坔埔山 - Niaosong District

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Contact 坔埔山

地址 :

Niaosong District, Kaohsiung City,Taiwan

網站 : https://niaosong.kcg.gov.tw/cp.aspx%3Fn%3DCC239C98A9EBBFBE
城市 : Kaohsiung City

Niaosong District, Kaohsiung City,Taiwan
謝福吉 on Google

走明天去運動【最起碼空气好芬多棈多 健康最重要 為了健康要強迫自己運動】早上9:31分左右(坔埔四面佛集合)運動健行排毒!(若有下雨則取消)OK ? 回賴OK ! 小山坡空气质量指数很好有芬多精水質也很好,散步運動流汗排毒的好地方
Going to exercise tomorrow [At the very least, the air is good, Fantasia is more important, health is the most important. For health, you must force yourself to exercise.) At about 9:31 in the morning (the collection of the four faces of the Buddha in Wupu), you will be detoxified! (Cancel if there is rain) OK? Thank you OK! The hillside air quality index is very good. The water quality of Fendo is also very good. It is a good place for sweating and detoxification.
趙嘉華 on Google

A good place to exercise, there are a lot of mosquitoes, don't go too late
Ben Chu on Google

比較類似山丘公園 很多卡拉ok店 路徑標示不是很清楚 問一下人不會迷路的 第一次不問真的會迷路
Similar to Hill Park, many karaoke shops, the path signs are not very clear, ask people not to get lost if you don't ask for the first time, you will really get lost
謝宜均 on Google

It is recommended that my daughter who does not often climb mountain climbs Jianshanling (the locals call it Kupu Mountain) & many places where you can sing karaoke is the biggest feature of this mountain?
海德 on Google

尖山嶺步道小檔案 高度:海拔101公尺 本次步程時間: 單程約45∼60分鐘 難度:★★(滿分5顆★) 圓照寺 圓照寺坐落於坔埔山山腳處,簡樸的外觀看似規模不大,踏入寺內沿著石梯拾階而上,景像從一樓莊嚴樸實的大雄寶殿,一躍而成花木扶疏、綠意盎然的二樓日式庭園景色,庭園中有著各式石雕擺設,頗富禪意。元宵時節,從入口、大殿到戶外的樹木,皆掛上一盞盞祈願燈籠,夜色低垂後可見璀燦燈影,十分美麗。 莊嚴的大雄寶殿前為因應元宵,掛上祈願紅燈籠,夜晚點燈後別有氣氛。 DATA 電話:(07)731-9698 地址:高雄市鳥松區地埔路4巷10號 時間:08:00~20:00開放 尖山嶺步道入口甚多,但較多人熟悉的還是聖恩堂後殿入口,以及四面佛登山入口為主。這次以四面佛登山入口為起點,民眾可將車停往圓照寺前的停車場,再沿著圓照寺一旁小徑續往四面佛方向前進,入口處有間卡拉OK,吸引不少附近居民及山友於此歡唱。 抵達入口處後,一開始還是平緩的柏油路,走約五分鐘後,路徑縮為一人可通過的寬度,坡度也越行陡峭,不過兩旁樹木錯落、草木叢生,一路走來還算愜意,加上階梯旁都有粗繩輔助,只要調整好氣息,還不至於太累。沿著陡坡石階而上約十分鐘,即可來到三好嶺。三好嶺是熱門的休憩點,此處有健康竹床,以及用竹子搭建的簡易健身處與卡拉OK,在此稍做休憩還可登高望遠,天氣晴朗時還可直接眺望高雄85大樓。 步道海拔雖不高,但仍有不少陡坡路線,夾帶碎石子的小徑走來也頗費腳力。 尖山嶺海拔不高但步道錯綜複雜,因此一路都可看到山友們製作詳細的步道地圖。 三好嶺為步道的交界休憩處,有特製的竹床可休憩、健身,亦有兩、三家卡拉O K供山友聚會、歡唱。 三好嶺是續往聖恩堂、小草嶺的中界點,往上走可抵達小草嶺、黃木相思林等處,另外也可直接往聖恩堂,完成繞步道一圈的行程。 往聖恩堂方向約五分鐘可抵一雅座,若不停歇,可從一旁石階下坡,續往前走約十多分鐘,原本草木交錯的景致轉為一大片竹林,別有蕭颯氛圍。過了竹林後,路面又轉為約一人可通過的路徑,路況都算平穩,三月陽光溫和加上沿途都是迎風山勢,一路走來快意十足。 越接近終點,景致也從山林美色轉為空曠的山稜線道,沿途草木、房舍交錯的景色,相當特別,最後再順著聖恩堂下坡路段回到停車處即可。 越接近終點處聖恩堂,路面轉為約可一人通過的小徑,雖有點高度,但平穩的路況,一路走來還算舒適。 步道的竹林高聳加上滿地枯黃竹葉,別有蕭颯之感。
Jianshanling Trail Small File Height: 101 meters above sea level This step time: One-way trip about 45∼60 minutes Difficulty: ★ ★ (out of 5 ★) Yuanzhao Temple The Yuanzhao Temple is located at the foot of the foothills of the Yupu Mountain. The simple exterior looks like a small scale. Stepping into the temple and picking up the stairs along the stone ladder, the scene is from the majestic and simple Daxiong Hall on the first floor, and it becomes a flower and trees. With a view of the Japanese garden on the second floor, there are various stone carvings in the garden, which is quite Zen. During the Lantern Festival, from the entrance, the main hall to the trees outside, a lantern lantern is hung up. After the night is low, the shadow of the lantern can be seen. It is very beautiful. In front of the majestic Daxiong Hall, in response to the Lantern Festival, hang a prayer red lantern, and there is no atmosphere after lighting at night. DATA Tel: (07) 731-9698 Address: No. 10, Lane 4, Dipu Road, Birdsong District, Kaohsiung City Time: Open from 08:00 to 20:00 There are many entrances to the Jianshanling Trail, but more people are familiar with the entrance of the ancestral hall of Sheng Entang and the entrance of the four-faced Buddha. This time, starting from the entrance of the four-faced Buddhist mountaineering, the public can park the car to the parking lot in front of the Yuanzhao Temple, and then follow the path along the Yuanzhao Temple to the direction of the four-faced Buddha. There is a karaoke at the entrance, attracting many nearby residents and mountains. Friends sang here. After arriving at the entrance, it was still a smooth asphalt road. After about five minutes, the path was reduced to the width that one person could pass, and the slope was steeper. However, the trees on both sides were scattered and grassy, ​​and it was quite pleasant along the way. There is a thick rope assist next to the ladder, as long as the breath is adjusted, it is not too tired. Approximately ten minutes along the steep stone steps, you can come to Sanhaoling. Sanhaoling is a popular resting place. There are healthy bamboo beds and simple fitness facilities and karaoke made of bamboo. You can also look up and relax while you are in the Kaohsiung 85 building. Although the elevation of the trail is not high, there are still many steep slope routes, and the path with gravel is also very laborious. Jianshanling is not high in altitude but the trails are intricate, so you can see the mountain guides making detailed trail maps all the way. Sanhaoling is the junction of the trails. There are special bamboo beds for rest and fitness. There are also two or three Karaokes for the mountain friends to gather and sing. Sanhaoling is the central point of the continuation of Sheng Entang and Xiao Cao Ling. You can go up to Xiao Cao Ling, Huang Mu Xiang Si Lin, etc. In addition, you can go directly to Sheng En Tang to complete a round trip. About five minutes in the direction of Sheng En Tang, you can reach a seat. If you don't stop, you can go downhill from the side of the stone steps and continue for about ten minutes. The original landscape of grass and trees turns into a large bamboo forest, and there is no Xiao Yu atmosphere. After the bamboo forest, the road surface turned into a path that can be passed by one person. The road conditions are stable. The sunny sunshine in March and the windy mountains along the way are all along the way. The closer to the end, the scenery has changed from the beautiful forest to the empty mountain ridge line. The scenery of the trees and houses along the way is quite special. Finally, we can go back to the parking section along the downhill section of Shengentang. The closer to the end of the Grace Hall, the road turned into a path that can be passed by one person, although a bit high, but the smooth road conditions, along the way is still comfortable. The bamboo forest on the trail is towering with the yellow bamboo leaves on the ground, and there is no sense of Xiao Yu.
伍吉發 on Google

Jain-lin lyu on Google

Likuo Hsieh on Google

Kuipu Mountain is located in Niaosong, Kaohsiung. It is easy to hike today. It is not far and there are not many people. But after going up, you can overlook Chai Mountain and Building 85. The view is really good. Another highlight is to see many carambola trees It was solid and tiring, and it fell all over the floor. The only disadvantage is that there are a lot of mosquitoes. If you don't apply the anti-mosquito liquid, you must be full of buds, so you can't stand itching. Remember, you must rub the anti-mosquito liquid, don't do charity, and feed mosquitoes with your body.

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