
4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 大和屋飲食店

地址 :

大和屋飲食店 No. 172号, Datong Rd, East District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300

電話 : 📞 +8899978
網站 : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.facebook.com/karyiyamatoya/%3Flocale2%3Dzh_TW&ved=2ahUKEwj72MacgfTgAhWDHqYKHW5eAzkQjjgwBnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1sAo3wbW9Lk45hvZ2Ev1BG
城市 : Hsinchu City

大和屋飲食店 No. 172号, Datong Rd, East District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan 300
黃榮祥 on Google

I really like the meals of the Mita Group. The prices are reasonable and there are discount coupons at regular intervals. The most important thing is that they are very delicious. I especially recommend Okawaya.
Chun-Chieh Huang on Google

大概是目前為止,在新竹吃過最滿意的炸漢堡排 --- 炸牛排: 應該是用翼板或板腱的部分,中間有條明顯的筋,可能因為有筋的關係,一定要炸到全熟,外皮很酥脆,有一半肉蠻濃郁的,有一半味道不明顯,沒特別驚艷,不過相比台灣勝牛,想吃炸牛排,我覺得可以來這裡吃,cp值比較高。如果有提供其他部位的話感覺值得一試。
Probably the most satisfying fried burger steak I have eaten in Hsinchu so far --- Deep-fried steak: It should be part of wing plate or tendon, with obvious ribs in the middle, probably because of the ribs, it must be fried until fully cooked, the skin is very crisp, half of the meat is quite rich, half of the taste is not Obviously, it is not particularly stunning, but compared to Taiwan's Sheng Niu, who wants to eat fried steak, I think it can be eaten here, and the cp value is relatively high. If you provide other parts, it feels worth a try.
Lemonkey Chang on Google

點了漢堡排跟炸雞塊套餐 炸雞塊不會硬,咬下去是鮮嫩雞肉混著炸皮的酥脆口感,超級推!咖喱是有點微微辣的日式口味,更厲害的是米飯粒粒分明,雖然已經吃的很飽還是想再多吃幾口XDD
Ordered hamburger steak and chicken nuggets set The fried chicken pieces will not be hard, and the crispy texture of the tender chicken mixed with the fried skin will be super pushing! Curry is a slightly spicy Japanese taste. What's more, the rice grains are distinct. Even though I'm full, I still want to eat more XDD
Jim on Google

咖喱ok但炸物也太焦黑 吃到還苦苦的…
The curry is ok but the fry is too brown It's still hard to eat...
YU JEN KUO on Google

炸到焦黑 吃起來也有焦苦味 ?_? 好生氣喔?????
Fried until it is burnt and it tastes bitter? _? So angry?????
Huang Shiang Wang on Google

The best curry rice in Hsinchu City (no one)! I used to eat at the X Pavilion. In recent years, I found that it has become very difficult to eat. I accidentally found this small shop. During the epidemic, it can only be taken out, but it is still delicious to take home! Highly recommended!
吳展豪(Superstar Q) on Google

咖哩飯不錯,但炸物不太行,雞塊黑黑況且吃起來苦,我不清楚那是不小心炸焦還是蓄意炸焦,還是那很多黑色不知道是什麼作料,但這樣子我寧願買7-11的咖哩飯⋯我有看到有留言說雞塊炸焦,適度的焦帶出bra bra bra …我只想說,焦掉那是致癌物
The curry rice is good, but the fried food is not very good, the chicken nuggets are dark and bitter, I don't know if it is accidentally fried or deliberately fried, or it is a lot of black and I don't know what the seasoning is, but this way I would rather buy 7 -11's curry rice...I have seen a message that the chicken pieces are fried and burnt, and moderate burnt brings out bra bra bra...I just want to say that burnt off is a carcinogen
j zy on Google

2022.03.04 相當令人驚豔的一家店,隱身在小巷子裡,沒特別留意一下就會錯過,我也是偶然才注意到有一家日式料理店,目前還是沒開放內用 我點了250元的炸雞塊咖哩飯,另外還有附味增湯和高麗菜絲,炸雞第一口吃下去真的令人意外,儘管因為外帶悶了一段時間,但外皮還是保有一定酥的口感,雞肉非常多汁而且軟嫩,調味也是恰到好處,炸物真的是表現非常優秀,單賣炸物我也願意買單,咖哩飯原本以為會是有稍微辛辣的口味,結果相當的溫和一點也不辣,但可以吃到咖哩醬帶有很多辛香料的口味,飯的表現也是一大亮點,粒粒分明而且外帶也不會悶的軟爛,配菜跟湯則是正常表現,聽說以前內用還可以免費加醬跟飯,希望可以早日開放內用,老闆跟老闆娘都很客氣 另外要平反一下某樓說的炸雞有焦味這件事,我覺得那是店家本來的設定就是這樣,適度的焦香帶有些點苦味反而可以讓炸雞的味道更突出而且比較不會膩,我自己是很喜歡這樣一點點焦的炸雞,真正失敗的焦會讓炸雞味道整個不對
2022.03.04 Quite an amazing shop, hidden in a small alley, if you don't pay special attention, you will miss it. I also noticed a Japanese restaurant by accident, which is still not open for internal use. I ordered the fried chicken nuggets curry rice for 250 yuan, with miso soup and shredded cabbage. The first bite of the fried chicken was really surprising. Although it was stuffy for a while because of the take-out, the outer skin still remained. The crispy texture, the chicken is very juicy and tender, and the seasoning is just right. The fried food is really excellent. I am willing to pay for the fried food alone. I thought the curry rice would have a slightly spicy taste, but it turned out to be quite mild. It's not spicy at all, but you can taste the curry sauce with a lot of spice flavors. The performance of the rice is also a highlight. The grains are distinct and the take-out will not be stuffy and soft. The side dishes and soup are normal performance, listen. Said that before the internal use can also add sauce and rice for free, I hope it can be opened for internal use as soon as possible, the boss and the boss are very polite In addition, I want to rehabilitate the fact that a certain building said that fried chicken has a burnt taste. I think that is the original setting of the store. A moderate burnt aroma with a little bitterness can make the taste of fried chicken more prominent and less greasy. , I myself like this kind of fried chicken with a little burnt, the really failed burnt will make the fried chicken taste totally wrong

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