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Contact 臺灣府城隍廟

地址 :

臺灣府城隍廟No. 133號, Qingnian Rd, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : http://www.twcitygod.org.tw/
城市 : Tainan City
Description : Prominent Taoist temple dedicated to the god of justice, featuring giant abacuses for judgement.

臺灣府城隍廟No. 133號, Qingnian Rd, West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan 700
曾恨水 on Google

若非看見奇蹟,人總是不願相信。 臺灣府城隍廟主祀 威靈公。臺灣最古老的城隍廟。 在現址初建於明正鄭永曆二十三年,西元1669年,曾多次修建;目前規模為清乾隆四十二年西元1777年所定......245年前就是這般優美隆重了....當時任知府蔣元樞捐奉重修,並立碑記事。 原有廣闊廟埕、戲臺,因西元1982年青年路的拓寬破壞其格居。 燕尾西施脊屋頂的廟宇,為標準的華南建築風格,內檐不做天花藻井,描金梁架除了五瓜三桶並有疊斗,內外有多件古物,比較新的是大門前那一對石獅(近似大天后宮的,對吧)日治時代捐奉,另外道光年時柱,乾隆年石棹等。
If you don't see the miracle, people always don't want to believe. Taiwan Fuji Temple main Hervering. Taiwan's oldest city temple. In the current site, it was built in the 23rd year of Ming Zheng, Zheng Yongshang, and the Xiyuan has been built in 1669; the current scale is the forty-two year of the Qing Emperor Qianlong. .... At that time, he was a re-repair, and a tall note. The original vast temple, the stage, because the widening of the Youth Road in the West Yuan destroyed it. The temple of Yanjuxi Siji Roof, for the standard South China architecture style, the inner ornamental algae, the golden beam rack except the pumpkin, there is a struck, there are many antiquities inside and outside, and the new thing is the front of the door. (Approximately the day old, right) donation, other light years, Qianlong Yixiao, etc.
SHEON on Google

臺灣府城隍廟,是奉祀臺灣府城隍威靈公的道教廟宇,位於中西區青年路,是國定古蹟,也是臺灣知名的城隍廟。1669年建廟於東安坊,當時稱為承天府城隍廟。此廟是臺灣最早的官建城隍廟,正殿掛有大算盤,是1937年由信徒陳江山所獻,上框刻有「臺南府城隍廟」六字,下框刻「丁丑年陳江山奉獻」,左右刻聯「善惡權由人自作,是非算定法難容」,這些字句,象徵城隍爺以算盤計算世人功過,有戒惡揚善的意味。 廟內還有府城三大名匾之一的「爾來了」,頗有勸世警惕意味。 地址 臺南市中西區青年路133號 分類 歷史古蹟、宗教廟宇、在地藝文 營業時間 星期日:06:00 – 21:00 星期一:06:00 – 21:00 星期二:06:00 – 21:00 星期三:06:00 – 21:00 星期四:06:00 – 21:00 星期五:06:00 – 21:00 星期六:06:00 – 21:00 門票資訊 免門票
The Taiwan City God Temple is a Taoist temple dedicated to Lord Wei Ling, the city god of Taiwan. It is located on Qingnian Road, Central and Western District. In 1669, the temple was built in Donganfang, and it was called Chengtianfu City God Temple at that time. This temple is the earliest official Chenghuang Temple in Taiwan. There is a big abacus hanging in the main hall. It was donated by the believer Chen Jiangshan in 1937. The left and right are engraved with "rights and evils are made by people themselves, right and wrong are difficult to accept". These words symbolize that the Lord of the City uses the abacus to calculate the merits and demerits of the world, which means to abstain from evil and promote good. There is also one of the three famous plaques in the city, "Er Lai", which is quite a warning to the world. Address No. 133, Qingnian Road, Central and Western District, Tainan City Category Historical monuments, religious temples, local arts and culture Business Hours Sunday: 06:00 – 21:00 Monday: 06:00 – 21:00 Tuesday: 06:00 – 21:00 Wednesday: 06:00 – 21:00 Thursday: 06:00 – 21:00 Friday: 06:00 – 21:00 Saturday: 06:00 – 21:00 Ticket Information Free Tickets
Yule Show on Google

[臺灣紀遊]臺南府城隍廟第廿三 1994年的春夏之交,某個不冷不熱的晚上,我與朋友們,一共七個人,坐在上海城隍廟大層的門檻上,後背貼着大木門,我們有兩瓶黃酒,好象是上海本地的和酒,七個人中有六個男生,七個人中有一個滴酒不沾,七個人中有五個當年就要大學畢業,前途未卜,七個人中只有一個人騎自行車,那輛車就停在大殿的臺階上。 那是我的自行車,那也是我青年的開始,只記得大家都喝得醺醺的,有人騎着我的車,書包架上還坐着一個,他們出去騎了一圈,後來灰溜溜地回來,說是碰到聯防隊的被罰了五元錢。 我很喜歡城隍廟,因為我喜歡讀《聊齋》,第一篇就是《考城隍》,所以我很早就對「城隍」這一職稱有了入門的知識,但是沒有感觀的認識。我們坐的那幢大殿,全上海人都知道那是城隍廟,但是94年的我們,沒人知道城隍老爺長什麼樣,因為裡面的神像和一切宗教用品早在1966年的8月,就被紅衛兵在麗水路停車場全都燒掉了。我們所坐的地方,原來城隍廟匾應該在的地方,是「豫園商城」四個字。 後來的事大家都知道了,城隍廟又變回了道觀,城隍秦裕伯又回來了,城隍霍光又回來了……什麼?上海有兩位城隍?算客氣的了,要是加上陳化成,上海曾經有三位城隍呢!衹是他們沒有三權分立,一起庇護着上海的萬千生靈。 我來到了臺南府城隍廟,又要來斷句了,到底是「臺南府」「城隍廟」呢?還是「臺南」「府城隍廟」呢?嚴格地說,應該是「臺南」「臺灣府」「城隍廟」。臺南,曾經是臺灣府的府城所在地,什麼概念呢?也就是說臺南曾經是臺灣的首都。後來呢,臺灣府的府城被搬到了臺北,被誰搬的呢?被我的高祖父邵友濂搬的。 臺灣府城隍廟,建於1669年,當時是承天府城隍廟,是臺灣最早的官建城隍廟,幾百年流傳至今,當中沒有做過商場,在清朝時,改名為「臺灣府城隍廟」。 臺灣府城隍廟供奉的是威靈公,與上海城隍有名有姓實有其人不同,臺灣府城隍沒有一個具體對應的人,威靈公是他的爵位,這是朱元璋登基後給全國的城隍封的,封京都金陵城隍為「福明靈王」,汴州、濠州、太平府、和州、滁州等府州「龍興之地」城隍亦封為正一品王爵,並加上「承天鑒國司民」的尊號。其餘城隍各賜爵位:府城隍封為「二品威靈公」、州城隍封為「三品靈祐侯」、縣城隍封為「四品顯祐伯」,並加上「鑒察司民」尊號;所以臺灣府的就是「威靈公」了。 如果你去到臺南的臺灣府城隍廟,你會笑的,因為這位王公的廟實在有點寒酸,那可比新建的上海城隍廟差多了。那就是在街上的一座小廟,沒有牌樓沒有山門,前殿(三川殿)直接建在路中央,與正殿間有拜亭連接,除亭的兩側狹窄的天井可以採光外,兩殿幾乎已成為一體。 三川殿(前殿)有一塊大匾,上書「爾來了」三字,與台南天壇的「一」字匾與竹溪寺的「了然世界」匾額合稱「臺南三大名匾」。在三川門楣的上方,有一隻很大的算盤,左右的對聯「善惡權由人自作,是非算定法難容」,象徵城隍公以算盤計算世人的功過,有懲惡揚善之意。其實他們還有一隻長達3.6米的大算盤,是「出會(出巡)」是用的。 別看廟小,供奉的神祇却不少,第一進的三川殿,有兩對七爺八爺(黑白無常)和一對甘爺柳爺,其中有一對黑白無常比人還高,很是可怖。 主殿正中有城隍爺威靈公,座前左右文判官、武判官,兩側是二十四司,分別是提刑司、保安司、陰陽司、考功司、感應司、速報司、巡政司、督糧司、註福司、儀禮司、賞善司、稽查司、地獄司、驅疫司、掌案司、察過司、良愿司、功曹司、文書司、學政司、註壽司、典籍司、罰惡司、檢簿司,據說每到考期,學子們都會來拜「考功司」「學政司」以祈好成績,說是會有大量的復印准考證供在兩位的案前——其是「考功司」是不管「考試功力」的,那是管「考核(官吏)功過」的,真正是拜錯了。 第三殿正中是觀音佛祖、上手城隍老爺與城隍奶奶,下手臨水夫人、註生娘娘、天上聖母。兩側則是十八羅漢,這裡的十八羅漢與常見的不儘相同,除了有同樣的「降龍」「伏虎」「長眉」「布袋」「達摩(過江)」「進獅(笑獅)」「開心(喜慶)」「淨耳(挖耳)」之外,其他都是平時並不常見的,象是「慈姿尊者、目蓮尊者、誌公尊者、不求尊者、觀經尊者、老僧尊者、飛鈸尊者、如恩尊者、大覺尊者」,甚至還有一位穿龍袍的「梁武帝尊者」。 此外,還有兩個單間的小殿,東邊是地藏王菩薩,右邊是福德正神(土地公)。你看,廟雖小,眾神齊全,一次拜個夠,方便又合算。 府城隍廟的建築也很有趣,除了屋頂的福祿壽三星、托塔天王十李靖、二郎神楊戩外,還有屋檐下的八仙,都是雕工精美值得一看的。有趣的是,有一對頂着屋檐的塑像,一看就不是中國人,叫做「憨番扛廟角」,足發一笑。 廟雖小,却值得好好玩玩,若是文物室開放,又有許多好東西,裡面還有原來二十四司的紙官帽,做得相當精緻,現在算是文物了,衹能放在展櫃中陳列了。 臺南還有自己的城隍廟——全臺首邑縣城隍廟,往西北步行1.3公里即至,但那是1980重新翻造的,我就興趣缺缺了。
[Taiwan Chronicle] Tainan City God Temple No. 23 At the turn of the spring and summer of 1994, on a lukewarm evening, my friends and I, a total of seven people, sat on the threshold of the main floor of the Shanghai City God Temple, with a large wooden door behind us. We had two bottles of rice wine, which seemed to be There are local Japanese wines in Shanghai. Six of the seven are boys, one of the seven is not drinking, and five of the seven are graduating from college that year. The future is uncertain. Only one of the seven rides a bicycle. Stop on the steps of the main hall. That was my bike, that was the beginning of my youth, I just remember that everyone was drunk, someone was riding my bike, there was one sitting on the bag rack, they went out for a ride, and then came back in despair , said that he was fined 5 yuan for encountering the joint defense team. I like Chenghuang Temple very much, because I like to read "Liao Zhai", the first one is "Kao Chenghuang", so I have a very early knowledge of the title of "Chenghuang", but I don't have a sensory understanding. The hall where we were sitting, all the people in Shanghai knew that it was the Chenghuang Temple, but in 1994, no one knew what the Lord Chenghuang looked like, because the statues and all the religious objects in it were taken by the Red Guards as early as August 1966. The parking lot on Lishui Road was all burned down. The place where we were sitting, where the plaque of the Temple of the City God should have been, had the words "Yuyuan Shopping Mall". Everyone knows what happened after that. The City God Temple has changed back to a Taoist temple, the City God Qin Yubo is back, and the City God Huo Guang is back... What? There are two city gods in Shanghai? To be polite, if you add Chen Huacheng, there used to be three city gods in Shanghai! It's just that they do not have the separation of powers, and together they shelter thousands of souls in Shanghai. I came to the City God Temple in Tainan Prefecture, and I want to break the sentence again. What is "Tainan Prefecture" and "City God Temple"? Or "Tainan" and "Fucheng God Temple"? Strictly speaking, it should be "Tainan", "Taiwan House" and "Chenghuang Temple". Tainan, which used to be the seat of the prefectural city of Taiwan, what is the concept? In other words, Tainan used to be the capital of Taiwan. Later, the prefectural city of Taiwan was moved to Taipei. Who moved it? It was moved by my great grandfather, Shao Youlian. Taiwan Fu Chenghuang Temple, built in 1669, was Chengtianfu Chenghuang Temple at that time. It was the earliest officially built Chenghuang Temple in Taiwan. It has been handed down for hundreds of years and has never been used for shopping malls. During the Qing Dynasty, it was renamed "Taiwan Fu Chenghuang Temple". Taiwan Fucheng God Temple is dedicated to Lord Wei Ling. Unlike Shanghai City God, who has a name and a surname, there is no specific corresponding person in Taiwan Fu City God. Lord Wei Ling is his title. The city god of Jinling in the capital was named "Fu Ming Lingwang", and the "Land of Longxing" in Bianzhou, Haozhou, Taiping, Hezhou, Chuzhou and other prefectures were also named Zhengyi Wangjue, with the addition of "Inheritance". The honorary title of Tianjian Guosimin". The rest of the city gods are conferred titles: Fu Chenghuang is titled "Second-Rank Wei Ling Gong", State City God is titled "Three-Rank Lingyou Marquis", County City God is titled "Fourth-Rank Xianyoubo", and "Jiancha Simin" is added. Honorable title; so the Taiwanese government is "Willing Gong". If you go to the Taiwan Palace City God Temple in Tainan, you will laugh, because this maharaja's temple is a bit shabby, and it is much worse than the newly built Shanghai City God Temple. That is a small temple on the street. There is no archway and no mountain gate. The front hall (Sanchuan Hall) is built directly in the middle of the road and is connected with the main hall by a worship pavilion. Except for the narrow patios on both sides of the pavilion, the two halls are almost has become one. There is a large plaque in the Sanchuan Hall (front hall) with the three characters "Er Lai" written on it. Together with the plaque with the word "One" in the Temple of Heaven in Tainan and the plaque "Knowing the World" in the Zhuxi Temple, they are collectively called the "Three Famous Plaques in Tainan". Above the lintel of Sanchuan Gate, there is a large abacus. The couplet on the left and right reads "right and wrong are made by oneself, right and wrong cannot be tolerated", which symbolizes that Duke Chenghuang uses the abacus to calculate the merits and demerits of the world, with the intention of punishing evil and promoting good. In fact, they also have a large abacus with a length of 3.6 meters, which is used for "going out to meetings (tours)". Despite the small size of the temple, there are quite a few deities worshiped. The first Sanchuan Temple to enter, there are two pairs of Seven Lords and Eight Lords (Black and White Impermanence) and a pair of Gan Lord Liu Lord. Among them, there is a pair of Black and White Impermanence that is taller than people. Terrible. In the center of the main hall is the City God Lord Wei Ling. In front of the seat are the civil judges and the military judges. There are twenty-four divisions on both sides, namely, the Division of Punishment, the Division of Security, the Division of Yin and Yang, the Division of Examination, the Division of Induction, the Division of Express Report, and the Division of Procuratorial Affairs. , Superintendent of Grain Division, Division of Note Fu, Division of Rites, Division of Rewards, Division of Inspection, Division of Hell, Division of Epidemic Prevention, Division of Cases, Division of Inspections, Division of Good Wishes, Division of Gong Cao, Division of Documents, Division of Education and Administration, Division of Sushi, Division of Classics , Department of Punishment, Department of Prosecution, it is said that every time the exam period comes, students will come to pray for good grades by the "Department of Examinations" and "Department of Education and Administration". The fact is that the "Kongsong Division" does not care about "examination skills", but it is concerned with "assessing (officials) merits and demerits", which is really a mistake. In the center of the third hall are Guanyin Buddha, Master Chenghuang and Grandma Chenghuang, and Mrs. Linshui, Empress Zhusheng, and Our Lady of Heaven. On both sides are the 18 Arhats. The 18 Arhats here are not the same as the common ones, except that they have the same "Subduing Dragon", "Fuhu Tiger", "Long Eyebrows", "Cloth Bag", "Bodhidharma (Crossing the River)" and "Into the Lion (Laughing Lion)". Apart from "Happy (Joyful)" and "Clear Ears (Pictured Ears)", the others are usually uncommon, such as "The Venerable Cizi, the Venerable Mulian, the Venerable Zhigong, the One Who Does Not Seek the Venerable, the One Who Viewed Venerable Jing, Venerable Lao Seng, Venerable Flying Cymbals, Venerable Ruen, Venerable Dajue", and even a Venerable Emperor Liangwu in a dragon robe. In addition, there are two small halls with single rooms, on the east is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and on the right is Fude Zhengshen (Tui Gong). You see, although the temple is small, the gods are complete, and one worship is enough, which is convenient and cost-effective. The architecture of Fuchenghuang Temple is also very interesting. In addition to the three stars of Fortune, Lushou and Shou on the roof, Li Jing, the king of the tower, and Yang Jian, the god of Erlang, there are also the Eight Immortals under the eaves, all of which are exquisitely carved and worth seeing. Interestingly, there is a pair of statues with eaves, which are not Chinese at first glance, and are called "Hanfan Carrying Temple Corners", which makes them smile. Although the temple is small, it is worth playing. If the cultural relics room is open, there will be many good things. There are also paper official hats of the original twenty-four divisions, which are quite exquisite. displayed. Tainan also has its own Chenghuang Temple, the Chenghuang Temple in Shouyi County, Taiwan, which is just a 1.3-kilometer walk to the northwest, but it was rebuilt in 1980, so I am not interested.
Jason Yeh on Google

城隍爺神恩浩蕩,百千年護國佑民、懲奸除惡、香火鼎盛 【居心正直見我不拜何妨】 【作事奸邪盡汝燒香無益】 臺灣府城隍廟-建於明 永曆二十三年(西元1669年)
City God Lord God's grace is mighty, protecting the country and the people for thousands of years, punishing traitors and eliminating evil, and prospering incense [Why don’t you see me with integrity] [It’s useless to burn incense if you are treacherous] Taiwan City God Temple-Built in the 23rd year of the Ming Dynasty (1669 AD)
食嗑美食養成記 on Google

今日來到「臺灣府城隍廟」拜拜。該廟於明鄭永曆二十三年(1669年)建立於東安坊,當時稱為承天府廟,是全台灣最早的官建城隍爺廟。正殿掛有“大算盤”是1937年由信徒陳江山所敬獻,下框刻「丁丑年陳江山奉獻」,左右刻聯「善惡權由人自作,是非算定法難容」,這些字句,象徵城隍爺以算盤計算世人功過、戒惡揚善的意味。 走進廟宇,在三川殿的正中央上方掛匾「爾來了」,其意“你來了”,不在向你問候寒暄;語意猶如法官開口問案前的驗明正身。「爾來了」基於它獨有警惕意涵,使得躋身府城三大名匾。實令人印象最深刻乃木刻對聯莫過於「居心正直見我不拜何妨,作事奸邪盡汝燒香無益」。 今日前來向城隍爺叩謝,感恩城隍爺牽引品德端正租客承租信徒位於黃金Location的店面(租客親口告知),由衷感恩城隍爺幫忙牽線,發自內心向城隍爺懇求助力租客,助他們事業一帆風順,儘快上軌道,得好貴人好人際關係助益,生意興隆,財源豐滿。默念祈求後,擲筊請示得到聖杯,感恩城隍爺聖恩允諾。
Today, I came to the "Taiwan City God Temple" to worship. The temple was established in Donganfang in the 23rd year of Zheng Yongli in the Ming Dynasty (1669). There is a "big abacus" on the main hall, which was dedicated by the believer Chen Jiangshan in 1937. The lower frame is engraved with "Ding Chou Year Chen Jiangshan Dedication", and the left and right are engraved with "good and evil powers are made by oneself, right and wrong are difficult to accept". These words symbolize The Lord of the City God uses abacus to calculate the merits and demerits of the world, abstain from evil and promote goodness. Entering the temple, there is a plaque above the center of Sanchuan Hall, which means "you are here", not to greet you; Based on its unique vigilant connotation, "I'm here" makes it one of the three famous plaques in the city. In fact, the most impressive woodcut couplet is "It's no harm to see me not worshiping me with an honest heart, it's useless to burn incense while doing evil things." I came today to express my thanks to the City God, and thank the City God for leading the good-quality tenants to rent the storefront of the believers in the golden Location (the tenant personally informed me). I sincerely thank the City God for helping the connection, and sincerely ask the City God to help the tenants and help their careers. It will be smooth sailing, get on the track as soon as possible, get the help of good people and interpersonal relationships, business is booming, and financial resources are abundant. After meditating and praying, he asked for instructions to get the Holy Grail, and thanked the City God for his promise.
R H on Google

Very old temple, historic significance.
Jesse Fletcher on Google

This is the temple to the city god of Tainan. Absolutely worth your time and attention. The place has a sense of respect, this would be a good first stop for a traveler. Definitely check out the fresh vegetarian temple food next door: cheap, fresh, friendly, and could not be more relaxed. I love Tainan for the temple culture they have, and this was my first temple of the city. As it is the city god of Tainan, it seemed appropriate :)
Chihong Wang on Google

Not Buddhist nor Taoist, this is the translation of human bureaucratic system in the other world so definitely worth visiting

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