holiday market On weekends and Sundays, the Red House Square in front of the Red House in Ximen regularly hosts the Ximen Red House Creative Market, planned by the Taipei City Government Cultural Bureau and the Taipei Cultural Foundation. Movie Street: Located on the second section of Wuchang Street, the theaters that still exist today include the Music Theater, the Japanese Prosperity Show, and the luxury digital cinema; sometimes the movie premiere will be held locally. American Street: Composed of Lane 120, Section 2, Kunming Street, Lane 74, Kunming Street, Lane 96, Kunming Street, Lane 90, Section 2, Hankou Street; there are many trendy clothing stores selling American clothing and accessories; on the wall or on the iron door of the shop Graffiti art is its characteristic. Tattoo Street: Located at Lane 50, Hanzhong Street. Sichuan Cuisine Street: Located in Lane 25, Kangding Road, there are several old Sichuan cuisine restaurants. Ximending also has unique famous snacks, such as Duck Roubian on Zhonghua Road, A Zong Noodles on Emei Street, Simon Dunpu on Kaifeng Street, Shanghai Laotianlu on Chengdu Road, Chengdu Carambola Ice and Fengda Coffee, Hankou Street’s Yang Ji Peanut and Corn Ice, Kunming Street’s Hongyi Crystal Dumplings, Luoyang Street’s Beef Noodles, plus many Japanese restaurants (such as Meimeiyuan on Emei Street) and various provincial restaurants that inherit Chinese tastes will bring old Taipeiers And the taste of the new Taipei people built a bridge of inheritance. West Gate: The existing West Gate is a work of art rebuilt in 2014—Impression of West Gate. The original West Gate site is located in the south of the existing West Gate and was demolished in 1905 Places of interest Tianhou Temple in Taipei. Ximending Mazu Temple: The Hongfa Temple of the original Shingon School of Japan. After the Second World War, he entered the Mengjia Xinxing Palace Mazu, and later changed its name to Taipei Tianhou Temple, commonly known as Ximending Mazu Temple. Ximen Red House: A third-class monument. Jinde Palace, Taipei: Shiding historic site, located on Kangding Road, with wooden structures on site. Ciyun Temple: Shiding historic site, located on Hankou Street. West Hongan Temple: a city designated historic site. Buildings in Ximending in the past Taipei Inari Shrine: Next to Ximen Market, demolished after the war. East Hongan Temple: Located on Xining South Road, it was demolished after the war. (After being demolished, it became today's Lion Grove Plaza and Eslite Wuchang Store) Zhonghua Shopping Mall: Located on Zhonghua Road, it was demolished for the construction of MRT. No matter how lively the Eastern District is, Ximending, which is always young, will never be old. How to describe the characteristics of Ximending in one sentence, For Taipei people, Ximending is a youthful memory that spans generations. Looking back at past history, Ximending is one of the early developed areas in Taipei City. It has been developed for more than a hundred years and has experienced three major ups and downs of prosperity and recession. The first glory during the Japanese occupation Ximending’s first prosperous scene was from the barren marshland in the Qing Dynasty to an entertainment and commercial area during the Japanese Occupation Period, represented by the "Ximen Red House" at this time. In the Qing Dynasty, the area outside Taipei City West Gate (Baocheng Gate) was just sandwiched between Taipei’s lively "Sanshi Street" (Mangjia, Dadaocheng, and Taipei City). It was low-lying and had graves. Scattered in the meantime, so sparsely populated. Exit 4 of MRT Ximen Station, recreate the image of the west gate of Taipei City with large-scale installation art. During the Japanese Occupation period, this blank area between the traditional "three-city streets" was actively developed. In order to cope with the Japanese urban plan for Taipei, the West Gate was demolished and became the only gate that disappeared in Taipei City. The four walls were demolished and built into a spacious "three lines." The "Three Routes" is a three-lane road separated by two safety islands on the road to facilitate the separation of people and vehicles. The safety islands are planted with street trees to gradually form a spectacular boulevard. At that time, it was known as the "Little Paris of the East". With the emergence of the atmosphere of free love and love, the Three Routes has become a good place for couples to go for dates and walks. Now we are standing on the sidewalk or flyover of the section of Zhonghua Road (originally the third route after the west wall of Taipei City was demolished), and we can still think of the beauty of the year. . Standing on the overpass on a section of the spacious Zhonghua Road, one can still imagine the beauty of the "three routes" during the Japanese occupation. Photo Credit: Zeng Guanjie The Japanese carried out large-scale filling projects in this area, as well as rezoning the land and adding public facilities to develop it into a usable place. One of the landmark buildings is the Xinqi Street Market, which was completed in 1908. It specializes in selling all kinds of vegetables, fruits, meats and daily necessities, as well as Japanese goods that soothe Japanese nostalgia. This beautiful red brick building still exists today, that is, MRT Ximen Red House near Exit 1 of Ximen Station. Ximen Red House with a history of more than 100 years. In order to serve the Japanese officials and military police in the administrative center of Taipei City, this place is planned as an entertainment and business district with a strong oriental flavor, with theaters, movie theaters, restaurants and many other stores that meet the needs of Japanese people, especially the appearance of several luxury movie theaters. The origin of Ximending Film Street; for example, the Japanese European theater "Eiza" at that time also began to show movies due to market demand. After the war, it was rebuilt into the "World Theater" and now it is the "Best Studio City." With the changes in the local administrative system, "Taipei City" was established in 1920. In 1922, the original street names were abolished and the names of Japanese towns were used. So the name "Ximending" formally appeared. A stunning cinema with crowds on holidays. Photo Credit: Zeng Guanjie The second glory brought by the China Shopping Mall The second prosperity of Ximending was after the temporary decline in the early post-war period, and was revived in the 1960s to 1970s, represented by the "China Shopping Mall" at this time. Since the government retreated to Taiwan in 1949, a large number of immigrants from other provinces with nowhere to live followed. They built temporary shack beside the Zhonghua Road and the railway, mostly operating small businesses, forming a large area of ​​unruly buildings. In order to clean up the city, the government demolished this large shack on Zhonghua Road and built the Zhonghua Shopping Mall. These eight three-story buildings named after "loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, love, faith, righteousness, peace, and peace" were built in 1961. It was completed and opened in the year, gathering more than 1,000 households. Chung Hwa Mall was the busiest department store in Taipei at that time. It sold antiques, records, military supplies, stamps and coins, suits and student uniforms, electrical appliances and electronic parts. It was a leisure place for many young people after school or on holidays. All kinds of dim sum snacks from the north and south are popular. At night, on the top of the Zhonghua Shopping Mall, the towering and bright neon lights of major brands are the symbol of prosperity in Taipei in that era. Nowadays, the buildings of the Zhonghua Shopping Mall have long ceased to exist, but they are still alive in the minds of many old Taipeiers, which is an eternal youth memory. Now near Zhonghua Road, you can still find these old Chinese shopping malls, including: snack restaurant "Dim Sum World", military supplies store "Fei Fei", electronic material store "Dechang Fuhong", "Jia Jia Records" and gifts and The banner company "Li Daji" and others continue to serve customers. The elevator flyover next to Fuxing Elementary School in the section of Zhonghua Road is designed as the image of Xiaodong in Zhonghua Shopping Mall. Photo Credit: Zeng Guanjie The third glory of Ximending freshmen The third prosperity of Ximending was the decline of local commercial activities due to the factors of the times. Later, it attracted young people and tourists to visit again. The "pedestrian area" is the representative of this time. First of all, the Zhonghua Shopping Mall has gradually aged over time and has even become a tumor of the city. In particular, the first impression before the northbound train enters Taipei Station is to see the chaotic and run-down Zhonghua Shopping Mall. In order to improve the appearance of the city, the government demolished the Zhonghua Shopping Center in 1992. Because of the MRT construction project, the area around Zhonghua Road has entered a dark period of traffic and suffered from traffic jams. On the other hand, the eastern district of Taipei rose at about the same time. The entertainment consumption of young people moved to the eastern district, and the prosperity of Ximending was no longer there. At this time, Ximending became a fringe corner of Taipei. Some movie theaters were closed or even converted into buildings. There were still young people making trouble in the alleys. Interesting things happened. Ximending, where commercial activities were declining, began to absorb various cities and youth subcultures, nurturing new vitality; for example, the declining Red House in Ximen, due to the semi-enclosed spatial pattern around it, formed a meeting place for gay people. The "Little Bear Village" next to it has long become an internationally renowned gay bar. Hidden in the Little Bear Village next to the Red House in Ximen, you can see the flying rainbow flag behind. In the 1990s, Ximending stores actively sought transformation and worked with the government to set up Taiwan’s first pedestrian zone to attract tourists. For young people, Ximending has once again become a convenient place for transportation with the opening of the MRT and the formation of a road network. There are also various stores such as Japanese and Korean music, exotic food, tattoos, fashion clothing, cultural and creative groceries, etc. The choice of sex is dazzling. In recent years, it has attracted the attention of Hong Kong, mainland China, and even international tourists. Hotels have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, becoming the obvious streetscape feature of Ximending. Bai Xianyong's collection of short stories "Taipei People", in which "Yin Xueyan Forever" begins with the first sentence "Yin Xueyan is never old."
Mentor Sheu (Mentor) on Google

Good ?
satish pandey on Google

Nice place to get information about metro train
Roberto Luzcando on Google

you can find stores, movie theaters, arcades, Karaoke (KTV), and few hotels!

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