New technologies hairstyle

3.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact New technologies hairstyle

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No. 148號, Jiannan Rd, Nanzih District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 811

電話 : 📞 +8877
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城市 : Kaohsiung City

No. 148號, Jiannan Rd, Nanzih District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 811

A rough male designer, while cutting his head, complained that the salary of the new technology was bad. He felt like he was being slapped all the time when he washed his hair. The salary sucks and jumps.
594C蘇立翔 on Google

巨龍服務直接打給你巨雷的體驗 連推邊都能推不乾淨,要不要回去重學啊 瀏海剪的跟狗啃的一樣 洗頭也隨便搓兩下直接包浴巾 態度輕浮 技術拙劣好意思出來當設計師 自砸招牌的一間店
The dragon service directly calls you the experience of the giant thunder I can't even push the edges cleanly. Do you want to go back to study again? The bangs are cut like a dog's bite Wash your hair and rub it twice and wrap it directly in a bath towel frivolous attitude, poor technology A shop with a self-destruction sign
白宜蓁 on Google

因為趕時間 所以只做了一般洗? 原以為洗完 吹完頭髮就結束了,沒想到還幫我吹了微彎的造型綁馬尾(好好看)? 大推3號設計師 很細心的洗頭+吹頭髮 人美 技術也很好?
Because I was in a hurry, I only did general washing ? I thought it was over after washing and blowing my hair, but I didn't expect to help me blow a slightly curved shape and tie a ponytail (look good) ? Big push No. 3 designer very careful shampoo + blow hair People are beautiful and the technology is also very good ?
ORI I on Google

Come to Xiaoce to use hair, every time it is different ? The photo of the electric stick is also very good, it is worth recommending ? Look for the "0" number!
蔡孟潔 on Google

The chubby male designer with a big belly and a little less hair, I really want to admire him. When washing my hair, it was like washing my hair with life, trying to pinch my head. Another thing to praise him is his hair cutting skills. The cut is as bad as the cut of someone who has never studied hairdressing. I really think everyone should not go to that barber shop unless you want to have a bangs that can be bitten by a dog!
林妤馨 on Google

我去剪短以及修剪瀏海真的非常的滿意,我第一次嘗試肩膀以上的短髮 這位設計師大推設計師是6號的Bella(貝拉),真的非常的好看而且設計師本人親切也很貼心。不僅會參考顧客意見也會提出怎麼做也可以好看等等。大推6號設計師??
I went to cut short and trim the bangs. I was very satisfied. It was my first time trying short hair above the shoulders. Kind and caring. Not only will I refer to the opinions of customers, but I will also suggest how to make it look good and so on. Big push designer No. 6 ??
莊雁子 on Google

6/1晚上 連一顆星都不想給,我們是消費者,是去享受的,不是聽你們在哪裡吵架的? 然後洗頭吹頭髮,要擦乾(你要不要讓我扯看看),頭髮扯的那麼大力,不甘願就不要洗,再也不會到此店家消費,感覺真的很不好。
6/1 night Don't even want to give a star, we are consumers, we are there to enjoy, not to listen to where you are arguing ? Then I wash my hair, blow it dry, and dry it (do you want me to pull it?), the hair is pulled so hard, don't wash it if you don't want it, and I will never go to this store again for consumption, I feel really bad.
左撇子 on Google

洗頭洗到被忘記 熱敷都冷掉了 但整個頭髮還濕的我感覺要感冒 只能請隔壁洗頭的設計師去幫我找人 人回來只問了「你會冷噢?」 吹乾時我一開始只說吹乾就好 可能想補償剛才忘記我 設計師主動提出要幫我上電棒 圖片是上過電棒捲的樣子? 看我面色不佳 還在說「你知道我平常幫人上電棒要收多少嗎?至少要250欸」 阿不就真的很謝謝你大恩大德 一直強調這樣很自然 自然醒嗎?
I washed my hair and washed it until I was forgotten. But the whole hair is still wet, I feel like a cold I can only ask the designer next door to wash my hair to find someone for me When people came back, they only asked, "Will you be cold?" When I blow-dry, I just said blow-dry at first. May want to make up for forgetting me just now The designer offered to help me power up the stick The picture is the appearance of the electric stick roll ? Look at my face Still saying "Do you know how much I usually charge for helping people turn on the electric stick? At least 250?" No, thank you very much for your kindness Always emphasize that this is natural to wake up naturally?

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