Municipal Xioushui Junior High School

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No. 202號, Zhongshan Rd, Xiushui, Changhua County, Taiwan 504

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城市 : Changhua County

No. 202號, Zhongshan Rd, Xiushui, Changhua County, Taiwan 504
Jeniffer K on Google

School with a good enrollment rate
秀水國中 on Google

本校於民國五十一年成立,至民國五十六年十月二十三日,正式命名為彰化縣立秀水初級中學,為紀念此一特殊日期,特定此日為本校創校紀念日。施行九年國民教育,改制為彰化縣立秀水國民中學,民國六十七年增辦附設補習學校,提供民眾進修機會。 目前在校長的用心經營及全體師生的辛勤耕耘下,校風優良,校務蒸蒸日上,獲得上級長官及社區賢達的愛戴。本校並創造多項的學校特色,包含資訊教育,科學教育,田徑隊,才藝教育。 民國五十一年 開始籌設,縣府派陳阿聰、謝瑞章先生先後為籌備主任。 民國五十二年 七月,縣立秀水農校始以縣立鹿港中學分班名義招收新生一班。 民國五十三年 三月,呈准將該班正式附設於秀水農校,定名秀水農校附設初中。 民國五十六年 五月,縣府改派蔡錦忠先生為籌備主任。 民國五十六年 八月一日,附設初中脫離農校獨立。 民國五十六年 十月二十三日,正式奉准獨立設校,正名彰化縣立秀水初級中學。 民國五十六年 十二月,縣府派蔡錦忠先生為本校首任校長。 民國五十七年 八月一日,施行九年國民教育改制為彰化縣立秀水國民中學。 民國六十四年 八月一日,施謨先生接任本校校長。 民國六十五年 增購南邊校地。 民國六十七年 增辦附設補校,提供民眾進修機會。 民國六十九年 八月二十一日,任成龍先生接任本校校長。 民國七十八年 二月二十八日,張芸亭先生接任本校校長。 民國八十五年 二月一日,羅景全先生代理本校校長。 民國八十五年 三月二十三日,程武雄先生接任本校校長。 民國八十六年 八月二十三日,洪先智先生接任本校校長。 民國八十六年 十月,洪先智校長請病假醫療,教務主任羅景全先生暫代校務。 民國八十八年 二月,洪先智校長退休,羅景全先生代理校長。 民國八十八年 三月二十九日,謝東閔先生接任本校校長。 民國九十六年 二月一日,羅明星先生接任本校校長。 民國 103 年 二月一日,羅明星校長榮調永靖國中,涂秋美女士接任本校校長。
The school was established in the Republic of China in the year of the Republic of China. On October 23, 1967, it was officially named Changhua County Xiushui Junior High School. To commemorate this special date, the school was the anniversary of the school. The nine-year national education was implemented and the system was reorganized into Changhua County Xiushui National Middle School. In the 67th year of the Republic of China, additional supplementary schools were set up to provide opportunities for people to pursue further education. At present, under the hard work of the principal and the hard work of all the teachers and students, the school spirit is excellent, the school affairs are flourishing, and the superiors and the community are admired. The school also created a number of school features, including information education, science education, track and field team, talent education. In the 51st year of the Republic of China, the establishment of the county government sent Chen Acong and Xie Ruizhang as preparatory directors. In the 52nd year of the Republic of China, in July, the county Xiushui Agricultural School began to recruit a new class in the name of the county Lukang Middle School. In March of the Republic of China, in March, it was approved that the class was officially attached to the Xiushui Agricultural School, and the name of Xiushui Agricultural School was attached to the junior high school. In May of the Republic of China, in May, the county government reorganized Mr. Cai Jinzhong as the preparatory director. On the first day of the Republic of China, on August 1st, the junior high school was separated from the agricultural school. On October 23, the Republic of China officially approved the establishment of an independent school, which was renamed Changhua County Xiushui Junior High School. In December of the Republic of China, the county government sent Mr. Cai Jinzhong as the first principal of the school. In the 57th year of the Republic of China, on August 1, the nine-year national education system was implemented as Changhua County Xiushui National Middle School. On August 1, the first year of the Republic of China, Mr. Shi Wei took over as the principal of the school. In the 65th year of the Republic of China, the southern school campus was purchased. In the 67th year of the Republic of China, an additional school was added to provide opportunities for people to pursue further education. On the 21st of the Republic of China, on August 21, Mr. Ren Chenglong took over as the principal of the school. On February 28, the 28th year of the Republic of China, Mr. Zhang Yuting took over as the principal of the school. On the first day of the Republic of China, on February 1, Mr. Luo Jingquan represented the principal of the school. On the 23rd of the Republic of China, Mr. Cheng Wuxiong took over as the principal of the school. On August 23, the Republic of China, Mr. Hong Xianzhi took over as the principal of the school. In October of the Republic of China, President Hong Xianzhi invited sick and sick medical treatment, and the Academic Director Luo Jingquan temporarily served on behalf of the school. In the eighty-eighth year of the Republic of China, President Hong Xianzhi retired and Mr. Luo Jingquan acted as principal. On the 29th of the Republic of China, Mr. Xie Dongjun took over as the principal of the school. On February 1, the Republic of China, Mr. Luo Xing took over as the principal of the school. On February 1, 103, President Luo Star was transferred to Yongjing Guozhong, and Ms. Tu Qiumei took over as the principal of the school.
Shroudy Jr on Google

現在大學畢業 想想以前國中時期有一種言語沒辦法形容的感覺 但是現在回學校這種感覺蕩然無存了...哈哈
I’m graduating from college now. I think there was a feeling that there was no way to describe the words in the middle of the country. But now the feeling of going back to school is gone... haha
Hsieh Wei-chin on Google

雖然已經從秀水國中畢業15年了,但我對秀中唯一的印象只有兩個字可以形容:軍校。 國小畢業後回到秀水唸國中,雖然唸的是所謂的「A段班」,但對我而言就只是進了一個集中營而已。國一國二都是過「週休一日」就是只有休週日的生活,不管政府政策是隔週休二日,或者改成週休二日,對我們而言卻都沒有差別,因為禮拜六就算休假還是要去學校上課。一個月要繳500元的班費,雖然講好聽些是「班費」,但其實就是要給禮拜六來學校上課老師的「鐘點費」。 當時還有非常嚴格的髮禁,一個月規定要服儀檢查一次,男生一律剪大平頭,女生剪西瓜頭。我就這樣活生生被剪了三年的平頭,每天上課從講台上看下去就活像在西瓜田一樣,因為班上同學不是平頭就是西瓜頭。國三時那位訓導主任更有趣,什麼都要管,上課打鐘之後就不能在操場逗留,還會用廣播設備「怒罵」跑太慢的學生,頓時整個學校就像他練嗓門的場地一樣,因為全校廣播都是他的聲音,不然就是在大庭廣眾之下對不聽話的學生「拳打腳踢」。對襪子的要求更是到了匪夷所思的程度,不但規定要穿白色襪子連長度都有嚴格規定,記得是要用手指量,然後要「剛好」是三個關節高。這規定簡直比軍校還要嚴格,因為為了買到合乎他「要求」的襪子,我媽媽大概買了三次襪子,而且我還因為檢查不合格,被那訓導主任抽了好幾次藤條,最後才「勉強」通過。 班上的課表上雖然都有生活科技、鄉土藝術、童軍、家政、美術和音樂,但下面的授課老師卻永遠都是國文老師、數學老師、英文老師、理化老師、歷史老師和地理老師,站在講台上的也永遠是他們。教的也都不是藝能科目,因為黑板上永遠都是之乎者也、加減乘除、英文單字、理化公式、歷史年代和地理圖表。所以那課表其實只是貼好看,貼著「應付」督學的而已,唸了三年國中,我除了音樂課和美術課之外其他藝能科都沒上過,所以我的國中生活根本毫無藝能科的回憶可言。 升上國三後更慘了,從那年暑假開始到畢業前,日子從週休一日變成全年無休,禮拜一到禮拜六要上整天課,除此之外晚上還有三個小時的晚自習,所以一天待在學校的時間大概有14小時以上,而且連禮拜天都要上半天的課,因此一個禮拜唯一可以「喘息」的空檔時間就是禮拜天下午和晚上。印象中國三連元旦那天和除夕過年都要去學校上課,班費從這時候也悄悄地從一個月500元「漲價」到2000元,沒辦法,因為每個月要給老師的「鐘點費」堂數變多了,然後班表上的美術課跟音樂課,老師也悄悄地換成了其他老師,所以每天都是國文英文數學自然社會的無限循環。 那年從七月一號開始放暑假就開始到學校上課了,沒有「暑假」可以放卻還是要我們寫暑假作業,沒辦法,不然會被督學發現我們根本沒放假。然後學校九月初才剛開學,我們班卻已經考完第二次月考了。因為之後要有時間幫我們「複習」準備國中基測,所以只好一直趕課。多虧老師們一直趕課,我們才能有這個「快」的進度。而且最神奇的是這個時候才拿到三年級的課本,那之前怎麼上課呢?因為學校為了省錢不給影印,所以只能用舊書上課,我的課本都是跟家裡附近鄰居的學長姐借來的。開學後老師說要檢查,所以除了上課之外,還要忙著把之前上課,兩次月考內容的筆記都抄到新的課本上。最弔詭的是國三明明沒有上藝能課,學校還是很貼心的幫我們買了藝能課本,不然會被督學發現我們根本沒上藝能課。所以我的爸媽除了每個月要繳2000元的「班費」之外,開學時還要多花好幾百元買一堆「用不到」的課本,結果國三畢業之後,那堆都沒上過得課本就只能拿去回收場稱斤賣。十月中時隔壁的普通班才開始考第一次月考,我們班已經在考第三次了。 每個禮拜這樣全年無休的生活過了11個月,第一次基測終於考完了,我的成績只比當年彰化縣的第二志願多了一份,但這樣的分數去申請實在太危險,而且第二志願離我家真的太遠了,所以我決定退而求其次申請第三志願。但畫完志願卡交出去之後隔天卻被退回來,因為學校覺得我的成績明明可以上第二志願,為何不填呢?於是「逼著」我把志願重填,想當然最後當然是中箭落馬沒申請上,也謝謝學校的幫忙,讓我只好再考第二次基測。不過還好第二次基測是按照志願分發,所以我就可以按照自己的希望填志願,就不會有「惡勢力」出現來干預我的選擇了。 雖然後來我考了第二次,也考到了不錯的學校,但這一切卻都是因為這個「魔鬼營」把我訓練成考試機器,所換來的結果而已。然後學校對我們做的這一切,就只是為了讓我們的名字都能貼上榜單,而且名字後面能冠上個好看的高中名稱,讓學校的「升學率」好看一點,讓校長老師們能有面子一點,如此而已。 說真的,如果時間可以重來,如果我能選擇自己要唸的班級,我寧願唸中段班也不會唸前段班,因為這根本不是一個正常的國中生該過得生活。之後如果我結婚生子,且碰巧還是住在秀水的話,我會用盡所有方法讓小孩的戶口遷到其他地方,這樣他就不用待在秀水唸書,也就不會步上我的後塵,最後謝謝秀水國中這間學校,拜你們所賜,讓我三年的國中回憶除了唸書之外還是唸書,其他什麼都沒有。
Although I have graduated from Xiushui Elementary School for 15 years, my only impression of the show is only two words to describe: military school. After graduating from elementary school, I returned to Xiushui Nian Junior High School. Although I was studying the so-called "Segment A", for me it was just a concentration camp. Country one and two all live on a "weekday off day", which means that they only have Sundays off. It doesn't matter to us whether the government policy is to take two days off every other week or change it to two days a week, because Saturday is not a holiday. Going to school. A class fee of 500 yuan has to be paid a month. Although it may sound like a "class fee", it is actually a "hourly fee" for teachers who come to school on Saturdays. At that time, there was also a very strict ban. One month was required to perform routine inspections. Boys cut their flat heads and girls cut their watermelon heads. In this way, I have been cut flat for three years. When I look at the podium in class every day, it looks like I am in a watermelon field, because my classmates have either a flat head or a watermelon head. At 3 o'clock in the country, the coaching director was more interesting. He had to control everything. He could not stay in the playground after the bells. He also used radio equipment to "scream" at students who ran too slowly. The whole school was like a place where he practiced his voice. The same, because the whole school broadcast is his voice, otherwise it is to "kick and kick" the disobedient students in the public. The requirements for socks are even more unimaginable. Not only is it required to wear white socks, but also the length is strictly regulated. Remember to measure with your fingers, and then "just" three joints high. This rule is even stricter than that of the military academy, because my mother bought the socks about three times in order to buy socks that met his "requirements", and because of the unsuccessful inspection, I was smoked by the training director several times. "Barely" passed. Although the class schedules in the class have life technology, local arts, scouts, housekeeping, arts and music, the following teachers will always be Chinese teachers, math teachers, English teachers, physical and chemical teachers, history teachers and geography teachers. They are always on the podium. Neither the arts subjects are taught, because there are always those who care on the blackboard, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, English words, physical and chemical formulas, historical dates and geographical charts. So the schedule is actually just good-looking, and it says “cope with” the superintendent. After three years of junior high school, I have n’t taken any arts except music and art classes, so my life in junior high school has no art. Noke's memories are pretty impressive. It was even worse after rising to the third grade. From the summer vacation that year until graduation, the day changed from weekly day to full year round. There was a full-day class from Monday to Saturday. In addition, there was a three-hour night in the evening. Self-study, so I stay at school for more than 14 hours a day, and have to attend half a day of class on Sundays, so the only time available for a week to "respite" is Sunday afternoon and evening. The impression is that Chinese New Year's Eve has to go to school on New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve, and the class fee has quietly increased from 500 yuan a month to 2,000 yuan a month. The number of classes has increased, and then the art class and music class on the class schedule have quietly changed to other teachers, so every day is an infinite cycle of natural society in Chinese and English mathematics. That year, I started to go to school from the summer vacation on July 1. That is, if there is no "summer vacation", we still have to write summer homework. There is no way, otherwise the inspector will find that we have no vacation at all. Then the school just started in early September, but our class has finished the second monthly exam. Since we have time to help us "review" the preparation for the basic test of the middle school, we have to rush class all the time. Thanks to the teachers who have been in a hurry, we can have this "fast" progress. And the most amazing thing is that I only got my third grade textbooks at this time. Because the school didn't make photocopies in order to save money, I could only use old books for class. My textbooks were borrowed from the senior sister of a neighbor near my home. After the school started, the teacher said that he had to check, so in addition to the class, he was also busy copying the notes from the previous class and the two monthly exams to the new textbook. The most curious thing is that Guo Sanming didn't take arts lessons. The school still bought us art textbooks very carefully, otherwise the inspectors would find that we didn't take arts lessons at all. Therefore, in addition to paying the "class fee" of 2,000 yuan a month, my parents also spent hundreds of yuan to buy a bunch of "unused" textbooks at the beginning of school. Even if they have n’t had enough textbooks, they can only take them to the recycling yard and sell them. The ordinary class next door started taking the first monthly exam in mid-October. Our class is already taking the third exam. Every week for 11 months like this year-round life, the first basic test was finally completed, and my score was only one more than the second volunteer in Changhua County that year, but it is too dangerous to apply for such a score. And the second volunteer is really too far away from my house, so I decided to back off and apply for the third volunteer. But the next day after I handed out the volunteer card, I was returned because the school felt that my grades could be accepted as a second volunteer. Why not fill it out? So "forced" I refilled my volunteer. Of course, in the end, of course, the arrow was dropped and I didn't apply. Thank you for your help, so I had to take the second basic test. Fortunately, the second base test was distributed according to volunteers, so I can fill in the volunteers according to my wishes, and no "evil forces" will appear to interfere with my choice. Although I took the test a second time and got into a good school, it was all because of this "devil's camp" that trained me as an exam machine, and that was the result. Then all the school does to us is just to make our names on the list, and to put a good high school name on the back of the name, to make the school's "admission rate" look better, so that the principals and teachers can Be face-saving, that's all. Seriously, if time can come again, if I can choose the class I want to study, I would rather study the middle class than the previous class, because this is not a normal middle school student should lead a life. Later, if I get married and have children, and I still happen to live in Xiushui, I will use all methods to move the child's account to another place, so that he will not have to stay in Xiushui to study, and will not follow my footsteps, thank you in the end This school in Xiushui Junior High School, thanks to you, let me remember that I have studied for three years, except studying. There is nothing else.
陽樂 on Google

體罰是常態,尊不知道值不值得擔的起一個「師」字的老師 然後跟你說﹔「因為她是老師啊。」 是非對錯一點都不重要,重要的是有沒有聽老師的話。 不論老師是否講理,對不對。 一顆星給真誠對待每位學生的老師,希望他們能轉到更好的學校教學。 至於學校:]] 一
Corporal punishment is the norm, I don't know if it's worth taking a teacher with the word "teacher" Then tell you; "Because she's a teacher." Right or wrong doesn't matter at all, what matters is whether you listen to the teacher or not. Whether the teacher is reasonable or not, right or wrong. One star for teachers who treat each student with sincerity and hope they can transfer to a better school to teach. As for school :]] one
Ki A on Google

I am an alumnus who has graduated for more than ten years. In the past, I was in the top 50 of the top 100 in the monthly test. I also ranked in the top 20 in the school. My first choice in high school, I graduated from a national university. Now I also work in social work. My current monthly salary is 28k. Everyone for reference.
mfdh lee on Google

這是一所像監獄的學校 在管理學生襪子長度頭髮長度還是外套扣子有沒有少扣一顆等方面已經到了瘋狂的地步 至於教育的內涵是什麼這間學校可能管不了 如果家裡孩子很壞不受教 可以把孩子送進這裡讓他們提早體驗監獄生活 如果孩子比較有理想又想擁有真正教育的 建議不要送來這裡同流合污 光是每天早上要站在大太陽底下聽訓導對著操場全部學生大吼大罵,抓幾個違規學生出來說教,就足以破壞一天的好心情了(心理陰影面積難以估計)
It's a school like a prison It's crazy to manage the length of students' socks, hair length, or whether there is one missing button on the coat. As for the connotation of education, this school may not be able to manage If the children at home are bad and uneducated Children can be sent here to give them an early experience of prison life If the child is more ideal and wants to have a real education It is recommended not to send it here to conspire Just standing under the sun every morning listening to the instructor yelling at all the students in the playground, catching a few illegal students out to teach, is enough to ruin the good mood of the day (the psychological shadow area is hard to estimate)
Ben Neal on Google

good school

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