喜盧法國麵包 豐東店

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 喜盧法國麵包 豐東店

地址 :

喜盧法國麵包 豐東店 號, No. 159, Fengdong Rd, Fengyuan District, Taichung City, Taiwan 420

電話 : 📞 +88978
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/cheznous1964/
城市 : 北區 Taichung City

喜盧法國麵包 豐東店 號, No. 159, Fengdong Rd, Fengyuan District, Taichung City, Taiwan 420

偶然發現的法國麵包店~~~買的一條起士長棍,到門口忍不住就拿出來吃,歐~~~~~~~~~實在太脆太香了!!!! 今年吃到最好吃的麵包!
I stumbled upon a French bakery~~~ I bought a long cheese stick, and I couldn’t help but take it out at the door. Oh~~~~~~~~~ It’s too crispy and fragrant!!!! I ate the best this year Delicious bread!
Syuan L on Google

The family loves to eat this bread. I think their toast is delicious.
張藍鯨 on Google

多樣好吃有嚼勁的法式麵包總店週一至週六早上9:00出爐現烘培的新鮮麵包 在全豐東店隔壁
Variety, delicious and chewy French bakery head office. Freshly baked fresh bread from Monday to Saturday at 9:00 am. Next door to Quanfeng East Store.
張明明 on Google

真的很好吃! 麵包都很有嚼勁,用料也好! 波羅麵包稍微可惜,上面很會掉跟麵包配不起來XD 但是單吃都很好吃!
really tasty! The bread is chewy and the ingredients are good! Poro bread is a pity, the top will fall off and it won’t match the bread XD But it's delicious on its own!
Samson on Google

最愛潘妮東妮,不過只有星期五才出爐 其他的麵包也都很好吃,屬於很實在耐吃的麵包 店內以軟法口感的麵包為主,用料也很札實
I love Penny Toni the most, but only on Friday Other breads are also delicious, they are very tasty breads The shop mainly uses soft-flavored bread, and the ingredients are also very solid
yenju on Google

The bread is delicious, I went to find Scone today! The aroma and taste of Earl Walnut Scotch are so good~
MAGGIE HSU on Google

French pesto, Tang Xinzi, taro cheese bread, these three are all must-buy every time, real materials, other styles of bread are also very good.
許願星 on Google

Mentaiko France gave it super sincerity, and the egg salad castle is very attractive. The sesame mochi and red bean mochi bread are delicious as a whole.

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