Neimen Shunxian Temple - Kaohsiung City

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Neimen Shunxian Temple

地址 :

845, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Neimen District, 東埔里 8之8 Neimen Shunxian Temple

電話 : 📞 +88778
城市 : Neimen District

845, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Neimen District, 東埔里 8之8 Neimen Shunxian Temple
吳誌豪 on Google

Song Jiang array is wonderful and beautiful. It is convenient to park and there are shuttle buses to pick up and drop off. But it would be nice if there were stepped seats like before, and the view would be better. This year, everyone in a circle can't see it at all, and there are no chairs. They sit on the ground. Sitting until my feet are numb, I have to hold the child very high in the back so that I can barely see it
阿澤 on Google

The environment is quiet and the mountains are beautiful. This year, I went to watch the Songjiang Great Water Dance special effects fireworks show.
Lero Kenting on Google

To appreciate the Songjiang Array and visit the Shunxian Palace, it was originally a palace in Lingya District, but later moved to the inner gate. The tiger is very vivid and looks at you no matter how you walk. There is auspicious dragon ball on the right. The atmosphere in the palace is solemn and solemn. Song Jiangzhen still visited the scene to see the most shocking martial arts that combines strength and beauty, and performed it under the sun. It was really amazing. I haven't seen it live, so I can only look forward to next year.
Sabrina Huang on Google

宋江陣的活動很精彩 市府應該多加推廣&安排接駁車 讓更多人熱愛鄉土&民俗活動 甚至熱愛或投身傳承傳統技藝
Song Jiangzhen's activities are very exciting The city government should promote & arrange shuttle buses Let more people love local & folk activities Even love or devote themselves to inheriting traditional skills
張玉琴 on Google

喜歡廟宇的清幽與一幅栩栩如生的畫~神虎轉盤 這幅神虎轉盤,需要親臨現場的信徒在這幅畫下,看著神虎…身子轉360゜才能真正感受到神蹟 若是拍攝或者攝影則沒什麼差異之處 帶了好多親朋好友去過,他們超開心前所未見的體驗到…栩栩如生(這句話)
I like the quietness of the temple and a lifelike painting ~ Shenhu Turntable This divine tiger turntable requires believers who come to the scene to look at the divine tiger under this painting... turn 360゜ to truly feel the miracle There is no difference if it is shooting or photography I have brought a lot of friends and relatives there, and they are very happy to experience something they have never seen before... lifelike (this sentence)
chase lin on Google

The environment is very quiet and a good place to cleanse the soul. The pilgrim building is quite comfortable and the staff are friendly and friendly. I was pleasantly surprised to see the foggy scenery by the lake in the morning, as if I was in a foreign country. Ducks, swans, and cute little black dogs
Sakyamunibuddha on Google

位於高雄市內門區之高雄內門賢順宮,供奉黑面三媽為主神,創建迄今已有262年之歷史,天上聖母神威顯赫,香火鼎盛,香客眾多,又位於綠意盎然的嶺頂山,層層山巒,風景優美,且香客大樓設備齊全,來此參香駐駕者眾。 約清乾隆21年(西元1756年),廣東潮州有一黃公先祖者,渡海來臺經商,為求舟車平安,乃恭迎潮州金山區思媽宮之天上聖母金尊隨身,橫度黑水溝,安抵今臺南市將軍區馬沙溝後,旋即定居在漚汪甲,並供奉聖母於自宅,適逢部落滋事械鬥,媽祖顯靈調停,黃公挺身調停排解,獲鄰閭之好評,嗣後媽祖大發慈悲,神威顯赫,凡庄民有求必應,信眾感念神恩,建廟奉祀,為本宮主祀天上聖母開臺之濫觴。
Located in the Neimen District of Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung Neimen Xianshun Palace, dedicated to the black-faced three mothers as the main god, has a history of 262 years. , Layers of mountains, beautiful scenery, and well-equipped pilgrims building, come here to participate in the incense and drive. About the 21st year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1756 AD), there was an ancestor of Huang Gong in Chaozhou, Guangdong, who crossed the sea to Taiwan to do business. Immediately after arriving in Mashagou, Jiangjun District, Tainan City, he immediately settled in Ruowangjia and enshrined the Virgin Mary in his own house. It was a time when the tribe was in trouble. Mazu appeared to mediate. Duke Huang stepped forward to mediate and resolve the matter. He was praised by the neighbors. Compassionate, divine power is prominent, every villager will respond to every request, and believers are grateful for the grace of God, build temples to worship, and this is the origin of the temple's master to worship the heavenly Virgin Mary.
洪敏榮 on Google

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