National Taiwan Normal University

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Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106
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1922年,臺灣總督府高等學校成立。 1926年,臺灣總督府高等學校改稱為臺灣總督府臺北高等學校。 1945年,臺灣光復,中華民國接收臺灣,臺灣總督府臺北高等學校改制為臺灣省立臺北高級中學。 1946年,政府設立臺灣省立師範學院,共有教育、國文、英語、史地、數學、理化、博物等「創校七學系」。同年臺北高中廢止,臺灣師院接收臺北高中的校舍與設備。 1948年,發生四六事件,中華民國政府整頓臺灣師範學院,期間停止辦學,至1949年重新復課。 1949年,計畫擴張校地向東至溫州街,向北達當時的台北監獄(今金華街一帶)以解校地不足之問題,該計畫得到時任台灣省主席陳誠的允諾與支持。 1953年,成立工業教育學系。 1955年,臺灣省立師範學院改名為臺灣省立師範大學,共設有教育學院、文學院、理學院等「創校三學院」。 1956年,國語中心成立。 1957年,校長劉真轉調為省政府教育廳長,接替者無延續其計畫進行,校地擴張計劃遂無疾而終[6]。 1961年,工業教育學系分設工藝教育組、工職教育組。 1967年,配合高等教育由國家管理的政策,改隸為國立臺灣師範大學。 1975年,臺師大理學院遷至汀州路四段,即今日的公館校區。 1976年,增設工業教育研究所碩士班。 1978年,工業教育學系調整分組為機械職業教育組、傳播設計教育組及電機、電子職業教育組。 1982年,原工業教育學系工藝教育組獨立為工藝教育學系。原隸文學院之美術學系、音樂學系,與工藝教育學系合併成立藝術學院。 1992年,增設工業教育研究所博士班。 1994年,工藝教育學系改名工業科技教育學系。 1998年,工業教育學系、工業科技教育學系及圖文傳播學系,共組科技學院。 2001年,將原屬教育學院之體育學系(所)、運動競技學系、運動與休閒管理研究所調整成立運動與休閒學院。 2002年,工業教育學系機械職業教育組,轉型獨立為機電科技研究所。 2004年,增設機電科技學系。工業教育學系電機、電子職業教育組轉型獨立為應用電子科技研究所。 2006年,臺師大合併林口的國立僑生大學先修班,定名為「國立臺灣師範大學林口校區」。獲得教育部「獎勵大學教學卓越計畫」補助新臺幣8000萬元。 2007年,再度獲得獎勵大學教學卓越計畫補助5600萬元。增設應用電子科技學系。列為教育部25所「大學繁星計畫」大學。成立音樂學院。 2008年,獲教育部補助「師資培育之大學發展卓越師資培育計畫」新臺幣900萬元。成立管理學院,成為師範院校中的第二個管理學院[7]。 2009年,再獲得師資培育之大學發展卓越師資培育計畫新臺幣1300萬元。工業科技教育學系改名科技應用與人力資源發展學系。 2011年,於「獎勵大學教學卓越計畫」、「邁向頂尖大學計畫」皆獲得教育部補助,其中邁向頂尖大學計畫(第二期五年五百億)之「華語文與科學研究中心」獲得兩億元補助,藉以推動國際華語文教學與科學教育。 2012年,國際與僑教學院遷至臺北校本部,林口校區轉型為專辦僑生先修部。同年,整併視覺設計學系、工業教育學系室內設計組、設計研究所為設計學系,教學方向除了原先的視覺與多媒體設計,還納入室內設計與產品設計,成為臺灣大專院校之中少數橫跨多重設計領域之學系。 2014年,設計學系在原有的學士班、碩士班之上增設博士班;應用電子科技學系改名電機工程學系,而科技學院亦配合改名為科技與工程學院。同年因為推動國際化發展,國際與僑教學院與社會科學學院合併,改名為國際與社會科學學院。 2015年,企業管理學士學位學程改名企業管理學系,並增設流行音樂產業碩士專班,並停招海洋環境科技研究所。 2016年,表演藝術學士學位學程開始對外招生,並增設管理學院國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班、國際企業管理雙碩士學位學程。政治學研究所併入東亞學系政治經濟組,並停招政治學研究所碩士班。 2017年,增設學習科學學士學位學程。運動競技學運動科學碩士班與運動競技學系運動競技碩士班,整併為運動競技學系碩士班。停招政治學研究所博士班、人類發展與家庭學系幼兒教育碩士在職專班、音樂學系音樂教學碩士在職專班、體育學系體育教學碩士在職專班。增設東亞學系博士班、音樂學系流行音樂產學應用碩士在職專班。應用華語文學系與華語文教學系整併為華語文教學系。 2018年,增設光電工程學士學位學程、車輛與能源工程學士學位學程、營養科學學士學位學程、營養科學碩士學位學程、生技醫藥產業碩士學位學程、地理碩士在職專班、樂活產業高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班、電機工程學系博士班,工業教育學系原學籍分組「能源應用組」及「車輛技術組」整併、東亞學系原學籍分組「漢學文化組」及「政治與經濟組」整併、科技應用與人力資源發展學系原學籍分組「網路學習組」和「人力資源組」以及「科技與工程教育組」整併、教育心理與輔導學系原學籍分組「諮商心理學組」及「教育心理學組」整併、英語學系原學籍分組「文學組」和「語言學組」以及「英語教學組」整併、音樂系原學籍分組「表演與創作組」及「研究與教育組」整併,停招人類發展與家庭學系營養科學與教育組、地理學系地理教學碩士在職專班、歷史學系歷史教學碩士在職專班。師資培育中心改制師資培育學院。成立生命科學專業學院。 2019年,成立學習資訊專業學院、教育學院學士班。
In 1922, the Governor's Office of Taiwan was established. In 1926, the Governor's Office of Taiwan was renamed the Taipei Governor's Office of Taipei Higher Education. In 1945, Taiwan resumed, the Republic of China received Taiwan, and the Taipei Governorate's Taipei High School was reorganized into the Taiwan Provincial Taipei High School. In 1946, the government established the Taiwan Provincial Teachers College, which consisted of education, Chinese, English, history, mathematics, physics and chemistry, and museums. In the same year, Taipei High School was abolished, and the Taiwan Normal University received school buildings and equipment from Taipei High School. In 1948, the 4th and 6th incidents occurred. The Republic of China government reorganized the Taiwan Normal University and stopped running schools until 1949. In 1949, the plan expanded the school to the east to Wenzhou Street, and went north to the then Taipei Prison (now Jinhua Street area) to solve the problem of insufficient school. The plan was promised and supported by Taiwanese President Chen Cheng. In 1953, the Department of Industrial Education was established. In 1955, the Taiwan Provincial Teachers College was renamed Taiwan Provincial Normal University. There were a total of three colleges, including the School of Education, the College of Liberal Arts, and the School of Science. In 1956, the Mandarin Center was established. In 1957, the principal Liu Zhen was transferred to the provincial government education director. The successor did not continue his plan, and the school expansion plan was not completed [6]. In 1961, the Department of Industrial Education was divided into a technical education group and a vocational education group. In 1967, in line with the policy of higher education under the state management, it was renamed the National Taiwan Normal University. In 1975, the Taishi Dali College moved to the fourth section of Tingzhou Road, today's Mansion Campus. In 1976, a master's program at the Institute of Industrial Education was added. In 1978, the Department of Industrial Education was divided into the Mechanical Vocational Education Group, the Communication Design Education Group, and the Electrical and Electronic Vocational Education Group. In 1982, the Department of Process Education of the former Department of Industrial Education was independent of the Department of Process Education. The Department of Fine Arts and Musicology of the former Liberal Arts College merged with the Department of Arts and Crafts to form an art school. In 1992, a doctoral class was added to the Institute of Industrial Education. In 1994, the Department of Process Education was renamed the Department of Industrial Science and Technology Education. In 1998, the Department of Industrial Education, the Department of Industrial Science and Technology, and the Department of Graphic Communication, a group of science and technology colleges. In 2001, the Institute of Physical Education (School of Education), the Department of Sports and Athletics, and the Institute of Sports and Leisure Management of the former College of Education were reorganized to form the School of Sports and Leisure. In 2002, the Department of Industrial Education, the Mechanical Vocational Education Group, was transformed into an Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology. In 2004, the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Technology was added. The Department of Industrial Education, the Electrical and Electronic Vocational Education Group, has transformed itself into an Institute of Applied Electronic Technology. In 2006, the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology merged with the National University of Science and Technology in Linkou, and was named "National Taiwan Normal University Linkou Campus". Received NT$80 million from the Ministry of Education's “Reward University Teaching Excellence Program”. In 2007, it was again awarded a grant of 56 million yuan to the University's teaching excellence program. The addition of the Department of Applied Electronic Technology. Listed as the University of the University's 25 University Star Programs. Established a music school. In 2008, the Ministry of Education subsidized NT$9 million for the “Teacher-developed University Development Excellence Teacher Development Program”. Established the School of Management and became the second management school in the normal colleges [7]. In 2009, then from the University of Teacher Education Excellence for Teacher Education Development Project NT $ 13 million yuan. Industrial Technology Education Department was renamed the Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development. 2011, to "reward excellence in university teaching plan", "towards the top universities plan" are obtained Jiaoyu Bu subsidies, which is at the top universities plan (second five-year fifty billion) of "Chinese Language and Science Research Center "received two hundred million yuan subsidy, in order to promote international Chinese language teaching and science education. In 2012, the International Overseas Education College and moved to the main campus in Taipei, Linkou Campus transition to Office overseas Chinese Advanced Placement Department. In the same year, and the entire Department of visual design, industrial design group indoor Department of Education, Institute of Design for the School of Design, in addition to the original direction of teaching visual and multimedia design, interior design and also included product design, a small number of universities and colleges in Taiwan Department across multiple areas of design. In 2014, the Department of Design added a doctoral class to the original bachelor's and master's classes; the Department of Applied Electronic Technology was renamed the Department of Electrical Engineering, and the School of Science and Technology also changed its name to the School of Science and Engineering. In the same year, due to the promotion of international development, the International and Overseas Chinese Education College merged with the School of Social Sciences and was renamed the School of International and Social Sciences. In 2015, the Bachelor of Business Administration program was renamed the Department of Business Administration, and a master's degree program in the popular music industry was added. The Institute of Marine Environmental Science and Technology was suspended. In 2016, the Bachelor of Arts degree in Performing Arts began to enroll students, and added a postgraduate degree in International Fashion Management at the School of Management, and a Master's degree in International Business Management. The Institute of Political Science was incorporated into the Political Economy Group of the Department of East Asian Studies, and the Masters of Political Science Institute was suspended. In 2017, a bachelor's degree in study science will be added. The Master of Sports Sports Science and the Master of Sports Athletics in the Department of Athletics, and the Master of Sports Athletics. The Ph.D. program of the Institute of Political Science of the Institute of Political Science and the Department of Human Development and Family Studies, the in-service class of the Master of Childhood Education, the Master of Music Teaching in the Department of Musicology, and the in-service class of the Master of Physical Education in the Department of Physical Education. Add a doctoral class in the Department of East Asian Studies and a postgraduate internship in the Department of Musicology. The Department of Applied Chinese Literature and the Chinese Language Teaching Department are integrated into the Chinese Language Teaching Department. In 2018, a bachelor's degree in optoelectronic engineering, a bachelor's degree in vehicle and energy engineering, a bachelor's degree in nutrition science, a master's degree in nutrition science, a master's degree in biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, a master's degree in geography, and a degree in music. Senior Executives in the Living Industry, Master of Business Administration, Doctoral Program in Electrical Engineering, Department of Industrial Education, "Energy Application Group" and "Vehicle Technology Group", and the Department of East Asian Studies, "School of Culture" And the "Political and Economic Group", the Department of Technology Application and the Department of Human Resource Development, the original study group "Web Learning Group" and "Human Resources Group" and the "Technology and Engineering Education Unit" integration, education psychology and counselling The original student group "Consultation Psychology Group" and "Educational Psychology Group" integration, English Department of the original school group "Literature Group" and "Linguistics Group" and "English Teaching Group" integration, music department original school Sub-group "Performance and Creation Group" and "Research and Education Group", stop the recruitment of the Department of Nutrition and Science of the Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Geography Department The in-service special class and the history teaching master's degree in history department. Teacher Training Center Reformed Teacher Cultivation College. Established a life sciences college. In 2019, the School of Learning Information and the Bachelor of Education were established.
Thomas Yeh on Google

這公車站就座落在師大校本部的正對面,其實師大在馬路的這一邊有圖書館校區,有綜合大樓,可能這區塊的面積不會比校本部小很多,前兩年我有親戚來這兒做交換學生,上課的地點就是在和平東路的北面。 經過這個車站的班車路線很多。車站旁邊有 YouBike 站,腳踏車的利用率蠻高的,我看到有很多的學生,還有附近的居民都在利用。
This bus stop is located directly opposite the headquarters of the University of Normal University. In fact, there is a library campus on the side of the road. There is a comprehensive building. The area of ​​this block may not be much smaller than the school headquarters. The first two years. I have relatives who come here to exchange students. The place for class is on the north side of Heping East Road. There are many shuttle routes through this station. There is a YouBike station next to the station. The utilization rate of the bicycle is quite high. I have seen many students and nearby residents are using it.

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