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Contact 獅頭山牌樓登山步道

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Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County,Taiwan

城市 : Miaoli County

Nanzhuang Township, Miaoli County,Taiwan
kor lin on Google

Starting from the archway, it is part of the old trail. Fewer people walk from here. All the way up to the Mochizuki Garden where Hsinchu Miaoli is transferred is uphill (the challenge is not small), but the return journey downhill is much easier. Because the trail is sheltered by trees, it is relatively humid, so the stone steps under your feet are really slippery. If you bring the elderly or children, you need to pay more attention to safety. Overall, the experience is not bad!
YoYo's LEGO Challenge on Google

很有歷史的步道 下面牌樓停車格不多 青苔有比較多 可以直接開上去走 壯觀的廟宇 岩壁 是這裡的一大特色 很棒很值得來
There are not many parking spaces in the archway below, and there are more moss. You can drive directly on it. The magnificent temples and rock walls are a major feature here. It is great and worth visiting.
Kate Chen on Google

從牌樓開始走,一路上階梯很多,建議要拿登山杖走對膝蓋比較好。 路途中的廟宇古剎很多,也有在石壁上的題字,天氣好時看遠山的稜線也很棒!
Starting from the archway, there are many steps along the way. It is recommended to walk with trekking poles to the knees. There are many temples and ancient temples on the way, and there are also inscriptions on the stone walls. It is also great to see the ridges of the distant mountains when the weather is good!
Tung C. Tsai on Google

2021-12 本日行程:苗栗高鐵站-豐富車站-竹南車站-台灣好行5805a-牌樓登山口。登山口有台灣好行5805a南庄線公車站,不想開車的人可以利用,不過要注意時間,大約一小時一班。去程公車時間不好配合,改從竹南車站坐計程車上山,花了550元。司機說他第一次載客到這邊。這步道好像很少人走,可能124公路難停車吧。遊客大多停廟那邊,就不會再到這邊上山了。空氣清新,林相優美,走起來很舒服,但一路上坡階梯略為辛苦。沿路有寺廟播放佛號,我是比較喜歡安靜一點。往上走到寺廟附近,不必繞到廟裡,可以繼續走階梯步道往上。後面會來到一個大岩壁,岩壁前有一步道,如果要到三角點,要往右走。走到一個涼亭(望月亭)時「向左急轉」,走有很多登山布條的小土路就對了,最後這路徑是稜線步道,沒有階梯,大多平緩,但還是有些部分略陡。從牌樓登山口到三角點單程大約50分鐘。不過附近還有很多步道可以走走,如果時間充裕的話。
2021-12 Itinerary of the day: Miaoli High Speed ​​Rail Station-Richmond Station-Zhunan Station-Taiwan Haoxing 5805a-Pailou mountaineering entrance. There is a bus stop on the 5805a Nanzhuang Line of Taiwan Haohang at the entrance of the mountain. Those who don't want to drive can use it, but pay attention to the time. It runs about an hour. The time of the bus on the trip was not well matched, so I took a taxi from Zhunan Station to go up the mountain, which cost 550 yuan. The driver said he was taking passengers here for the first time. It seems that few people walk along this trail, and it may be difficult to stop on Highway 124. Most tourists stop at the temple, so they won't go up here again. The air is fresh, the woods are beautiful, and it is very comfortable to walk, but all the way up the stairs is a bit hard. There are temples along the road that play the Buddha's name. I prefer to be quieter. Go up to the vicinity of the temple, you don't have to go around the temple, you can continue to go up the stairs. You will come to a big rock wall in the back. There is a step in front of the rock wall. If you want to get to the triangle point, you have to go to the right. When you reach a pavilion (Wangyue Pavilion), "turn sharply to the left" and take a small dirt road with many climbing cloth strips. In the end, this path is a ridgeline trail with no steps. Most of it is gentle, but some parts are slightly steep. It takes about 50 minutes one way from the entrance of the archway to Sanjiao Point. However, there are many trails to walk around, if there is plenty of time.
Chin-Sheng Lin on Google

登山口做的很漂亮 旁邊就是公車站牌 雖然我都沒看到公車經過 因為政府做了石頭階梯鋪設 雨天或是下雨之後非常濕滑 而且會長青苔 我在這裡跌了一跤,手骨折,目前靜養中 如果步道濕滑,建議車子停勸化堂停車場 從勸化堂起登,會安全很多
The mountain pass is beautiful Next to the bus stop Although I didn't see the bus passing by Because the government made stone stairs Very slippery during or after rain And it will grow moss I fell down here, broke my hand, and is currently recuperating If the trail is slippery, it is recommended to park in the Quanhuatang parking lot It will be much safer to board from the Persuasion Hall
huru koto on Google

與遊客中心那側相比,這邊人少了許多,步道古樸清幽 多了幾分自然的美感 登山口前就一個台灣好行的車站 石階因潮濕有幾個路段較滑,需要自行小心 爬到中間後開始看到寺院 可以走到勸化堂稍微休息一下再繼續往上 勸化堂有廁所和垃圾桶,如有使用到也可以斟酌添點香火 或者在縣界處也還有攤販可以買點東西吃,旁邊有位子可以坐 從這側經縣界登上獅頭山,約一小時出頭 早點出門還可以順道到南庄晃一圈,也是個輕鬆的半日遊
Compared with the side of the visitor center, there are many fewer people here, and the trail is simple and quiet. A little more natural beauty There is a good station in Taiwan right in front of the mountain entrance. Some sections of the stone steps are slippery due to dampness, so you need to be careful Climb to the middle and start to see the temple You can go to the Persuasion Hall and rest for a while before continuing up. Persuasion Hall has toilets and trash cans. If you use them, you can add some incense. Or there are also vendors at the county boundary where you can buy something to eat, and there are seats next to you. From this side to the Lion's Head Mountain via the county boundary, it will take about an hour or so If you go out early, you can also take a walk to Nanzhuang, which is also an easy half-day tour.
Chad Neely on Google

Great hike with many temples to explore
Ricky Parco on Google

A bit of spooky feeling at the entrance of the hiking trail.. ? ? Beware of slippery pavements! Great view from The top..

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