尼斯生活NiceLife-高雄店工作鞋|最潮鋼鐵鞋|安全鞋|防護鞋|鋼頭鞋|鋼鐵鞋|工程鞋|防滑鞋推薦專賣店,美津濃企業及福委會(福利)團購網指定合作及出貨門市 - Sanmin District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Nice Life 最潮鋼鐵鞋|工作鞋|安全鞋|防護鞋 - Nicelifereal.com

唯一一款上過電視的最潮『 刀鋒酷黑鋼鐵防滑鞋』鋼鐵工作鞋 / 鋼頭鞋! 團購工作鞋」優惠殺很大!沒在怕! 2021工作鞋推薦 Nice Life鋼鐵鞋 -【踩釘床 鐵鎚砸 嚨免驚|工作鞋 |鋼頭鞋 】防砸工作鞋、防刺穿工作鞋?你工作時最堅強的防護!現主時~限時優惠,輕鬆入手1260元+免運費!

About 尼斯生活NiceLife-高雄店工作鞋|最潮鋼鐵鞋|安全鞋|防護鞋|鋼頭鞋|鋼鐵鞋|工程鞋|防滑鞋推薦專賣店,美津濃企業及福委會(福利)團購網指定合作及出貨門市

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  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

{{item.quantity}}x NT$0 {{ item.unit_point }} 點

Contact 尼斯生活NiceLife-高雄店工作鞋|最潮鋼鐵鞋|安全鞋|防護鞋|鋼頭鞋|鋼鐵鞋|工程鞋|防滑鞋推薦專賣店,美津濃企業及福委會(福利)團購網指定合作及出貨門市

地址 :

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Yaoshan St, 64號尼斯生活NiceLife-高雄店工作鞋|最潮鋼鐵鞋|安全鞋|防護鞋|鋼頭鞋|鋼鐵鞋|工程鞋|防滑鞋推薦專賣店,美津濃企業及福委會(福利)團購網指定合作及出貨門市1樓

電話 : 📞 +887897
網站 : https://nicelife-real.com/
城市 : Yaoshan St

807, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District, Yaoshan St, 64號尼斯生活NiceLife-高雄店工作鞋|最潮鋼鐵鞋|安全鞋|防護鞋|鋼頭鞋|鋼鐵鞋|工程鞋|防滑鞋推薦專賣店,美津濃企業及福委會(福利)團購網指定合作及出貨門市1樓
Leo L on Google

因為工作需要所以找到這間店面,老闆真的非常專業用心,詢問了工作環境幫忙挑適合的鞋款,也很耐心回答!! 非常感謝老闆,價錢我也認為是很合理的
I found this store because of work needs. The boss is really professional and attentive. He asked about the working environment to help choose suitable shoes, and he answered patiently! ! Thank you very much, the price is very reasonable
Wilson Chang on Google

麻雀雖小五臟俱全的一家好店 假日建議一開門就來 下午兩點後人超級多
Although the sparrow is small, it is a good shop with all the internal organs. It is recommended to come as soon as the door opens on holidays. There are many people after 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
陳宗仁 on Google

買來隔天上腳穿一個禮拜的感受 整體舒適度很高 腳踝的保護也很厚實 對於跑案場的人非常適合!推薦一下店長的服務態度 真的超有耐心 會問完工作環境再推薦你適合的鞋子 在細細介紹功能性跟舒適度的差別 建議要買工作鞋的直接到門市挑選!!
I bought it and wore it on my feet for a week the next day. The overall comfort is very high. The ankle protection is also very thick. It is very suitable for people who run the case! Recommend the manager's service attitude is really super patient. I will introduce the difference between functionality and comfort in detail. It is recommended that those who want to buy work shoes go directly to the store to choose!!
Lori Huang on Google

挑了一雙適合男友的安全鞋,店長很耐心介紹,服務也不錯!會介紹朋友一起過來買 感恩喔!
陳小韓 on Google

本來以為是大間店面 比想像中的小,但環境乾淨整潔 款式很多 美女店長很熱心介紹、很專業?
Originally thought it was a large store. It is smaller than expected, but the environment is clean and tidy. There are many styles. The beautiful store manager is very enthusiastic and professional.
Lanni on Google

你們的鞋款越來越多了 第三年買你們家的鞋 現在北中南都有店面了 成長超快!!! 祝老闆生意興隆
Ho Chung Yao (RIVER) on Google

一雙鞋陪我上山下海凸全台灣 穿起來好看,超級輕量又有鋼頭防砸, 門市服務又超好,必須給五星好評
陳瑋瑋 on Google


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