Nantou County Guosing Township Office

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Contact Nantou County Guosing Township Office

地址 :

No. 267號, Guoxing Rd, Guoxing Township, Nantou County, Taiwan 544

電話 : 📞 +8897
城市 : Nantou County

No. 267號, Guoxing Rd, Guoxing Township, Nantou County, Taiwan 544
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Government agencies that provide convenient services to the people, with cordial and conscientious personnel
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The center of the September 21st earthquake! Near here! This is the highest administrative center of Guoxing Township! Service Center!
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The glutinous rice licorice olives are delicious, but not too sweet or salty. Naturally.
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龍脈震斲聲名揚 當年,鄭成功的部將劉國軒帶兵攻打大肚番,駐紮在臺灣中部一處兩溪交會的台地上,觀望山水後立碑勒詩曰:舉望華山貴尊巖,華山何事格深淵,左倉古庫掌屏上,北港南港會案前,湖海星辰來拱照,關龍交鎖去之玄,三千粉黛堂前擁,八百煙花列兩邊,穴是公侯將相地,一脈無偏敢未然,可惜生番凶霸起,拋荒此地待時賢(註)。 如今這裡沒有看到什麼公侯將相,倒是當年隨著興建「腦寮」而來的客家人,依然在這兩溪狹長的河谷,在那高山上,辛勤的耕耘,期冀溫飽、豐裕,這裡是國姓,是人們尋尋覓覓的龍穴,是九二一大地震的震央,她因龍穴引人注目,她因地震而成名,可是她那俊美的山川水色,卻是更值得發掘的地方。 面積一百七十五平方公里的國姓鄉,山多田少,海拔二百到一千二百公尺之間,東臨埔里鎮、西接臺中縣太平鄉、霧峰鄉,南連中寮鄉、草屯鎮,北鄰仁愛鄉及臺中縣新社鄉。 源自中央山脈合歡山西麓的北港溪流經仁愛鄉的瑞岩、惠蓀林場穿過國姓鄉的北港、石門、大旗、國姓等村落,在柑子林的雙溪嘴與來自眉溪、木屐蘭溪合流的南港溪匯流成烏溪,終年潺潺的流水,優質的水源是國姓鄉的最大資產;由草屯入國姓有山勢雄偉,峰巒不盡的九九峰,由臺中縣新社鄉入國姓,有那層巒分明、山嵐緩移多變的景緻,沿136線由臺中太平進入乾溝村,則是滿山的香蕉、竹林、梅樹,由147線魚池進入,則那日月潭下的明湖抽蓄工程、養鹿人家、臺灣地理中心山的九份二山盡在路旁,這是國姓的山景,山清水秀組構成國姓鄉的特色。 多山多水的國姓,北有惠蓀林場,東有合歡山、清境農場、霧社、廬山,南有埔里、日月潭、溪頭,凸顯不出她的特色,其實著名的風景區像是大魚大肉,國姓的美像是清靈禪修,愈是深入會發現愈有內涵。 由國姓到四鄰的交通是四通八達的,平常,人們喜歡行走臺中往日月潭的中潭公路,就以這條路來說,過雙冬,一眼就看到海拔1206公尺,山尖突兀的大橫屏山,河面寬廣的烏溪鱸鰻潭段,不遠處就是國姓鄉了。 進入國姓鄉的第一站是福龜村,這裡的草莓肥碩香甜,楊桃黃澄多汁,這裡有座禪機山仙佛寺,主持混元禪師早年多病,在南部拜師後居然身體強健,精通易理,他在村落中依循山勢建造的禪寺,看不到塵煩,卻能望及九九尖峰的清靈俊秀,他在這裡開班授徒教人們趨吉避凶,在這裡可以感受到「山不在高,有仙則名」的境地。 過福龜可以入埔里,也可以循136線到臺中縣的太平,136在國姓鄉的這邊是乾溝村,是九九峰的盡頭,據說當年廖水添丁在犯案後將得來的錢藏在這裡的山頭,於是附近的人們不說九九峰,卻以「銀票坑」 稱之,要接近九九峰這裡是個好處所。 回到台十四線,過福龜是柑子林,也就是烏溪匯流的起點,當年劉國軒豎立碑文的地方,立碑處人稱龍吐舌,早年就建有真巖寺,寺下是133線道路,原本路基沒有駁坎,後來養護單位為了強化道路,自北港溪床灌漿砌起駁坎,奇怪的是駁坎做好後沒多久,整個路基就又垮掉,有人戲稱:地名是龍吐舌,是龍要喝水的地方,工程單位用水泥阻起高深的駁坎,龍喝不到水自然會打掉駁坎的。 真巖寺對岸有廣闊的河川地蔓生著雜木,引來了數以萬計的白鷺與夜鷺,清晨白鷺飛出,夜鷺歸巢,黃昏白鷺回家、夜鷺外出覓食,清晨、黃昏都見鷺鷥奔忙;在真巖寺諦聽潺潺的流水聲、鷺鷥鳴叫、晨鐘暮鼓,看鷺鷥歸巢、外出,聞山間檳榔花香,龍穴碑文近在呎尺,卻可以有遁入空門的情境,功名利祿、清心寡慾在這裡交會,奔忙的人兒看到歷史在這裡留下足跡,是可以讓人放慢腳步,佇足沈思的。 順著133線北走,是國姓鄉的行政中心,在九二一大地震後、不但老街頹圮,就是鄉公所也已夷為平地,不過紀念鄭成功的雕塑公園矗立在入口處迎迓著過客,日據時代鄉民懼怕生番,由大陸迎來鄭成功雕像庇佑,後來鄉民興建護國宮,供鄉民奉祀,護國宮儼然鄉廟,如今的護國宮前興建著許多組合屋,至今依然是鄉民的守護神。 133線可以接台21線,這裡可以直通天冷、東勢,在這附近的山頂可以俯視長流溪谷的國姓,更可以了解先人們翻山越嶺由卓蘭、東勢遷徒的過程,當年東勢、新社的大梨、枇杷,移株至國姓卻成為名產,遷移也讓物種青出於藍,那種根源的情懷,客家「硬頸」的精神,在這裡發揮得淋漓盡致,如今驅車看山景,想昔日先人度荒蠻,飄逸的山嵐猶如驟起的鄉愁,是會讓人有些許感懍的。 沿21線東行可以到北港村,這裡有座糯米橋,是國姓鄉唯一的古蹟,據說日據時代為了軍事用途,要接連東勢、埔里間道路,必須跨越北港溪,在任何材料都進不來,工人在師父的指導下,以鑿子、鐵槌剖開石頭,依大小逐一編號,用牛車載運至河邊,石頭與石頭間用紅糖、黃麻、糯米做為接合劑,由於接合處的石頭上大下小,橋身不怕擠壓,愈擠愈堅固,在八七水災等重大災害中,未受摧毀因而深受各界重視,如今不但成為古蹟,更成為來往蓀林場、埔里途中的重要景點,這裡還有樹圍六公尺,三百年樹齡的茄苳樹,專供灌溉水流通的水橋,勺水出圳灌溉高處的水車,獼猴出沒、瀑布自茂林中傾瀉而下、山芙蓉滿谷的芙蓉谷,知名的泰雅渡假村,清流餘生部落也近在呎尺,再北面則有觀光道路通往惠蓀林場。 台21線的東南面可以到埔里,由埔里又可以接台十四線回到柑子林,在埔里與柑子林間有歷史悠久的北山發電廠。 由北山坑轉147線可以到魚池,這途中的南港村是全省最早將水鹿豢養起來的地方,他們大都是新竹的客家人,農忙之餘喜歡捕捉山中的動物,八十年前他們狩獵來到鹿角山下的南港,看到碩大的鹿隻,探知牠們有愛吃鹹性土、每年會在濱水的地方求偶,交配後公鹿會浸泡在水中等習性,誘捕飼養後成為臺灣水鹿鹿隻最多的地方。 每年清明前七十天左右,公鹿上的角會掉落下來,開始長出新角─鹿茸,此時的鹿茸仍與體內的血管循環,隨著鹿茸增長,「茸」會逐漸鈣化,七、八十天後血管封住,鹿農們趁著血管封閉之前,相互幫忙鋸下鹿茸,供人滋補、治病,這在南港不但是大事,就國姓鄉來說也是大事,於是林家、盧家、羅家為主的南港村豢養了近二千隻水鹿,這水鹿與枇杷成了國姓鄉的著名特產。 南港村與大石村相鄰,中間有座嵌斗山,山下有座供奉佛祖的靈光寺,是由上萬個人工打造的石頭所砌成,這個磐固石頭寺還有個眾志成城的故事。 民國卅八年有陳石煉者,看到這嵌斗山下有座猶如世外桃園的小寺,興起了改建的念頭,當時這裡只有耕作的羊腸小道,交通全靠步行,距離公路至少有六公里之遙,要建材十分困難,於是他請來了地方士紳商議,如何將小寺改成大院廣庇群黎。 當時,大石、北山、南港各村的居民一致嚮應,就地取材要以石頭建成寺院,於是每日按鄰輪流出動人力,他們用鐵槌、鑿子將大石頭鑿開一個個小洞,小洞排成直線,再在小洞上置入前薄後厚的鐵片,而後以藤條為柄的大鐵槌均勻的敲擊各個鐵片,大石頭在成排鐵片的擠壓下,猶如被鋸子鋸開一樣的分成兩半,之後用同樣的方法將石頭分成四塊、八塊,直到建築需要的三尺六、二尺二為止,為了美觀,他們還用小鑿子將石塊鏟平。 三尺六的石塊是用來做為地基的,二尺二的就是地面上的材料,搬運是最大的難題,於是他們用絞盤、鋼索來拉動石塊,附近的居民就這樣,一鄰鄰、一戶戶的輪流敲打著石頭,搬運著建材,利用四年的時間完成了以石頭為建材的佛寺。 到了上樑的時候,他們在大片的樹林中找到了一棵四丈有餘青香撲鼻的百日青樹,人員齊心戮力利用十多天的時間將其絞了上來,民國四十二年間靈光寺終於大功告成,九二一大地震靈光寺有損傷沒震垮。 與嵌斗山相望的是九份二山,去年的九月廿一日凌晨一點四十七分,七點三級的地震,震斲了無數的田園、骨肉,撼動世界,氣象局說這是集集大地震,可是,緊臨九份二山的澀子山,地表像豬皮一樣被撕裂開來,原本的坑谷被擠壓的土石填滿,河流變成湖泊,岩石碎裂成兩半,新成的地洞,置入石頭沒有回應,四十多位居民被深埋入地底,至今依然有廿多人未見屍骨,人們咸信這裡就是震央。 是龍穴的地理成了震央,將來會有地震公園、博物館之類的建築,不過無須外加的顏彩,仙佛寺、真巖寺、嵌斗山、糯米橋、過水橋、芙蓉谷、鷺鷥園、還有枇杷、楊桃、草莓、香蕉、桃子令人垂涎,鹿茸供人滋補,此外,在溪流裡不但有石礗、魚、鱸鰻、爬岩鰍、三角姑等較為特殊的魚類,河流的源頭受到浸蝕後形成的石頭城、峽谷,由石頭衍生的藝術品也是難得一見的景觀,在山中還有斑鳩、猴子、松鼠、長尾雉、保育蛇,當然秋蟬嘶鳴、寒蟬淒切的景象是不會少的,遊國姓不可以有逛大街的心態,要細細的品味,會像咀嚼橄欖一樣回味無窮的# 註:龍脈碑文據說在民前才消失,地方耆宿或因記憶、或口傳留下部份詩句,真巖寺擇其四首,刻勒於柑子林雙溪嘴的真巖寺廣場旁,以為相互對照。
Dragon veins are famous At that time, Zheng Chenggong ’s ministry led Liu Guoxuan to attack Dadufan and stationed on a platform at the intersection of two streams in central Taiwan. After looking at the mountains and rivers, he established a monument and said: "Looking at Huashan Guizun Rock, Huashan What Abyss, Zuocang On the screen of the ancient library, before the Nangang meeting in Beigang, lakes and sea stars came to arch, Guanlong interlocked to the mystery, three thousand fans were in front of the hall, and eight hundred fireworks were on both sides. Dare to do so, it is a pity that the tyrannical tyrants rise up and leave Shihian for the wasteland (Note). Today, there is no prince and general here, but the Hakka people who came with the construction of the "Liaoliao" were still working hard in the narrow valleys of these two streams and on the high mountain, hoping to be full and rich, This is the surname of the country, the dragon's lair that people are looking for, the epicenter of the 9/21 earthquake, she is striking because of the dragon's lair, she is famous for the earthquake, but her beautiful mountains and rivers are more worth exploring The place. A surnamed township with an area of ​​175 square kilometers, with many mountains and few fields, with an altitude of between 200 and 1,200 meters, Puli Township in the east, Taiping Township, Wufeng Township in Taichung County in the west, and Zhongliao Township in the south , Caotun Town, Renai Township in the north and Xinshe Township in Taichung County. The Beigang stream from the west foot of the Hehuan Mountain in the Central Mountain Range flows through Ruiyan and Huisun forest farms in Renai Township. It passes through Beigang, Shimen, Daqi and Guoxing villages in Guoxing Township. In Shuangxizui of Orange Forest and from Meixi, The Nangang River, which merges with the Muchilan River, merges into Wuxi. The gurgling water all year round, the high-quality water source is the biggest asset of the country's surname; The name of the village and township entering the country is that the mountain is clear and the mountains and mountains are slowly changing. From Taiping Taiping to Gangou Village along the 136 line, it is full of bananas, bamboo forests and plum trees in the mountains, and from the fish pond on the 147 line. The Minghu Pumping Project under the Sun Moon Lake, the Deer Raising Family, and Jiufen Ershan, the geographic center of Taiwan, are all on the roadside. This is a mountain view of the country name, and the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers constitute the characteristics of the country name. Mountainous and watery country name, Huisun Forest Farm in the north, Hehuan Mountain, Cingjing Farm, Wushe, Lushan in the east, Puli, Sun Moon Lake, and Xitou in the south. It ’s a big fish and meat. The beauty of the country ’s surname is Qingling meditation. The transportation from the surname of the country to the four neighbors is extending in all directions. Usually, people like to walk the Zhongtan Highway from Taichung to the Sun Moon Lake. For this road, after the winter, you can see the elevation of 1206 meters at a glance. Hengping Mountain, the broad river surface of the Wuxi Perch, is not far from the hometown of the country. The first stop to enter Guoxing Township is Fugui Village, where the strawberries are plump and sweet, and the carambola is yellow and juicy. There is a Zenji Mountain Xianfo Temple, where the master Hunyuan Zen Master was very sick in his early years. After visiting the teacher in the south, he was physically strong and proficient. Yi Li, he built a monastery that follows the mountain in the village, he ca n’t see the dust, but he can see the Qingling Junxiu of the nine-nine peaks. He teaches here to teach people to avoid evil, where he can Feel the "mountain is not high, there is a fairy name" situation. After passing the blessing turtle, you can enter Puli, or you can take the 136 line to Taiping in Taichung County. 136 is the Gangou Village on the side of Guoxing Township, which is the end of Jiujiu Peak. It is said that Liao Shuitianding will get it after committing the crime. The money is hidden on the hill here, so people nearby don't say Jiu Jiu Feng, but they call it "Yin Piao Hang". It is a good place to be close to Jiu Jiu Feng here. Returning to the Taisi 14th line, the tortoise is the orange forest, which is the starting point of the Wuxi confluence. At that time, Liu Guoxuan erected the inscription. The place where the monument was called the dragon tongue. The Zhenyan Temple was built in the early years, and the 133 road is under the temple. Originally, there was no barrage on the subgrade. Later, in order to strengthen the roads, the maintenance unit built the barrage from the grouting of the Beigang stream bed. The strange thing is that not long after the barrage was completed, the entire subgrade collapsed again. Some people joked that the place name is dragon tongue. It is the place where the dragon wants to drink water. The engineering unit uses cement to block the high barge, and if the dragon cannot drink water, the barge will be destroyed. On the other side of the Zhenyan Temple, there are vast rivers and vines spreading with trees, attracting tens of thousands of egrets and night herons. The egrets fly out in the morning, the night herons return to the nest, the egrets come home at dusk, and the night herons go out for food. In the evening, she saw herons running busy; in Zhenyan Temple, she heard the sounds of flowing water, herring chirping, morning bells and evening drums, watching herons returning to the nest, going out, smelling the betel nut flowers in the mountains, and the inscriptions on the dragon caves are near the feet, but they can escape from the empty gate. Fame, fame, and innocence meet here, and busy people can see that history has left footprints here, which can make people slow down and ponder. Going north along the 133 line, it is the administrative center of the country's surname town. After the 9/21 earthquake, not only the old streets and township offices have been razed to the ground, but the sculpture park commemorating Zheng Chenggong stands at the entrance. Passing by, during the Japanese occupation, the villagers were afraid of life, and the mainland welcomed the statue of Zheng Chenggong. Later, the villagers built the Huguo Palace to worship the villagers. The Huguo Palace is like a township temple. Today, many combination houses are built in front of the Huguo Palace. It is still the patron saint of villagers. Line 133 can be connected to Taiwan Line 21, here can be directly connected to the cold weather, Dongshi, the top of the nearby hill can overlook the national surname of Changliu Valley, and can understand the process of the first people moving over the mountains from Zhuolan to Dongshi. The big pears and loquats of Dongshi and Xinshe moved to the surname of the country but became famous products. The migration also made the species blue. The feeling of roots and the Hakka "hard-neck" spirit are fully exerted here. Now we drive to see the mountains It would be a bit daunting to think that the ancestors used to be barbarous in the old days, and the flowing mountains are like a sudden nostalgia. You can go to Beigang Village along the eastbound line 21, where there is a Nuomi Bridge, the only monument in the country's surname. It is said that for the military purpose in the Japanese occupation period, to connect the road between Dongshi and Puli, you must cross Beigang Stream and enter in any material. No, under the guidance of the master, the workers cut the stones with chisels and iron mallets, numbered one by one according to the size, and transported them to the river by the cattle cart. Brown sugar, jute and glutinous rice were used as the bonding agent between the stones and the stones. The stones are large and small, and the bridge is not afraid of squeezing. The squeeze is stronger and stronger. In the major disasters such as the August 7 flood, it has been destroyed and has been valued by all walks of life. It is now not only a monument, but also a road between Sun Forest Farm and Puli. Important attractions, there are also six meters of tree circumference, a three hundred-year-old solanum, a water bridge dedicated to the flow of irrigation water, a spoon to pour water out of the waterwheel for irrigation in the high area, macaque monkeys infested, and waterfalls pouring down from the forest. The Hibiscus Valley in the Hibiscus Valley, the well-known Atayal Resort, the Qingliu Remains Tribe are also close to the foot, and to the north there is a scenic road leading to Huisun Forest Farm. The southeast side of Taiwan Line 21 can reach Puli, and Puli can take the Taiwan Line 14 back to Cizilin. There is a historic Beishan Power Plant between Puli and Cizilin. From Beishankeng to Line 147, you can reach Yuchi. On the way, Nangang Village is the first place in the province to raise sambar. They are mostly Hakkas in Hsinchu. They like to catch animals in the mountains when they are busy. They hunted 80 years ago. When I came to Nangang under Lujiao Mountain, I saw huge deer and discovered that they love to eat salty soil. They would court each other on the waterfront every year. After mating, the male deer would be soaked in water. The place with the most deer. About 70 days before Qingming every year, the horns on the male deer will fall down and begin to grow a new horn-antler. At this time, the antler still circulates with the blood vessels in the body. As the antler grows, the "antler" will gradually calcify. After 80 days, the blood vessels were blocked, and before the blood vessels were closed, the deer farmers helped each other to saw off the velvet antler to nourish and cure the disease. This was not only a major event in Nangang, but also a major event in terms of the country ’s surname, so the Lin Family and Lu Family Nangang Village, home to the Luo family, has raised nearly 2,000 sambars. The sambars and loquats have become famous local specialties in the country. Nangang Village is adjacent to Dashi Village, with a Doosan in the middle, and a Lingguang Temple dedicated to the Buddha at the bottom of the mountain. It is made of stone made by thousands of people. This Pangu Stone Temple also has a story of ambition. In the 28th year of the Republic of China, there were Chen Shilian who saw a small monastery like a Taoyuan underneath Doosan, and the idea of ​​reconstruction came up. At that time, there were only farming intestinal trails. The traffic was all on foot, and the road was at least six kilometers away. It was very difficult to build materials, so he invited a local gentry to discuss how to transform the small temple into a compound and shelter the Qunli. At that time, the residents of the villages of Dashi, Beishan, and Nangang all responded unanimously. They used local materials to build monasteries. So they mobilized manpower daily according to the neighboring wheel. They used chisels and chisels to dig large stones into small holes. The holes are arranged in a straight line, and then the thin iron plates are placed on the small holes, and then the large iron mallet with the rattan as the handle hits the iron plates evenly. The large stones are pressed by the rows of iron plates. It is divided into two halves as if being cut by a saw, and then the stone is divided into four and eight pieces in the same way until the three feet six and two feet two required by the building. For the sake of beauty, they also use small chisels to shovel the stones. level. The three-foot six stones are used as foundations, and the two-foot two stones are the materials on the ground. Handling is the biggest problem, so they use winches and steel cables to pull the stones. The residents nearby are just like this. 1. The households took turns striking the stone and carrying the building materials. It took four years to complete the Buddhist temple with stone as the building material. When they arrived at Shangliang, they found a hundred-day-old green tree with lush green fragrance in the large forest. The staff worked hard to twist it up for more than ten days. At the Lingguang Temple in the Republic of China for 42 years Finally, you're done. The Lingguang Temple was damaged and did not collapse. Opposite Mount Doosan is Jiufen Ershan. On September 21 last year, at 1.47 am, an earthquake of magnitude 7.3 shocked countless fields, flesh, and rocked the world. The Bureau of Meteorology said It was the Jiji Earthquake, but the Shizizi Mountain, which was close to the Second Mountain of Jiufen, was torn like a pigskin, the original pits and valleys were filled with squeezed earth and rocks, the rivers turned into lakes, and the rocks shattered into In two halves, the newly-built underground caves, where stones were placed, did not respond. More than forty residents were buried deep into the ground. There are still more than 20 people who have not seen the bones. People believe that this is the epicenter. It is the geography of Longxue that has become the epicenter, and there will be buildings like earthquake parks and museums in the future, but there is no need for additional Yancai, Xianfo Temple, Zhenyan Temple, Mount Doosan, Nuomi Bridge, Guoshui Bridge, Furong Valley, Lulu Park, There are also loquat, carambola, strawberry, banana, peach coveted, deer antler for nourishing people. In addition, there are not only more special fish such as stone tuna, fish, perch, rock loach, delta, etc. in the stream. Stone towns and gorges formed after the source was eroded, and the artworks derived from the stones are also rare sights. There are also turtledoves, monkeys, squirrels, long-tailed pheasants, and conservation snakes in the mountains. Of course, the autumn cicadas crow and the cicadas are sad. It will be less, You Guo surname must not have the mentality of shopping on the street, you must taste carefully, and it will be like the chewing olive. Note: The inscription on the dragon veins is said to have disappeared before the people. The local elders or some verses were left due to memory or oral communication. Zhenyan Temple chose four of them and carved them next to the Zhenyan Temple Square in Shuangxizui of Cizilin.
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