National Tax Administration of Northern Taiwan Province. Ministry of Finance

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Contact National Tax Administration of Northern Taiwan Province. Ministry of Finance

地址 :

No. 143號, Section 1, Zhongshan Rd, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 220

電話 : 📞 +88989
網站 :
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 143號, Section 1, Zhongshan Rd, Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 220
米嘉 on Google

The staff at the counter informed that there was an error, and the relevant information should be confirmed by everyone
汽車音響弘群(弘群汽車音響) on Google

今天來辦理冷氣退貨稅。在2樓入口處兩位志工媽媽服務非常熱心申請表格教得很仔細 寫完之後,拿號碼牌到服務櫃檯辦理 而服務櫃檯小姐也非常熱心非常專業服務100分 非常棒的政府機關
Come and apply for the air-conditioning return tax today. At the entrance of the second floor, the two volunteer mothers are very enthusiastic about the application form. After the teaching form is carefully written, take the number plate to the service counter and the service counter lady is also very enthusiastic. Very professional service 100 points. Great government agency
彭亮兒 on Google

「官僚主義」很強烈的機關! 三樓營業稅8號和7號女櫃檯服務態度超級爛,都主動來申請登記納稅了,還一直被當成詐騙集團看待,說的話送的資料都不相信外(那幹嘛還一直叫人家補東補西的跑那麼多趟啊!?),還會「羞辱人」(幸好我們學會都有先錄音存檔),辦事員「主觀意識太強烈」,「處事不客觀」,稅務員也不自己親自跑一趟現場勘定,情緒管理差,態度傲慢,不懂想多問兩句就「不耐煩」,完全不適任公務員職務,奉勸回家吃自己吧! 8號櫃檯陳莉玫小姐不但沒有幫人民解決問題,反而還製造問題反丟給民眾,還會硬凹說是民眾自己的問題,根本是失職的公務人員!(建議來此洽公的民眾一定要自行錄影錄音,才能保障自己的權益)
An institution with a strong "bureaucracy"! The service attitude of the female counters No. 8 and No. 7 of the business tax on the third floor is super bad, and they all took the initiative to apply for registration and tax payment, and they have been treated as fraudulent groups. There are so many trips to make up the West!?), and "humiliate people" (fortunately, we have all recorded and archived first), clerks "subjective consciousness is too strong", "do not be objective", and tax collectors don't run by themselves. One visit to the site, poor emotional management, arrogant attitude, "impatient" if you don't know how to ask two more questions, completely unfit for a civil servant position, I advise you to go home and eat yourself! Ms. Chen Limei at Counter 8 not only failed to help the people solve the problems, but instead created problems and left them to the people, she also insisted that it was the people's own problems, and was a public servant who was dereliction of duty at all! (It is recommended that people who come here to talk to the public must make their own video recordings to protect their rights)
阿勳李 on Google

3樓窗口辦理才開兩個,有夠慢!能不能改善一下嗎, 遇到一些年紀大長輩 問題又很多當作在聊天啊。真的會等到!牙起來!
ティナ リウ on Google

國稅局的公務員真好過,上班時間集體大聲嬉鬧, 如果不是新北市的問題都踢掉,不辦理還叫市民回户籍地辦或打長途電話辦
The civil servants of the Internal Revenue Service are really good, and they all play loudly during working hours, If it is not a matter of New Taipei City, it will be kicked out, and if it is not handled, the citizens will be asked to go back to the place of residence or make a long-distance phone call.
wh L on Google

瑄李 on Google

昨天打電話詢問要申請財產資料清單 告知到三樓辦、今天去三樓抽號碼牌 終於到我了,結果跟我說要到一樓辦, 也未告知受託人要帶印章, 必須還要再跑一趟,希望能加強人員訓練 避免民眾要在多跑一趟
I called yesterday to ask for a property information list Tell me to go to the third floor office and go to the third floor to draw a number plate today It finally arrived at me, and I told me to go to the first floor to do it, The trustee was also not told to bring a seal, I have to make another trip, I hope to strengthen personnel training To avoid people having to make extra trips
OV OV on Google

到板橋中山路這現場報稅已經好幾年了,第一次在三樓報稅碰到一位沒有服務精神的窗口(特徵身材胖壯戴眼鏡眼睛突,姓氏就不多提供了),我每句話開口講一半必定插嘴終止別人的問話,過程中的服務態度和應對也很糟糕,受不了跟她反應,她回我那她找其他人來……之後順道言語帶酸說對不起喔!讓你感覺不好?……真的當下只想快點處理好不想再跟她回話。 在這裡不是每個窗口都像她一樣,n年來大部分碰到的都蠻有耐性的,我想,盡然工作就是對外服務,最好把各方面的專業精神拿出來吧…不好擺那態度到民眾身上!相信她本人應該也不會希望自己被人家用那種態度服務及對待。
The on-site tax return in Zhongshan Road to Banqiao has been a few years. The first time I tried a tax on the third floor and met a window without a service spirit (the feature body fat and wearing glasses, the last name is not available), my sentence When the opening, someone must stop the question of others, the service attitude and response in the process are also very bad. If you can't react with her, she returns to me, she is looking for someone else ... After the words, the words are sorry, I am sorry! Let you feel bad ... Really I just want to handle it quickly, don't want to talk to her again. Here is the same as she is like her, and most of the years have encountered very resistant. I think, even the job is the external service, it is best to take all the professionalism of all aspects ... I don't put the attitude Go to the people! I believe that she should not want to use the attitude service and treated by others.

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