光合物理治療所 Neutralsynthesis Physical Therapy Clinic - 手麻腳麻- 椎間盤突出- 五十肩- 下背痛- 落枕- 退化性關節炎- 髖膝關節痛- 網球肘- 腕隧道- 前十字術後復健- 足底筋膜炎- 閃到腰 - Da’an District

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Contact 光合物理治療所 Neutralsynthesis Physical Therapy Clinic - 手麻腳麻/ 椎間盤突出/ 五十肩/ 下背痛/ 落枕/ 退化性關節炎/ 髖膝關節痛/ 網球肘/ 腕隧道/ 前十字術後復健/ 足底筋膜炎/ 閃到腰

地址 :

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 4, Zhongxiao E Rd

電話 : 📞 +8877997
Postal code : 4
網站 : https://neutralsynthesis.webnode.tw/

106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 4, Zhongxiao E Rd
李佳穎 on Google

In the beginning, it was simply to find a convenient place to treat my left wrist. Thanks to the repairs made by Teacher Xu every time he visits the doctor, and the arrangement of homework, my pain can be improved quickly! Very recommended ??
TY .H-COVER on Google

前前後後看了4、5間物理治療診所 都沒有這間來的有效 徐醫生講解的非常仔細 非常有耐心得聽我說完全部的症狀後開始治療並給予我回家應做的運動 很感謝醫生非常有耐心的治療 第一次覺得看物理治療是真的有對症下藥的感覺
Visited 4 or 5 physical therapy clinics back and forth Are not as effective as this one Doctor Xu explained very carefully I was very patient and started treatment after listening to all the symptoms and gave me the exercises I should do when I go home. Thank you very much for the doctor’s very patient treatment For the first time, I feel that seeing physical therapy really feels like prescribing the right medicine
PiPi Shiba inu on Google

Even if it’s just a common sore shoulder and neck, Mr. Xu patiently assists in finding the real source of pain, and teaches the correct posture and muscle movement. During the process, he also assists in recording exercises to help patients remember the correct movements. The beauties at the counter are also so kind that they are not good, and have a very emotional treatment experience?
Evelyn Liu on Google

我曾說過,覺得自己在網路找課程或產品的運氣很好,常常都能找到很優質的課程或東西。這次找到光合物理治療所,再次證明自己的慧眼獨具! 昨天是我第一次進行徒手治療,治療完就很明顯感覺到差異,當然還沒痊癒啦!還要繼續努力才行。 重要的是我覺得治療師很積極,希望我在家能做到他要我做的復健動作,也願意多教我~ 今天傳了之前在醫院的檢查報告給治療師,然後我很緊張怕自己怎麼了,結果治療師直接致電給我說明狀況,讓我安心好多(超怕自己是骨癌什麼的很會自己嚇自己)。我會努力復健,期待療程結束,重拾健康的腰椎和尾椎之後再上來分享我的喜悅喔! 謝謝徐治療師!
I once said that I feel very lucky to find courses or products on the Internet, and I can often find very high-quality courses or things. This time I found a photosynthetic physiotherapy center, and once again proved that I have unique insight! Yesterday was my first hands-on treatment. After the treatment, I clearly felt the difference. Of course, I haven't healed yet! Have to continue to work hard. The important thing is that I think the therapist is very active. I hope I can do the rehabilitation exercises he wants me to do at home, and I am willing to teach me more~ Today, I passed the report of the previous examination in the hospital to the therapist, and then I was very nervous and afraid of what happened to me. As a result, the therapist directly called me to explain the situation, which gave me a lot of peace of mind. (I'm so afraid that I will scare myself if I have bone cancer or something. ). I will try my best to rehabilitate and look forward to the end of the treatment and regain a healthy lumbar and caudal spine before coming up to share my joy! Thank you therapist Xu!
Cheng Lin Yu on Google

打桌球後加上健身胸肌練到整個肩胛骨爆痛 經過徐所長治療後真的直接開不痛了 好的治療師真的讓你願意再來
After playing billiards, add fitness pectoral muscles to practice until the entire shoulder blades burst pain After Director Xu’s treatment, it really doesn’t hurt anymore. A good therapist really makes you willing to come again
Sera Chang on Google

Treated for shoulder sticking problems. After careful treatment and explanation by Mr. Zhang Jinwei, and with the homework after each treatment, it was very painful at first, but after a period of time, there was a great improvement, and it also avoided the limitation of activities and compensation after the joints were adhered. question. Very recommended!
春芳 on Google

我是一個頸椎和腰椎長骨刺的人,醫生建議置換人工椎間盤⋯但苦於沒有百分之百的保證治癒,害怕落入FBSS的惡性循環,始終不敢輕言開刀⋯直到朋友傳給我徐治療師的影片「告別脖子痛最需要的四個動作」,我覺得徐治療師的發表是非常特別的,畢竟我已經是長久以來經歷各樣推拿整骨吊脖子、熱敷、低週波治療、照紅外線、淋巴排毒、吃肌肉鬆弛劑、吃止痛藥⋯真的足「煩」不及備載,但是疼痛依然存在。睡覺真的向左睡、向右睡、仰躺都不行,嚴重起來是只能坐著睡,背部頸部墊著枕頭,可謂好慘啊⋯⋯其實我看到影片,是被徐治療師臉上的正氣吸引,抱著死馬當活馬醫的心態姑且一試,央求家人陪同前來接受治療。結果第一次治療就已經讓我下樓來的時候胃口大開,連買了姜包子都覺得是天上美味⋯這肯定是因為身體舒暢才享受得到的。 現在深深體會到「沒有效的治療才是最貴的治療」,而徐治療師的治療是叫作「良心事業」,所以我說他的創業絕對不會是孤單的,看見這裡一個個病患脫離身體的為難那種感激,我也真是口拙無法形容完全。只能說徒手治療是一個神奇的領域,徐老師在治療的時候他是非常全神貫注的,剛開始我不知道他在按什麼,後來才明白他是在每一個要害關鍵點的地方把它解開,嚇壞我了這種功夫! 我是一個認真的學生, 徐老師會把一直到下一次預約時間之前每天我要進行的功課錄影錄給我,叫我自己好好的認真的去操作,我通常會遠遠的超過他所規定我的次數去進行!例如本來單腳站立是完全不行,因為懸空的那一隻腳不能靠著站立的那一隻,而且站立的那一隻腳掌還要翹腳趾⋯一直覺得老師怎麼會作這種無理的要求,但是在短短的幾週之內我已經可以穩穩單腳站住,高傲的像一隻白鶴⋯哈哈!我也覺得稀奇,隨著時間的經過、信心的配合,每一個看起來是辛苦的復健動作,居然讓我的身體去重新記憶正確的姿勢,大幅改善了我身體的困境,實在太感謝徐治療師了!在這裡真心推薦「光合物理治療所」給大家!♥️
I am a person with long bone spurs in the cervical and lumbar spine. The doctor recommends replacing the artificial intervertebral disc. But I suffer from no 100% guarantee of cure. I am afraid of falling into the vicious circle of FBSS. "Farewell to the four most necessary movements for neck pain." I think the announcement of Therapist Xu is very special. After all, I have experienced various massages, hot compresses, low-frequency treatments, infrared rays, lymphatic drainage, Taking muscle relaxants and painkillers... really annoying, but the pain still exists. Sleeping to the left, to the right, or lying on your back can’t really work. In severe cases, you can only sit and sleep with pillows on your back and neck. It’s so miserable... Actually, I saw the video with the face of therapist Xu. She was attracted by the righteousness, holding the mentality of being a dead horse doctor, and begging her family to accompany him to receive treatment. As a result, the first treatment made me have a great appetite when I came downstairs. Even the ginger steamed buns were delicious in the sky... This must be enjoyed because of my good health. Now I deeply realize that "ineffective treatment is the most expensive treatment", and the treatment of therapist Xu is called "Conscience Career", so I say that his entrepreneurship will never be lonely. I see every disease here. The gratitude for the embarrassment of getting out of the body, I can't describe it completely. It can only be said that bare-handed therapy is a magical field. Mr. Xu was very engrossed during the treatment. At first I didn’t know what he was pressing, but later I realized that he solved it at every key point. , I was terrified of this kind of kung fu! I am a serious student. Teacher Xu will record to me the homework I have to do every day until the next appointment time, and ask me to do it carefully. I usually go far beyond what he stipulated. Number of times to proceed! For example, it is totally impossible to stand on one foot, because the suspended foot cannot lean against the standing one, and the sole of the standing foot still has toe upturned... I have always felt that the teacher would make such an unreasonable request, but In just a few weeks, I can stand firmly on one foot, proudly like a white crane...haha! I also find it strange that with the passage of time and the cooperation of confidence, every seemingly hard rehabilitation exercise actually allows my body to re-remember the correct posture, which greatly improved my physical predicament. I am very grateful to Xu. The therapist! I sincerely recommend the "Photosynthetic Physiotherapy Center" to everyone! ♥️
余德賢 on Google

我因五十肩,左肩關節深鎖嚴重,對生活造成極大困擾,來找徐老師尋求解決之道。徐老師在徒手治療過程中,會很精準的溯源找出造成問題的點、線、面,全力出擊。經過幾次治療之後,肩關節活動變大了。我對物理治療信心大增,而且發現這是個安全又能根本解決問題的治療方式。 有一點也要推一下,老師會無私傳授保健常識和給予適量的功課。每天按時自我療癒,透過肌肉運動、關節運動和按摩等自我復健的方式,可縮短治療過程。像我這樣幾個課程操作下來,這個自我療癒方法,也能建立物理治療的基本認知,避免再受傷,或是受傷後知道如何處理。可說是一舉兩得。 五十肩是一種擾人的關節問題,治療的過程會有疼痛,更要有耐心和信心。像是進一步在處理比較深層的沾黏點時,要很有經驗和細心的專業人員才能點出。而且還要保持戰果,所以患者也要配合,記住這些酸痛處,依老師交待的功課,平常生活之中有空就轉轉肩膀,甩甩手之類的,愈是會酸的點,愈要去刺激他。 有跟我一樣問題的人, 誠心推薦,物理治療,光合物理治療所。
Because of my fifty shoulders, my left shoulder joint is deeply locked, causing great trouble to my life. I came to Mr. Xu for a solution. During the free-hand treatment, Mr. Xu will trace the source of the problem very accurately to find the point, line, and surface that caused the problem, and attack with all his strength. After several treatments, the shoulder joint became more mobile. My confidence in physiotherapy has grown and I have found it to be a safe and fundamental solution to the problem. One point should be pushed, the teacher will selflessly impart common sense of health care and give proper amount of homework. Self-healing on time every day, through self-rehabilitation methods such as muscle exercise, joint exercise and massage, can shorten the treatment process. After a few courses like mine, this self-healing method can also establish the basic knowledge of physical therapy, avoid further injury, or know how to deal with it after injury. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Fifty shoulders are a disturbing joint problem. The treatment process will be painful, and you need to be patient and confident. For example, when dealing with deeper sticking points, only experienced and careful professionals can point them out. Moreover, we must maintain the victory, so the patient should also cooperate, remember these sore spots, according to the homework given by the teacher, turn your shoulders when you have time in your daily life, shake your hands, etc. to stimulate him. People who have the same problem as me, sincerely recommend, physiotherapy, photosynthetic physiotherapy.

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