New Art Hair Salon - West District

3.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact New Art Hair Salon

地址 :

No. 17-1號, Jingcheng Rd, West District, Taichung City, Taiwan 403

電話 : 📞 +889
城市 : Taichung City

No. 17-1號, Jingcheng Rd, West District, Taichung City, Taiwan 403
Yvonne TSENG on Google

Designers are almost always good at communicating, and they love to wash their hair here.
Amber Liu on Google

幾經考慮還是決定把自身經驗說出來,希望店家能加強男性助理/設計師的服務禮儀,提供女性顧客一個更安全更安心的消費環境。 4/22下午四點一進店後一樣照流程被引導入座、填寫資料、核銷序號(使用gomaji) 約4:15-30間(店長可調監視器確認)有個穿白色花襯衫的男助理幫我批上毛巾後開始上頭皮隔離,過程用得很隨便甚至有些粗魯,後來幫我披隔離衣時不慎碰撞到我的胸部,我當下心裡超不舒服,有被侵犯的感覺,但他似乎沒發現還是怎樣繼續要幫我服務,我鼓起勇氣眼眶含淚阻止他繼續幫我服務,但他聽完後不悅地轉身就離開,連一句簡單的道歉也沒有,我當下感覺超級難堪地想奪門而出(但頭髮已上完頭皮隔離,半濕的狀態),當時在場的還有幫我服務的女設計師,她也若無其事地繼續用我的頭髮,當時哪怕她能站在我的立場安撫我一下我也會好過一些,但大家好像沒發生過這件事般繼續做事..... 那位男助理還是若無其事地在我附近服務著別的客人,跟別的工作人員有說有笑,看在眼裡我心裡還是超不舒服,只能強忍著自己不安的情緒滑手機度過兩個半小時的時間,終於等到結束了,走出大門感覺才比較和緩。 雖然此次是個非常糟糕的體驗,應該也不會再去,但還是想肯定1號設計師的專業技術與服務,讓我能在不安的過程中稍微轉移注意力。
After several considerations, I decided to speak out my own experience, hoping that the store can strengthen the service etiquette of male assistants/designers and provide female customers with a safer and more secure consumption environment. After entering the store at 4:1 pm on 4/22, you will be guided to seat, fill in the information, and write off the serial number (using gomaji) according to the same procedure. Around 4:15-30 (confirmed by the store manager's adjustable monitor) A male assistant in a white floral shirt helped me put a towel on and began to isolate the scalp. The process was very casual and even a little rude, and then he helped me put on the isolation gown. When I accidentally bumped into my chest, I felt very uncomfortable right now and felt assaulted, but he didn't seem to realize how to continue to help me. I mustered up the courage to stop him from continuing to serve me with tears in his eyes. After listening, he turned around and left without even a simple apology. I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to get out of the door (but the hair had been put on the scalp and was in a semi-wet state). There is a female stylist who helped me, and she continued to use my hair nonchalantly. Even if she could stand on my side and comfort me, I would be better off, but everyone seemed to continue to do things as if it hadn’t happened before. .... That male assistant was still serving other guests near me casually, talking and laughing with other staff, I was still very uncomfortable in my eyes, and I could only hold back my uneasy emotions and spend my time on the phone. After two and a half hours, I finally waited until the end, and I felt more relaxed when I walked out of the door. Although this is a very bad experience, I should not go again, but I still want to affirm the professional skills and services of designer No. 1 so that I can divert my attention slightly during the process of restlessness.
余宛臻 on Google

建議價錢先問清楚。 過程中跟店員溝通只有一般的洗加剪,也說不需要加價升級頭皮保養,清楚表達了兩次。 被收388元,後來一看價格發現是288元,告知店員後對方說因為有幫我做精油洗髮的升級,但我很明確的說我要只要一般的洗加剪。 最後店家有退回100元,但這種已經明確告知只需要一般的洗加剪,卻未告知直接升級的推銷手法,讓人蠻不舒服的。希望可以改善。
It is recommended to ask the price first. During the process, I communicated with the clerk only for general washing and cutting, and also said that there is no need to increase the price to upgrade the scalp maintenance. I clearly expressed it twice. I was charged 388 yuan, and later I found the price was 288 yuan. After telling the clerk, the other party said that because of the upgrade of essential oil shampoo for me, I made it clear that I only need normal washing and cutting. In the end, the store returned 100 yuan, but this kind of sales method that has clearly stated that only normal washing and cutting is required, but has not been informed of direct upgrades, is quite uncomfortable. Hope it can be improved.
Bonnie Tsai on Google

The manicurist's skills are not bad, but the overall shop environment is a bit messy, the manicure workbench is also dirty, and the toilet is messy. The store is full of hair and hopes that the head office can strengthen the cleanliness of the Jingcheng store environment.
Miss Padai on Google

真是每況遇下,這次偷工偷太大! 我記住了設計師與洗頭妹妹了,你們也太敢了 今天沒刮痧沒熱敷隨便亂吹頭髮也沒乾, 做了數十次hairspa+健康洗好壞服務都體驗過了 這次真的真的很扯。 感覺被偷了一張hair spa卷!
It's really every case, this time stealing work and stealing too much! I remember the designer and the shampoo sister, you guys are too daring Today, I didn't scrape my hair, I didn't use a hot compress, I just blew my hair, and I didn't dry it out. I have done dozens of hairspa + healthy wash services and have experienced both good and bad services This time it's really bad. It feels like a hair spa roll has been stolen!
YC Chuang on Google

第一次去有試加購深層洗髮 洗的很認真很舒服 第二次去試一般洗髮 感覺跟深層好像沒有太大差別 洗到吹好大概30分鐘 第三次去店員一直推加購品項 這次不加購店員臉直接臭掉 態度差很多 而且也洗的很隨便 也沒問基本的哪裡需要加強 本人長頭髮從開始洗到吹好頭髮 只花了不到20分鐘 以後不會再去
First time to try and buy deep shampoo Washed very carefully and very comfortable Second time to try regular shampoo It doesn't seem to be much different from the deep Wash and blow for about 30 minutes The third time I went to the store, the clerk kept pushing the purchase items This time, the clerk's face stinks without buying it attitude is much worse And it's easy to wash I didn't ask where the basics need to be strengthened. I have long hair from washing to blow drying It only took less than 20 minutes won't go again
陳惠玲陳陳綿羊 on Google

As soon as you enter the store, you don't say hello, come to a designer who counts fried dough sticks (not professional at all), first look at the scalp and tell the scalp that the scalp is not healthy, and has euphemistically informed that personal health factors are not suitable for maintenance, the waiter's face is pulled down, from the door to the completion (Liu Hai No urging, no urging for curly hair at all, just push it with my hand) It takes 20 minutes to complete, then I can just wash it myself and do it! Although it is only 99 yuan. This is your store's main price war, and the service and attitude are not flattering.
César del Pozo Díez on Google

service is nice but the style...I think is impossible asians hairstylists understand at all the western desires...

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