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Contact 佛光山旗山禪淨中心

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No. 241號, Zhongzheng Rd, Qishan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 842

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城市 : Kaohsiung City

No. 241號, Zhongzheng Rd, Qishan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 842
Po Tai on Google

是一個小而美的可以精進共修的道場 在山坡旁邊 空氣及風景非常的好!四樓的大雄寶殿 還在裝潢之中 相信整修好了之後 一定是莊嚴的道場!
It's a small but beautiful dojo where you can work hard together Next to the hillside, the air and scenery are very good! The Daxiong Hall on the fourth floor is still being decorated. I believe that after the renovation, it must be a solemn dojo!
黃朝欽 on Google

The Qishan area is a good place to worship Buddha and practice. The masters are very compassionate.
Hsiu-Ting Chang on Google

The masters are very compassionate and help students with their homework. The environment is clean and elegant, which is a good place for chanting Buddha and reading scriptures!
鳥人法爾科 on Google

有關羅得的事跡記載於《聖經·創世記》第11至14章,以及創世紀19章內。(以下以創字及數字簡示《創世記》的章節) 有關羅得最早的記載,源於創世記12:5節,亞伯蘭(即亞伯拉罕的原名)接受上帝耶和華的吩咐,離開他原居的吾珥,舉家前往迦南地去,羅得亦隨同前往。然而由於當地出現饑荒,他們被迫從迦南地到埃及暫住。 羅得與亞伯蘭漸漸富有起來,並移至迦南的南地居往。他們過著遊牧的生活,而且擁有很多牲畜,以致當地無法容納他們,他們的牧人經常發生衝突。亞伯蘭顧及他與羅得間的親戚關係,遂向羅得提出分開各自發展。最後,羅得選擇了靠近所多瑪與蛾摩拉一帶的平原,亞伯蘭則住在迦南地。他們分開後,羅得漸漸移到所多瑪居往。 較濕潤富庶的土壤原為神的恩典,發展出安逸的城市生活,但也因人性的黑暗面發展而自為地充滿荒唐悖謬的罪惡,預表義人(羅德)憑恃自己的能力與先知的身分,選擇了讓家人趨附了充滿物慾污染身心的危險環境。 逃走中的羅得一家(魯本斯作品,繪於17世紀) Hendrik Goltzius作品,羅得和他的女兒們,畫中的羅得正被他兩個女兒勾引,1616年 由於所多瑪蛾摩拉發生戰亂,羅得與他的家財一併被擄走。亞伯蘭知道後,立即率領數百人前往救援,成功救出羅得一家。 所多瑪與蛾摩拉是兩個沉溺罪惡的城市,上帝決意要毀滅這二城,並差派天使前往營救羅得一家。所多瑪城的人不曉得是天使,只知兩個英俊的美男子到羅得的家,竟要求羅得交出兩人任由他們擺佈。羅得只好說:「諸君,請你們不要作這等惡事。我有兩個女兒,還是處女,可以任憑各位玩弄,惟請諸君不要對我的貴客動手。」正當所有人打算一擁而上,天使立即把羅得父女拉進屋內,並令他們無法進入屋內。類似情節於《士師記》第19章參便雅憫人在基比亞的罪行中亦曾出現。 天使告訴羅得一家,上帝耶和華打算毀滅所多瑪與蛾摩拉,並囑咐他們一家立即離開逃往瑣珥(英語:Zoara)。羅得的女婿並不相信天使的說話,故此最終只有羅得、他的妻子及兩名女兒離開。天使叮囑他們往山上跑,更不可以在逃命時停留站住及回頭看。耶和華上帝從天上降硫磺及火,把所多瑪、蛾摩拉及附近的一切都毀滅,然羅得之妻並無遵從天使的吩咐,在逃命時回頭一看,立即變作了一根鹽柱(燒成灰白色)。 此事過後,羅得為免被人知道他們是來自所多瑪與蛾摩拉,於是遷離瑣珥,到了附近的山裏與兩名女兒居於山洞內。兩名女兒為免絕後,決定親自懷孕,於洞內兩晚間,先後灌醉羅得,後與其做愛,而羅得本人因為醉醺醺的,不曉得與女兒兩晚間做過甚麼了。大女兒後來誕下兒子摩押,即摩押人的始祖;小女兒則誕下兒子便亞米,即亞捫人的始祖。 摩西在帶領族人出埃及時,雖然摩押與亞捫人是犯了亂倫的後代(預表犯罪的勢力),且阻擋了回歸的隊伍(預表經歷神的勢力),但神仍要求摩西避免攻打自己的親族,因此使得摩西與族人經歷在曠野繞了四十年的苦難,多次瀕臨饑荒與危險的滅亡邊緣,摩西更因此一再受族人的質疑與責難,讓摩西受盡遵守神示的考驗,才進入上帝應許之地。預表義人違背神示而安於趨附世俗利益,不僅害了自己,也可能阻礙了親族。 摩押與亞捫兩族人,雖未與親族互戰而滅亡,最後仍終歸走向敗亡。
The deeds of Lot are recorded in chapters 11-14 of the Bible·Genesis, and chapter 19 of Genesis. (The following is a brief description of the chapters of "Genesis" with the creation of words and numbers) The earliest record of Lot comes from Genesis 12:5, when Abram (that is, Abraham’s original name) accepted the order of God, Jehovah, to leave Ur, where he lived, and went to Canaan with his family. Lot also Follow along. However, due to the local famine, they were forced to live temporarily from Canaan to Egypt. Lot and Abram gradually became rich and moved to the southern part of Canaan. They live a nomadic life and have so many livestock that the local area cannot accommodate them. Their shepherds often clashed. Abram took into consideration his relatives with Lot, so he proposed to Lot to separate and develop separately. In the end, Lot chose the plains near Sodom and Gomorrah, while Abram lived in Canaan. After they separated, Lot gradually moved to Sodom. The wetter and prosperous soil was originally the grace of God, which developed a comfortable city life, but it was also full of absurd and absurd sins due to the development of the dark side of human nature. It represented the righteous (Rhodes) relying on his own ability and the prophet’s Identity, I chose to let my family cling to a dangerous environment full of material desires that pollutes the body and mind. The Rhodes family on the run (a work by Rubens, painted in the 17th century) Hendrik Goltzius, Lot and his daughters. Lot is being seduced by his two daughters, 1616 Due to war in Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot was taken away together with his wealth. After Abram learned about it, he immediately led hundreds of people to rescue and successfully rescued the Lot family. Sodom and Gomorrah are two cities indulged in sin. God determined to destroy these two cities and sent angels to rescue Lot's family. The people in Sodom City didn't know that they were angels. They only knew that two handsome and beautiful men came to Lot's house and asked Lot to hand them over at their mercy. Lot had no choice but to say, "Masters, please don't do such evil things. I have two daughters, who are still virgins. You can let them play with you, but please don't do anything to my distinguished guests." Just as everyone was planning to embrace them, the angel immediately Pulled Lot and his daughter into the house and prevented them from entering the house. A similar plot appears in Chapter 19 of Judges, see Benjamin’s crimes in Gibeah. The angel told Lot's family that God Jehovah planned to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, and ordered their family to leave and flee to Zoar (English: Zoara). Lot's son-in-law did not believe the angel's words, so in the end only Lot, his wife and two daughters left. The angel told them to run up the mountain, let alone stop and look back when they were fleeing for their lives. Jehovah God dropped sulfur and fire from the sky and destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah and everything nearby. However, Lot's wife did not obey the angel's orders. When she fled for her life, she looked back and immediately turned into a piece of salt. Column (fired to off-white). After this incident, Lot lest anyone knew that they were from Sodom and Gomorrah, he moved from Zoar and lived in a cave with his two daughters in a nearby mountain. The two daughters decided to get pregnant personally after avoiding it. They drunk Lot for two nights in the cave, and then had sex with him. Lot himself was drunk and didn't know what he did with his daughter during the two nights. The eldest daughter later gave birth to his son Moab, the ancestor of the Moabites; the younger daughter gave birth to his son Ben Ami, the ancestor of the Ammonites. When Moses led his tribe out of Egypt, although Moab and the Ammonites were offspring of incest (a type of crime) and blocked the return line (a type of experience of God's power), God still asked Moses to avoid Attacking his own relatives caused Moses and his tribe to experience forty years of hardship in the wilderness, and was on the verge of famine and danger. Moses was repeatedly questioned and condemned by his tribe, and Moses was fully obeyed by God’s instructions. Test before entering the promised land of God. A type of righteous person who violates God's instructions and tends to adhere to worldly interests, not only harms himself, but may also hinder his relatives. Although the two tribes of Moab and Ammon did not fight with their relatives and perished, in the end they were still defeated.
戴美玲 on Google

在這裡我的內心感受到靜謐 在這裡我找到我想要的學習分享的方式 在這裡只有團隊精神沒有分彼此
Here I feel the peace in my heart Here I find the way I want to learn and share Here there is only teamwork and no distinction between each other
David Lai on Google

Master Master Jiahui is a versatile and inspiring master. Let attending the Fa conference no longer just listen to a concert. And his ten years as Dianzuo (the chef of the group meal) in Fo Guang Shan has brought not only the delicious vegetarian food here, but also the collection of his 10 years of experience into a life book. The so-called "Golden Guest House, Silver Storehouse, and Pearl Agate Kitchen". Listening to Master Hui Zhuan's 15 minutes here, the inspiring thinking can go back all day.
HuiJin Shi on Google

Spiritual station
Hui Sheng on Google

F.G.S. Buddhist Center ? Have a good time with friends and family!

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