New Taipei City Government Police Department

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Contact New Taipei City Government Police Department

地址 :

No. 35, Zhenqian St, Shulin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 238

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 :
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 35, Zhenqian St, Shulin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 238
請問一下你現在是欠零波嗎 on Google

一堆屁孩不戴安全帽又喜歡蛇行,有幾個路口一個月擦撞事故幾十次,公園裡面電擊棒 信號彈樣樣來,就是你們不積極處理才一直這樣。海山分局一收到電話不到十分鐘就去把全部的人追到帶回去管束,請問我們樹林的警察是怎麼回事?人全部放跑,就沒有然後了
A bunch of kids don’t wear safety helmets and like to snake. There are dozens of collision accidents at a few intersections a month. The electric shock batons in the park come in all kinds of signal bullets. It's just that you don't actively deal with it. As soon as the Haishan branch received the call within ten minutes, they chased all the people back and brought them back to control. What is the matter with the police in our forest? All the people were let go, and there was nothing left.
YuWei on Google

警察根本無心在處理事情吧? 電話報案時只會一直推卸責任說這個我們沒辦法處理 申訴一句就回一句我們也沒辦法啊 我們就處理不了啊~我們沒辦法處理啊~ 請問是真的要等到出人命時你們才願意處理嗎? 所謂人民的保姆原來是這樣在保護民眾的我也是覺得挺棒的喲? 公共機關的地盤、交通違規舉發你們手腳倒是挺快 到人民百姓的事情或地方我們就喔真的沒辦法 真的是完完全全兩種處理態度,真是優秀? 順帶一提台灣的法規總是在保護惡人 奉公守法的公民才是處於最弱勢的?
The police have no intention of dealing with things ? When reporting a crime on the phone, I will always shirk responsibility and say that we can’t handle this We can’t do anything if we just reply to a complaint. We can’t handle it~ We can’t handle it~ Do you really want to wait until the death of people before you are willing to deal with it? The so-called people’s nanny turns out to be protecting the people like this, I also think it’s great ? Public agency sites and traffic violations are reported very quickly. We really can’t do anything about people’s affairs or places It's really a complete combination of two processing attitudes, really good ? By the way, Taiwan’s laws and regulations are always protecting the wicked Citizens who obey the law are the most vulnerable ?
雨漸耳 on Google

前站某幾位計程車司機很兇,連要張收據回公司報帳也說沒有?這不是基本的嗎? 後站還有偷跑的車輛在排班營業... 拜託撥空管理?感恩
Some taxi drivers at the front station were so fierce that they didn't even ask for a receipt to return to the company to report their accounts? Isn't this basic? There are also sneaking vehicles at the back station for business in shifts... Please take the time to manage ? Thanks
tony火鍋爸爸kuta包子哥 on Google

May I ask if there are no more patrols on Bo'ai Street now? Motorbikes in the market are parked randomly and the lines are not moving well. Could you please send them to make an order?
寬寬 on Google

方圓一公里違規車可達20台以上 找個停車格都一堆並排停車佔位的 恭喜立法委員增加你們出勤的工作量 有機會請直接槍斃立法委員為民除害
There are more than 20 illegal vehicles in a radius of one kilometer Find a parking lot with a pile of side-by-side parking spaces Congrats to the legislators for increasing the workload of your attendance If you have the opportunity, please directly shoot the legislator to kill the people
Po C on Google

有被我看到警車臨停紅線去超商買東西 然後民眾洽公態度建議不要那麼差 公家體系也是可以不爽不要做啦 後面還有很多人排隊
I saw the police car stop at the red line to go to the supermarket to buy something Then the public negotiated the public attitude and suggested not to be so bad The public system can also be unhappy and don't do it. There are many people in line behind
Lobular Leaf on Google

半夜12點,看清楚是半夜12點,肚子餓騎車去中山路麥當勞買吃,機車停在紅線內不訪礙交通,(重點路上一台車也沒有) 買外帶,點完餐就先出來外面等他餐點製作好才要進去拿,才進去1分鐘左右,機車馬上被投放一張違規停車,開完單子馬上就跑掉,這是什麽行為? 我知道違規停車就是不對,可是進去才一下,又是半夜,沒有勸導的空間嗎?
Benny J on Google

今日前去處理車禍事情 警用停車場入口也沒標示禁止一般民眾停放 在不知情的情況下開進去停放 剛巡邏回來的警員 一進所內就大聲詢問車輛是誰的 當民眾是天天到派出所洽公嗎? 貴所有設置洽公專用停放車位嗎? 何必要口氣那麼差的詢問 一個制服員警 就有這麼大的官威 希望你在抓通緝犯時 也能這麼強勢 不要連槍都不敢開!!!!
Go to the car accident today The entrance to the police parking lot is not marked to prohibit the general public from parking. unknowingly drove in and parked the police officer who just returned from patrol As soon as you enter the building, ask aloud who the vehicle is. When the people go to the police station every day to negotiate? Do you all set up private parking spaces for public use? Why bother asking a uniformed policeman in such a bad tone? With so much authority, I hope you're catching a wanted criminal You can be so strong, don't even dare to fire a gun! ! ! !

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