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Contact 天喜產後護理之家

地址 :

No. 22號, Bo'ai Rd, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 330

電話 : 📞 +88788
網站 : https://sky-love.com.tw/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10AM–8:30PM
Thursday 10AM–8:30PM
Friday 10AM–8:30PM
Saturday 11:30AM–8:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–8:30PM
Monday 10AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–8:30PM
城市 : Taoyuan City

No. 22號, Bo'ai Rd, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 330
Klay Huang on Google

1. 訂了VIP房,因太太比預產期提前生產,當時電話詢問有無房間,得到答覆沒問題。到了入住當天才告知只有最小坪數的房,且沒有其他空房。雖然提前生產大家都沒辦法,但未先告知無原本房間感覺很不好。告知考慮退房,才喬到一周後換稍大一點的房型。比較扯的是,還要住到簽約日的"隔天"才能換到我們原本訂的VIP房,原因是前一位還沒退房,甚麼邏輯? 契約期間的房間都應該保留不是嗎? 入住時有看它其他媽媽被帶上樓進房才被被告知是預備房沒有原本訂的房型,看起來我們不是特例。 2. 前面看到有人說每間都有對外窗,這邊補充一下,我們住了三間房,除了VIP對外窗有夠大,其他兩間對外窗在廁所幾乎無採光可言,隔音不怎樣,供參考。 3. 當初標榜簽約送奇哥0-4歲汽座,簽約上面無標註奇哥,後來拿到的是納尼亞。這部分我失誤當時簽約沒有注意,兩家汽座的價格和評價大家可以自行查詢。 4. 寶寶照顧OK,護理人員親切。有遇到紅屁股狀況但應該算是普遍容易遇到。 給考慮的人建議: 1. 須有心理準備住不到原本的房型,因為本來就很難剛好是預產期生產。除非你原本訂的就是最小房,那就沒差。看起來這間都是卡的很滿。 2. 簽約內容要看清楚,權益寫清楚,我因為這次經驗深深體驗到此重要性。
1. I booked a VIP room. Because my wife gave birth earlier than the expected date, I called to ask if there was a room, and it was no problem to get an answer. On the day of check-in, it was only informed that there were only rooms with the minimum number of squares, and there were no other vacancies. Although there is no way for everyone to produce in advance, it feels very bad without first telling the original room. Informed to consider checking out, only to change to a slightly larger room type a week later. What's more ridiculous is that we have to stay until the "next day" of the contract date before we can change to the VIP room we originally booked. The reason is that the previous person has not checked out. What is the logic? The room during the contract period should be reserved, right? Check in I have seen it from time to time when other mothers were brought upstairs into the room only to be told that the preparatory room did not have the originally booked room type. It seems that we are not a special case. 2. I saw someone say that each room has external windows. Let me add that we lived in three rooms. Except for the VIP, the external windows are large enough. The other two external windows have almost no lighting in the toilet, and the sound insulation is not good. for reference. 3. At the beginning, it was advertised to sign a contract to give Chigo a 0-4 year old car seat. There was no sign of Chigo on the contract. Later, it was Narnia. I made a mistake in this part and didn't pay attention to it when I signed the contract. You can check the prices and evaluations of the two steam seats by yourself. 4. Baby care is OK, nurses are kind. There are cases of red buttocks, but it should be generally easy to encounter. Advice for those considering: 1. You must be mentally prepared that you will not be able to live in the original room type, because it is difficult to give birth at the expected date. Unless you originally booked the smallest room, that's fine. It looks like this room is full. 2. The content of the contract should be clearly defined, and the rights and interests should be clearly written. I have deeply experienced this importance because of this experience.
張阿秉 on Google

The service is good, the health education is sufficient, and the soup of the confinement meal is super delicious. Moms can bring themselves and their babies here with confidence and get enough knowledge and rest!
張菀菁 on Google

陳尚華 on Google

隱身在鬧區桃園大廟後的月子中心,安靜安全舒適讓剛生產完的我可以好好休息。 而且館內今年因疫情影響,基本上訪客都無法入內,入內也都需要經過重重關卡,但因為嚴格,所以讓我跟寶寶都備受保護的感受,很支持天喜的做法,畢竟是非常時期,還是希望嚴謹一點比較好(天喜這點做的很棒)。 在入住期間房內設施,基本上是應有盡有,不過WIFI速度有時候忽快忽慢,但反應過後,當天工務人員有就立即性的幫助,在服務滿意度上面,真的讓我備感貼心,真的願意設身處地為媽咪們著想。 月子餐的部分是館內五星級廚師烹煮的,口味真的有讓我感受到驚喜,撇除其他家外面賣的月子餐相比,真的有讓我感受到廚師的用心每餐都不一樣,且鹹度非常適中,也不會因為長期吃館內月子餐而感到任何的膩感,就連我老公吃了,都覺得菜色非常精細跟講究,每日菜色真的都超多樣化的變化,連個人有些小挑食,告訴專人,都能有人為自己細心把關,真的超級貼心的,非常符合我這挑嘴媽媽的胃口。
Hidden in the confinement center behind the Taoyuan Temple in the downtown area, it is quiet, safe and comfortable so that I can have a good rest after giving birth. Moreover, due to the impact of the epidemic this year in the museum, visitors are basically not allowed to enter, and entry has to go through numerous barriers. However, because of the strict rules, it makes me and my baby feel protected. It supports Tianxi’s approach. After all, In extraordinary times, I still hope that it is better to be more rigorous (Tianxi did a great job at this point). During my stay, there are basically everything in the room, but the WIFI speed sometimes fluctuates quickly and slowly, but after the reaction, the staff immediately helped me on the day of the response. In terms of service satisfaction, it really made me feel considerate. I really want to put myself in my mind for moms. The part of the confinement meal is cooked by the five-star chef in the museum. The taste really surprises me. Compared with other confinement meals sold outside, it really makes me feel the chef’s dedication. The meals are different, and the saltiness is very moderate, and I will not feel any greasy feeling from eating confinement meals in the museum for a long time. Even my husband ate them, and felt that the dishes were very delicate and exquisite, and the dishes were really different every day. The ultra-diversified changes, even if the individual is a bit picky, tell someone that someone can carefully check for themselves, really super caring, very in line with the appetite of my picky mother.
許晏昀 on Google

天喜的超適合第一胎的媽媽,除了不斷鼓勵媽媽外,還提供專業的知識,月子餐好吃,防疫做得一級棒? 值得信任的張天姿主任,在入住時給予身體的評估、幫助解決石頭奶和提供育兒建議,雖然疫情暫停醫師巡診,但主任透過電話和醫師討論,即時處理我的不適!在天喜就能得到良好的醫療支持,很佩服她的專業和敬業又很幽默❤️謝謝您 熱情活力的林怡芳護理師,寶寶入住時做詳細檢查,注意每一個小細節!不是敷衍抄一抄原醫院提供的資料,逐一解釋清楚每一項身體狀況,真的是手把手教新手爸媽?謝謝您 貼心櫃檯人員晴如,有一次外出後,術後傷口疼痛,晴如在第一時間發現,並且主動關心,還主動協調讓送餐服務,讓人覺得窩心,謝謝您 還有一位有耐心的護理師,我家寶寶只願意吸左邊的母奶,她在房間裡花了很長時間慢慢調整角度,讓寶寶願意接受右邊,最後還睡著了!讓我很從容自在的餵母乳,謝謝您 打掃的彭大姐很有活力,非常有禮貌,做事情快速又有效率,謝謝她每天給我乾淨的房間 產後不只需要神隊友,需要月子中心的專業人員,身心靈都舒服了!
Tianxi's is super suitable for first-born mothers. In addition to constantly encouraging mothers, it also provides professional knowledge, confinement meals are delicious, and epidemic prevention is excellent? The trustworthy Director Zhang Tianzi gave physical assessments, helped resolve stone milk, and provided parenting advice during check-in. Although the epidemic suspends doctor visits, the director discussed with the doctor over the phone and dealt with my discomfort immediately! You can get good medical support in Tianxi, I admire her professionalism, dedication and humor ❤️ Thank you The enthusiastic and energetic nurse Lin Yifang, when the baby is checked in, pays attention to every little detail! It is not a perfunctory copy of the information provided by the original hospital, and explain each physical condition one by one. It is really a hands-on teaching for novice parents? Thank you Qingru, the caring counter staff, once went out and had postoperative wound pain. Qingru noticed it at the first time, and took the initiative to care about it. She also took the initiative to coordinate the delivery service, which made people feel at ease, thank you There is also a patient nurse. My baby is only willing to suck the breast milk on the left side. She spent a long time in the room slowly adjusting the angle, so that the baby is willing to accept the right side, and finally fell asleep! Let me breastfeed at ease, thank you Sister Peng who cleans is very energetic, very polite, fast and efficient in doing things, thank you for giving me a clean room every day After giving birth, not only God teammates are needed, but also professionals from the Confinement Center are needed, so that both body and mind are comfortable!
游文玲 on Google

Thank you Tianxi for letting my baby be taken care of by professional nursing staff. It is very reassuring, and it also allows me to rest and recuperate. Professional nursing has given me a lot of assistance and invaluable experience. The counter service staff and housekeeping sisters are very kind! Thanks for having you ?
李心慈 on Google

There are delicious confinement meals here, and the attentive nurses take care of the baby, and they are also very concerned about the physical and mental condition of the mother. It is a confinement center with high CP value.
jeh le on Google

很高興這次入住了天喜產後護理之家~ 從入住的第一天起即感受到天喜處處對於媽咪與寶寶的體貼與用心。 從櫃檯服務人員每日的親切接待到護理人員的專業與細心照顧,讓老婆在入住的期間內得到了充分的休息與許多的育兒知識體驗。 還有就是中心內提供的月子餐點相當豐富又好吃,絕對能滿足媽咪月子期間的營養所需 每日館內及房間的清潔消毒工作非常確實一點都不馬虎,進出管制非常確實,在疫情期間住在這裡也安心許多~
I am very happy to stay at Tianxi Postpartum Care Home this time~ From the first day of check-in, I felt the thoughtfulness and attentiveness of Tianxi for mommy and baby everywhere. From the daily cordial reception of the counter staff to the professional and careful care of the nursing staff, the wife got a full rest and a lot of childcare knowledge experience during her stay. In addition, the confinement meals provided in the center are quite rich and delicious, which can definitely meet the nutritional needs of Mommy during the confinement period. The daily cleaning and disinfection work in the museum and rooms is very sure and not sloppy at all. The entry and exit control is very accurate. Living here during the epidemic is also very reassuring~

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