沐明鍋物 Muming Hotpot|日本和牛 · 帝王蟹 ‧ 活體海鮮 ‧ 台中火鍋 · 慶生 · 約會 · 市政府 · 捷運美食 · 夜景 ‧ 酒吧 - Xitun District

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 沐明鍋物 Muming Hotpot|日本和牛 · 帝王蟹 ‧ 活體海鮮 ‧ 台中火鍋 · 慶生 · 約會 · 市政府 · 捷運美食 · 夜景 ‧ 酒吧

地址 :

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Section 1, Huizhong Rd

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 1
網站 : https://reurl.cc/1oKmvY
Opening hours :
Wednesday 6PM–1AM
Thursday 6PM–1AM
Friday 6PM–1AM
Saturday 5PM–1AM
Sunday 5PM–1AM
Monday 6PM–1AM
Tuesday 6PM–1AM

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Section 1, Huizhong Rd
Sukaiii on Google

好久沒有吃到一家火鍋會讓我心血來潮的想要寫個評價,順便幫自己記錄一下這特別的體驗。 運氣好人多所以幾乎能點的都點了一輪。精緻的前菜看的到師傅的創意,無比新鮮的食材 (包含我真的沒吃過這麼夠味的綜合火鍋料)也讓我感受到師父與業者的用心。 細節說下去篇幅不夠... 但有幾樣一定要特別提到: 兩種不同口感部位的飛驒牛油花滿滿但吃起來不會太油而且香味(不是牛味)十足,連美牛小排都超嫩多汁,魚肉(忘記什麼魚了)咬下去的口感扎實好咬而且那個藏不住的新鮮味道,雪蟹的甜味跟我在北海道吃的有過之而無不及,松阪豬特別的切法讓牠Q彈的脆度不是我在火鍋裡吃過的口感。喔那碗蒸蛋... 喔那鍋粥... 真的是寫不完了... 總之最後吃到撐卻還是口齒留香! 整體的用餐環境、服務生的周到、廁所的備品、現代高雅不俗的裝潢、還有無敵的夜景都讓我捨不得離開。 這樣的等級價位一定不平價,但同層次的餐廳在台北是絕對吃不到的。所以我覺得來這邊過節、慶生、好好慰勞自己或家人好友一番是非常非常值得的! 很慶幸有這個機會在友人的邀約下吃到這樣美味的一餐。下次到台中一定會再度光顧的!
Having not eaten a hot pot for a long time makes me want to write a review on a whim, and help me record this special experience by the way. With good luck, there are so many people, so almost everything I can order is one round. The exquisite appetizers can see the master's creativity, and the extremely fresh ingredients (including the comprehensive hot pot ingredients that I have never tasted before) also made me feel the intentions of the master and the practitioners. I don’t have enough space to go into the details... but there are a few things that must be mentioned in particular: The two different parts of Hida butter are full of flowers, but they are not too oily and full of fragrance (not beef), even beautiful beef The small steaks are super tender and juicy, the fish meat (forgot what fish) has a solid bite taste and the fresh taste that cannot be hidden. The sweetness of the snow crab is better than what I had eaten in Hokkaido, Matsusaka The special cutting method of the pig makes the crispness of the Q bomb not the taste I have eaten in the hot pot. Oh that bowl of steamed eggs... Oh that pot of porridge... I really can't finish writing... In short, I still linger after I eat it! The overall dining environment, the attentive service of the waiters, the amenities of the toilets, the modern and elegant decoration, and the invincible night view all made me reluctant to leave. This level of price is definitely not cheap, but restaurants of the same level are definitely not available in Taipei. So I think it is very, very worthwhile to come here for holidays, birthdays, and to comfort myself or my family and friends! I am very fortunate to have this opportunity to have such a delicious meal under the invitation of a friend. I will definitely visit Taichung again next time!
簡小靜 on Google

吳吳吳 on Google

前菜點了明太子山藥和水蓮雞肉,都蠻有特色的。主餐點了衝浪雞雖然有皮但吃起來很Q、松阪豬煮的時間剛好就會脆脆的、小羔羊屬於有嚼勁型的千萬別煮太老。松露和牛滷肉飯吃完偏清淡沒什麼味道有點失望。菜盤份量很多也沒有火鍋料和一些其他火鍋店不會有的配料,整體吃下來湯頭屬於清淡的,重口味的人會需要沾旁邊付的醬料(醬料很推泰式)。 服務人員餐點介紹方式有待改進,不知道是否時間已晚上班太累,介紹餐點並未詳細說明! 包包外套想放在置物籃,找不太到在哪裡,以這樣的價位 希望服務可以再更好一點
The appetizers ordered mentaiko yam and water lotus chicken, which are quite distinctive. The main meal is surf chicken, although it has skin, it tastes very Q, Matsusaka pork will be crunchy when it is cooked, and the lamb is chewy, so don't cook it too old. The truffle wagyu braised pork rice was bland and tasteless. I was a little disappointed. There are a lot of dishes and there are no hot pot ingredients and some ingredients that other hot pot restaurants don’t have. The soup is light as a whole, and people with heavy tastes will need to dip the sauce on the side (the sauce is very Thai). The service staff's meal introduction method needs to be improved. I don't know if it is too tired to work at night, and the meal introduction is not detailed! I want to put the bag and coat in the storage basket, but I can't find it anywhere. At this price, I hope the service can be better.
Neo Chang on Google

用餐環境舒適乾淨。 服務人員態度良好。 松露和牛魯肉飯搭配半熟蛋的味道和口感很棒。 和牛紐約客口感油脂很棒。 松阪豬肉片脆口好吃。 活體龍蝦新鮮甜口,代客料理和剝殼的服務很棒。 最後結尾的粥真的很好吃,搭配海苔真的很香。 用餐過程舒適。
The dining environment is comfortable and clean. The service staff has a good attitude. The taste and texture of the truffle wagyu beef rice with the soft-boiled egg is great. Wagyu New Yorker tastes great with grease. Matsusaka pork slices are crispy and delicious. The live lobster was fresh and sweet, and the valet and shuck service was great. The porridge at the end is really delicious, and it is really fragrant with seaweed. A comfortable meal.
張晏瑋 on Google

先說結論:和牛、海鮮、美酒、美景、用餐環境乾淨明亮、服務人員親切有禮,綜合起來是個很棒的用餐體驗,值得推薦,5星奉上。 用餐心得及特色: 1.百萬夜景,無需多說。主要夜景是面向台灣大道及市政大樓,因室內用餐,視覺效果上不若龍井那排的戶外景觀餐廳,坐在位置上看出去其實主要都是看到自己的倒影,但也表示大片落地窗裡外都擦拭的非常乾淨。最有印象的建築物是金錢豹XD 2.隨鍋會附上一杯「沐明清酒」,倒入鍋裡扮煮增添湯頭的美味及香氣。下鍋前直送喝了幾口,很清爽很順。 3.食材主打和牛及海鮮,和牛我們不是專家,只點了基本款的,已經覺得是非常非常軟嫩好吃,大約涮個5秒即可起鍋食用,真的像《將太的壽司》裡面敘述的入口即化 4.海鮮是以「克」計費,服務人員會依照用餐人數推薦最合適的size,不同種類的海鮮和大小亦有不同的單價。服務人員會先報價完再做確認點餐,要再抓大抓小都可以再做調整,這點真的是蠻專業貼心的。我們點的波士頓龍蝦約1000克,換算起來大約是快140元/兩,給大家參考,在這樣的餐廳用餐這價位我覺得是OK。 5.每桌從點餐開始就有專屬的人員負責,幫忙代煮分食,海鮮類的也會儘量去殼方便食用,對於食材的介紹及食用方式也都會貼心提醒,中間收桌、換盤、倒水等也都是很主動,服務品質沒話說。 6.飲品的選擇很多,因樓上是酒吧的關係,各式有酒精無酒精特調、清酒、啤酒、烈酒、紅白酒都有,也有一般常喝的軟性飲料。唯一美中不足的是紅白酒無提供單杯的。 以上為一些些簡單的用餐心得,整體感覺沐明是一間現代日式風格的鍋物料理,謝謝訂位人員有很貼心的記得我在訂位時告知,如果用餐時間可以提早的話再通知我們,也在前一天確認訂位時幫我們做調整,還很幸運的坐到了靠窗邊的位置。 最後要推薦一下當天用餐的服務生ZOE,以及公關經理(就是幫我們把飲料提袋送下樓的小姐)抱歉我沒注意到妳的名字,請小編再次幫我轉達感謝之意。
Let me start with the conclusion: Wagyu, seafood, fine wine, beautiful scenery, clean and bright dining environment, and friendly and courteous service staff. Together, it is a great dining experience. It is worth recommending and 5 stars. Dining experience and features: 1. One million night scenes, no need to say more. The main night view is facing Taiwan Avenue and the Municipal Building. Because of indoor dining, the visual effect is not as good as that of the outdoor landscape restaurant in Longjing. Sitting in the position, you can actually see your own reflection, but it also means that the large floor-to-ceiling windows are inside and outside. They are all wiped very clean. The most impressive building is the Leopard XD 2. A cup of "Mu Ming Sake" will be attached to the pot, pour it into the pot and cook it to increase the deliciousness and aroma of the soup. I took a few sips straight before the pot, it was refreshing and smooth. 3. The main ingredients are Wagyu and seafood. We are not experts in Wagyu. We only ordered the basic ones. We already thought it was very soft and delicious. It can be eaten in about 5 seconds after boiling. It really looks like "Sushi of Jiangtai". The entrance described in it is instantaneous 4. Seafood is billed in "grams", and the service staff will recommend the most suitable size according to the number of people dining. Different types of seafood and sizes also have different unit prices. The service staff will first finish the quotation and then make the confirmation order. If you want to focus on the big and small, you can make adjustments. This is really professional and caring. The Boston lobster we ordered is about 1000 grams, which is about 140 yuan/tael. For your reference, I think the price of dining in such a restaurant is OK. 5. From the beginning of ordering, there is a dedicated staff responsible for each table, helping to cook and divide the food. The seafood will also be shelled as far as possible to facilitate consumption. The introduction of the ingredients and the way of eating will also be intimately reminded. The table is closed and the plate is changed. , Pouring water, etc. are also very proactive, and the quality of service is nothing to say. 6. There are many choices of drinks. Because the upstairs is a bar, there are various types of alcohol and non-alcoholic specials, sake, beer, spirits, red and white wine, as well as soft drinks that are commonly consumed. The only fly in the ointment is that there is no single glass of red and white wine. The above are some simple dining experiences. The overall feeling is that Mu Ming is a modern Japanese-style pot food. Thank you for the reservation staff. Remember that I told you when you made the reservation. If the meal time can be earlier, I will notify us. I also helped us make adjustments when we confirmed the reservation the day before, and we were lucky to sit by the window. Finally, I would like to recommend ZOE, the waiter who ate that day, and the public relations manager (the lady who helped us carry the drinks downstairs). Sorry I didn't notice your name. Please help me to convey my gratitude again.
GLORIA YU on Google

和朋友臨時起意來用餐,室內裝潢看起來很棒,在高樓層可以看夜景!??? 肉的品質很不錯,牛肉豬肉都好吃,菜盤配料也很多,湯頭非常的清淡幾乎沒什麼味道…魚很鮮嫩,入口即化,還會給清酒可以加到火鍋內增添風味,清酒很好喝順口! 服務也很不錯,會幫忙下料也會介紹! 如果喜歡清淡湯頭的人,可以來試試,看個夜景體驗一下! 沐明只接受網路訂位,我們去時還有很多空位,本來訂還訂不到,剛好別人取消才訂的到,不知道是不是常聽到的飢餓行銷? 整體來說空間服務都很好,雖然有其他前菜和水果、冰淇淋等,但最便宜吃下來也要一千多含服務費,不覺得食材有到這個價位⋯ 但可以去體驗看看!
Had a casual meal with friends, the interior looks great, the night view from the high floor! ??? The quality of the meat is very good, the beef and pork are delicious, there are many ingredients on the plate, the soup is very light and almost tasteless... The fish is very fresh and tender, it melts in the mouth, and it also adds flavor to the sake that can be added to the hot pot. The sake is delicious. By the way! The service is also very good, and I will help you with the material and introduce it! If you like light soup, you can try it out and experience the night view! Muming only accepts online reservations. There were still many vacancies when we went. We couldn’t book it originally, but it happened to be cancelled by someone else. I don’t know if it is the hunger marketing that I often hear? Overall, the space service is very good. Although there are other appetizers, fruits, ice cream, etc., the cheapest one costs more than 1,000 yuan including the service fee. I don't think the ingredients are at this price... But you can try it out!
Chien Vivian on Google

用餐環境明亮寬敞舒適,重點是高樓層的夜景餐廳,火鍋類餐廳少見的桌邊服務,服務人員皆用心專業的介紹與服務,感受度極佳! 湯頭是昆布高湯為基底最特別的是餐廳提供一小杯特製的清酒,只有來這裡才享用的到,據服務人員說明清酒空運來台且獨家釀製,喝起來就是清酒的味道但可以加入高湯內,是蠻有風味的! 我喜歡沐明的菜盤沒有過多火鍋料,而是以新鮮蔬菜菇類為主,服務基本上是一條龍全程桌邊非常享受!前菜的部分選擇金色蛋捲包滿滿的地瓜泥超級好吃,主餐的部分選擇日本A5莎朗牛小排,肉質油花分佈均勻而且很大一片肉的份量也OK,涮幾下就可以吃了入口即化很軟嫩!最後的當季水果跟霜淇淋也很好吃~ 沾醬會附上三種口味,柚子沾醬、醬油、跟看起來很像豆乳其實是濃濃的芝麻沾醬口味,我最喜歡沾柚子口味很清爽~蔥蒜辣椒有需要也會附! 基本上價位稍高但卻很享受,樓上28樓是酒吧也有三間私密包廂,有機會也會選擇來這裡聚會~
The dining environment is bright, spacious and comfortable. The focus is on the night view restaurant on the high floor. The tableside service is rare in hot pot restaurants. The service staff are all professional and professional, and the experience is excellent! The soup head is based on kelp broth. The most special thing is that the restaurant provides a small glass of special sake, which can only be enjoyed here. According to the service staff, the sake is transported to Taiwan by air and brewed exclusively. It tastes like sake but can be added to the broth. Inside, it's quite tasty! I like that Muming's dishes don't have too many hot pot ingredients, but are mainly fresh vegetables and mushrooms. The service is basically one-stop, and the whole table is very enjoyable! For the appetizers, choose a golden egg roll full of sweet potato puree, which is super delicious. For the main meal, choose Japanese A5 Sarang Beef Short Ribs. The meat is evenly distributed and the size of a large piece of meat is also OK. It melts in your mouth and is soft and tender! The last seasonal fruit and ice cream are also delicious~ The dipping sauce will come with three flavors, yuzu dipping sauce, soy sauce, and sesame dipping sauce that looks very similar to soy milk. My favorite is the yuzu dipping sauce, which is very refreshing~ onion, garlic, and chili will be attached if needed! Basically, the price is a little high, but it is very enjoyable. There is a bar on the 28th floor upstairs and there are three private boxes. If you have the opportunity, you will choose to come here for a party~
我叫小賀 on Google

5 star service, food and view!!! Seeing is believing, come experiencing and exploring it by yourself lol.

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